[4e][OOC] Clash of Steel [13th level]

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Althaea Ripace, Female Eladrin Warlord

Alrighty, Althaea Ripace is up. I'm not entirely sure how much starting gold and what magic items we get, so I approximated at 9000 gp and a level 14, 13, and 12 magic item? Correct me if I'm wrong.

[sblock=Background] The eldest of a family of 4 noble children, Althaea was given special treatment. The Ripace family has a long history of excellence in the arcane arts, and thus, Althaea was pushed to follow in these footsteps, studying the arcane arts from an incredibly young age, even by eladrin standards. However, as the years went on, it became increasingly apparent that Althaea could not create any magical effect. Even the fey step, one of the basic skills of her race, she could never perform, to say nothing of mastering it.

Therefore, her parents set their eyes on her younger siblings. Each of them had a talent for magic, Caerwyn for enchantment, Lysistra for evocation, Solander for illusions. But there was something wrong with that Althaea girl, they said. Thus, Althaea was raised with the belief that she was inferior for her lack of talent, and studied furiously to try to catch up to her younger siblings. Still, it was in vain.

After a few years of this passed, her family decided that they might as well train her to be useful in some way, and trained her in the old martial traditions. At this point, she had become resentful of magical power, and threw herself whole-heartedly into this new field. Here, she discovered that her efforts in the library hadn't been for naught. While she had not awakened her arcane arts as she'd initially hoped, Althaea had cultivated a mind like no other. Her capacity for strategy, for planning, for battle, was unmatched.

Eventually, she left the Feywild to explore the world on her own. There, she met up with the current adventuring party. While they've traveled together, Althaea visibly retained some of her former bitterness and mistrust of magic, but it has by and large gone away. Though she is still somewhat distant, the group has learned to trust her tactical prowess on the field of battle, if nothing else. In a fight, her ability to bark out orders in a split second has finished off enemies before they could even react.

(For flavor reasons, I'm abandoning the racial power Fey Step.)[/sblock][sblock=Personality]Althaea is generally somewhat distant and haughty to even her friends, save for a few close ones. However, in a bind, she will stand by a trusted ally without fail. She does care for her friends, but at times she's not entirely good at letting that show.[/sblock]
Basic strategy for Althaea amounts to giving other people more shots at what they do normally. She took Direct the Strike, so the extra hits can go to any of the party members.
Her "big" strategy is enabling a single-target nova with Create a Target, spending an action point, and hitting with Paint the Bullseye, pushing the target back a square and triggering an Opportunity Action from one of her allies. The first hit goes to Walking Dad because he can slide as an MBA or RBA and continue the chain (if anybody else can do that, please tell me). Last hit should go to Soril to conclude the chain with damage (note that each of these strikes was at +4 damage from Paint the Bullseye). Then on the next forced movement effect, start it all over again!


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Here's some basic info and a character sheet for Soril Asyaxalyn. I'll add his background later this evening or tomorrow.

Name: Soril Asyaxalyn
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Hexblade
Alignment: Good
Theme: Elemental Initiate
Background: Arcane Mercenary

Character Sheet.

"You don't seem to fully appreciate your situation. Let me explain. You all are mangy bandits with shoddy weapons, probably haven't bathed in weeks from the smell. I'm a dragon. I breathe fire. Now, I'll give you one more chance to get off this road...or you can get to know what it feels like to burn alive. Your choice."


Unraveling Strike Damage:
+5 (Charisma Mod)
+6 (Elemental Pact)
+3 (Fiery Blood)
+3 (Khyber Shard)
+3 (Arkhosian Scepter)
+3 (Ashen Rod)

Basic tactics are to use Unraveling Strike which forces Vulnerable 3 Fire on the enemy. White Lotus Riposte & White Lotus Riposte Master will be used with Unraveling Strike (which does fire damage), so they'll take 8 fire damage from WLT (normal plus vulnerable) and then get hit with Unraveling Strike again via WLRM. If both Strikes hit, that's 4d4+54 damage for the round (standard + immediate reaction).

When he uses his fire breath, allies gain +5 bonus to damage rolls versus the targets hit until EONT, and he can conceivable use his dragon breath 3 times a fight, though not every fight (1 extra use is with an AP, the other relies on him being flanked).

For background purposes, Soril left his homeland years ago and is well known in the mercenary circles for being a professional. He's a highly trained arcanist that attended one of the finest military academies in the dragon lands, so he doesn't like being compared to those "other" warlocks that achieve their power through dark and heinous pacts to otherworldly entities. His arcane ability is the result of years of refinement and hard work, learning to channel the latent dragon magic in his soul into more than just fire breath. He channels the elemental essence of fire through his weapon and walks with an air of accomplishment and not a little swagger. He's a dragon, he carries a sword of iron and living fire and he doesn't take any guff.
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First Post
Alrighty, Althaea Ripace is up. I'm not entirely sure how much starting gold and what magic items we get, so I approximated at 9000 gp and a level 14, 13, and 12 magic item? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Almost. By the book higher-level characters get level N+1, N, and N-1 items and the GP value of a level N-1 item, and any common mundane equipment they want (within reason). Unless I'm reading things wrong, that's 13,000 gp.

Almost. By the book higher-level characters get level N+1, N, and N-1 items and the GP value of a level N-1 item, and any common mundane equipment they want (within reason). Unless I'm reading things wrong, that's 13,000 gp.

Whoops. Gotta get rid of some stuff then. Thought we had more starting gold. No worries.


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Changed my equipment list to reflect the higher gp total. Most of it's fluff stuff.

Also, I switched out the Improved Skirmishing feat for the Mark of Healing Dragonmark.


First Post
Changed my equipment list to reflect the higher gp total. Most of it's fluff stuff.

Also, I switched out the Improved Skirmishing feat for the Mark of Healing Dragonmark.
Things I noticed when putting your character into the character builder

- you have not chosen a level 13 encounter power (and a lower-level power to replace). Was this intentional?
- Gritty Seargant is a Scales of War background, and hence not allowed for this campaign (though one of the benefits is of no value for a warlord anyway)
- according to the Compendium, Challenge-Seeking can only be applied to melee weapons, so you can't have a challnge-seeking longbow
- you have a two level 14 items (+3 Displacer Earthhide Armor and +3 Cloak of Distortion) and an item that would be level 11 if it existed (challnge-seeking longbow +3) as what I think are supposed to be your three free items. You should have a level 12 item, a level 13 item, and a level 14 item (if you want to sub a lower-level item for any of the three you can, but you can't get more than one level 14 item).
- you have two head slot items; I'm not sure if this is intentional or not

Also, one other note on background stories: If you have a dragonmark, explain how/why (either you are/were part of the house whose mark you bear, or just maybe you did a really, really big favor for someone high up in that house; remember that although the Houses role in society is much like it is in Eberron, the Dragonmarks here are not inborn, but the product of rituals known only to the Houses -- you can't get a dragonmark from anywhere else).
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First Post
Here's some basic info and a character sheet for Soril Asyaxalyn. I'll add his background later this evening or tomorrow.

Okay, first pass notes
- it looks like you are two point buy points short in stats
- I don't think you can attach a dragonshard augment to a Hexblade's pact weapon; at least, the character builder won't let me.


- I don't think you can attach a dragonshard augment to a Hexblade's pact weapon; at least, the character builder won't let me.

The hexblade isn't a physical weapon and cannot be enchanted, so I don't think this is a bug on the character builder...

Walking Dad

First Post

Also, one other note on background stories: If you have a dragonmark, explain how/why (either you are/were part of the house whose mark you bear, or just maybe you did a really, really big favor for someone high up in that house; remember that although the Houses role in society is much like it is in Eberron, the Dragonmarks here are not inborn, but the product of rituals known only to the Houses -- you can't get a dragonmark from anywhere else).
Are the names of the Houses the same? Which otherworldly planes exist/ are known? I envisioned my character as a mysterious orphan found on a voyage to a plane of elements/lightning/thunder/weather/air and "adopted" to the House very early in his life..

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