Spelljammin' (5e PBP OOC) (Full)

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1) What connects the ships?
The Moondancer's Hull is resting on the Star Moth's ceramic "wing-brace".
Or has the boarding planks not been laid yet?
There's a 5ft gap between railings, which is also nearly, but not quite 10ft down. It's easily jumped.

Any ropes tying the ships together?
Not yet, no. No one has acted. It's probable that a sailor or two has that planned. Ladder/planks are possible as well.

Describe the surface of the moth wings.
Sure thing. They hold their shape by a flexible rod and the sails are made out of a mesh fabric. The material of either is hard to imagine, but it's probably some kind of insect product related to silk.


It occurs to me that we never established a long rest happening, but that everyone started this fight "full". I think we can assume that a night passed in there as we left the planet (now a starflower) behind and began to learn what was what about life aboard the ship. I'll edit it into a post back a ways...



Don’t forget monks have deflect missile as
Reaction- not sure that was in the last round.

I honestly can't keep track of everything! Half the time I forget what classes your characters are. Let's see what that will do...

1D10+9 = [10]+9 = 19
... Looks like he blocked it. You can throw it back if you like, just put it in your next post. Phlox is at 4/38.
Last edited:


Possibly a Idiot.
Quick question: Are the other 4 plasmoids in the same relative position as they were last round?
I think every enemy on the upper deck is either dead or knocked off the edge at this point.


Quick question: Are the other 4 plasmoids in the same relative position as they were last round?
I think every enemy on the upper deck is either dead or knocked off the edge at this point.

Close enough to it, sure. The Star Moth is a decently tough ship relative to the Space Galleon, and they've got that cool sci-fi "bridge" section with windows, which makes them safe(r) from enemy fire, but their decks are pretty cramped.


Possibly a Idiot.
One more question, maybe: I am thinking that the feature in B052 is a domed window, is it possible for Glau to stand on it? If not, going below decks to board deeper would be the next natural choice, and that might need another map.


One more question, maybe: I am thinking that the feature in B052 is a domed window, is it possible for Glau to stand on it? If not, going below decks to board deeper would be the next natural choice, and that might need another map.
It's domed, yes. The ship is made of some kind of elvish ceramic, and it's contoured, going steeper from the mangonel down to the foredeck, where it's vertical. You'd have a hard time standing on it (though if anyone could do it, Glau is a good bet). But if you want to go "inside", it's down a short flight of stairs on our right (their port side) where the archer is (was?).

I'll post a map when I get home if you want to go down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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