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[4e] The Wolfcrown, Chapter 1


Squeal looks at the rest of the group

"This one believes the group should speak to this Sergeant Hedge, although this one is worried that the town may not be so welcoming till the true killer of the king is discovered"

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Doren looks to Squeal and nods softly...

"I agree that we should talk to him however we have the evidence that the jury wants to see... we have captain Teach within custody... they'll never convict us knowing we have him... they'd blame anything on him right now as he is so well known as a crook, thief, and mastermind that we are sure to be set free and blame placed on him."

Doren sighed softly knowing in some ways Teach had been played just like a fiddle as well, my Mansu himself. However the question remained did Teach let himself be used knowingly.. and if so why?....

"You all go along and question Sergent Hedge.. I have two questions I need to ask Teach.... and I need to do it alone." Doren said and hoped they give him the time needed to ask his questions.

Doren has the opportunity to slip away from the group, but he does not go totally unseen. If everyone in the group wants to stop Doren, they have the chance.

[sblock=ooc everyone]Be sure to post if you intend on stopping or following Doren.[/sblock]

Doren makes his way quietly back into the Castle's dungeon. He is still eyed suspiciously by the guards at the entrance to the dungeon. At the door, a guard thrusts his pike in the way.

"I know who ye are, Priest. I got orders to let nobody in wi'out Cap'n Scultone's express per...per...(the guard seems to have trouble finding the word)...Anyway, ye can't go down there without the Cap'n."

[sblock=Doren skill challenge]Please make me some kind of skill check if you want to get past this guy. Perhaps a Bluff, Intimidate, or the like.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC to All]If someone stops me I can ret-con the post here, just letting everyone know.. not an issue at all :)[/sblock]

Doren raised his brow softly at the guard and before saying something rash he spoke to him softly after a brief sigh...

[sblock=diplomacy check]Diplomacy Check... (1d20+9=29)[/sblock]

"I beg your pardon but I was one of the main reasons the prisoner was captured as skillfully as he was. Without I and my fellows Knights help The Cloak would have overrun the White Vale and Teach would still be free to chortle about the entire thing. If the Captain didn't want me seeing the prisoner then he would not have trusted me to go this far with his efforts to stop The Cloak and those associated with him! Besides I wish no harm to him as a man of the cloth I give you Blackmoors word I wish not to harm him nor set him free. Step aside please I have but a few simple and quick questions for the prisoner." the priest says as his tone drips with diplomatic skill and grace.
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"V-very well, sir. Just, uh, please don't get me in trouble. I, uh, this is my first day. The Cap'n just said not to let anyone in. But...I...okay."

The guard seems overcome by his stupidity and raises his pike, allowing Doren into the dungeon. He is free to approach the prisoner. The darkness of the dungeon seems an almost welcoming respite from the noise of the past few days.

The bright-eyed tiefling can be seen sitting beneath a torch against the back wall. He snickers as he sees you approaching.

"Well, well. Look who it is! Piss off, boy! Leave a weary has-been to rot."

[sblock=ooc Doren]Nice roll![/sblock]


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Doren pulls an old rickety wooden chair near the door into one strong arm and carries it over the the bars of the cell about five feet from the iron rungs as plops the chair securely into place. His large form creeks the chair as he moved to sit back and relax into the chair with his eyes closed for a moment as if meditating. With eyes still closed he spoke softly...

"Relax Teach it's just me and I'm not here to kill you, you're not worth the effort nor are you a challenge behind bars with no self defense, you know Blackmoor would not allow that. I'd rather kill you on the battlefield. Doren uttered softly as he still had yet to open his eyes until now.

Dark brown eyes looked deep into Teaches glowing orbs as he tried to read him emotionally

"I just don't get it Teach, you're a highly intelligent man... surely you should have known when Mansu had had his fill of you that he would turn a deaf ear and leave you unprotected at some point right? Between *just* you and me... I must know.. why did you let him just discard you?.. and was this your plan all along? It's bugging me to no end and from one man to another with no other ears about.. you must tell me..." Doren sighed a bit as it played a bit on Teach's softer side if the tiefling had one.

"You watched what he did to us... how he had us framed for Lord Hoods murder... you did not see him letting you take the fall for his little ruse?" Teach we are not that far apart as men wronged here you and I... given the some important informational giving my... 'friend'... the people could be shown another victim as we were.. a sixth pawn in Mansu's little game... You're as smart man Teach there is more you are not telling us... If you tell me what you know of importance.. I give you my word I will show the people you are nothing more than another pawn in Mansu's game.. just as I and my fellow Knights are... I will NOT condone what you have done.. but I will show the people the truth in how the player has been played here... all you need to do is tell me everything you know about Mansu's ruse and what he's planning. Doren said as he settled back in the chair again with another creek and fell silent waiting in hopes Teach would bite metaphorically speaking...

[sblock=OOC to DF]If you need skill rolls for any of this let me know...[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]No need for skill rolls.[/sblock]

"Did I know that I'd be betrayed by Munsu? Of course! He's the one who put Valencia in charge, and Mordenkrad before her. I'm just another generation of Munsu's second-in-command. He's already got a replacement in line for me. I can assure you of that. Actually..."

Teach takes a deep breath, then looks up at you, his eyes gleaming with a hint of criminal honesty.

"Actually, I'd bet you anything that my replacement is one of your friends, or maybe even you. When it comes to me being a pawn, I'm not so sure of that. I like to think of myself more like a rook. You see, I was pretty powerful. I was a man to be feared - but I could only do so much. And you, well, we already know that you're a knight."

Teach's expression changes from one of empathy immediately to one of disdain.

"You're missing the big picture, boy. You and I are not players in this game. We're just pieces - moved around by the whimsy of the Four. There ain't no grand conspiracy. Just a big ol' game."


First Post
Dorens eyes watch Teach as he speaks his form shifting a bit in the seat below him causing yet another dull creek and wain..

"Can't play a game of chess without the pieces now can you..." Doren said as he glued the pieces of Teaches rantings together to make sense. "What I don't seem to get is why are they playing this game in the first place? What is the ends to the means here... that is the part I'm not getting. They're ascended beings more powerful than anyone or anything on this planet yet ... I can't see him having nothing better to do than toy with us." Doren said plainly... "It makes no sense to me... as I said you're an intelligent man Teach.. tell me why he would toy with us like this... what purpose does it serve?.. And don't give me that 'because we are lesser beings and they just can because of this fact' bullcrap... tell me why you *really* think he.. or even they are playing this game with we mortal beings."

Doren then thinks back clearly.... to his dream last night and recites the poem he heard in his head to Teach wondering if he also has this dream he had....

"If it is knowledge that you seek,
Then it is I, with whom you speak.
From Ayur's lips, you hear the truth,
But how useful is the truth, sans proof?

The Four are mighty, brave, and wise,
And in this solemn world, we thrive.
Four are we and Five are you.
Will you survive Munsu's painful ruse?

I think you may, and Adele says yes.
Blackmoor waits to place his bet.
Munsu laughs, his dagger falls -
At random, landing on five more thralls."

"Sound familiar Teach?" Doren asked softly... bluntly..

"do you think Ayur's words mean we five Knights as the five thralls mentioned... or perhaps there are five *more* in the world that will suffer the same fate as me?" Doren says softly then looks thoughtful a moment before speaking again.

"If you ask me I feel this is a test.. and come the end of it.. I and my companions will be the next ascended. Tis my personal and I guess silly guess to some degree, however, I'd like to think I wouldn't play these games on mortals... however when one is a god.. one does as he pleases." Doren adds before falling silent and lets Teach speak...
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Teach smiles earnestly at Doren.

"My good sir, I think you've figured it out - at least in part. For years, Munsu commanded me personally, as if he were my immediate superior in the Navy. He often commanded me to do whatever popped into his head, sometimes forcing me to prepare a huge feast, only to throw it away when it was ready. To the god of trickery, everything is a game. Everything. When it came time to have your people arrested, he told me he was setting up the pieces for his new game."

He smacks his lips a bit, as if he feels dry and thirsty.

"As for the other gods, they'd never go to war over something as small as this. When the Seven became the Four, they vowed to never raise arms against each other again. That must be why they're...playing along."

He rubs the base of his horns. In this light, you can see the light dancing in his eyes, and you understand how he received the nickname of Bright-Eyed. He replies in a voice dripping with condescension.

"Now, priest, if you believe yourself the next ascended, I recommend ye to the infirmary. They got rituals and such that could maybe get rid of such conceit."


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Doren shook his head softly with a small smile playing over his lips..... his hand reached down into the large water bucket on the floor beside him and picked up the ladle within and set it before the bars on the cage holding Teach...

Call this the last act of kindness I ever give you again Teach." Doren said as he backed away from the cage and turned to head out of the room with the cell inside it..

"Something tells me this game of Mansu's is more than just one of his normal ruses. Something tells me this was a mistake for all those involved including Mansu. And don't forget Teach... the Seven and then the Four were no more than mere mortals just as you and *I* are here today.... I need not the infirmary..." Doren said not having any more answers than he did before... he hoped the others got better news from the Sergent they went to talk to....

Voidrunner's Codex

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