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[4e] The Wolfcrown, Chapter 1

[sblock=ooc]Vote decides it: you wait! Although you are not in chains, you have been asked not to wear your weapons or armor into the courtroom.[/sblock]

In the morning, you are personally escorted to the courtroom by Captain Scultone, Sergeant Hedge, and a cadre of heavily-armed guards. You pass through massive throngs of lower and middle class citizens. The guards walk you through the crowd quickly and professionally.

"Out of the way, here we come!" Captain Scultone bellows as he leads the squad through the town.

The courtroom is the same as it was when you first entered it on the morning of your trial. The judge, Mar Zephyr, sits at his elevated panel, flipping studiously through a binder of notes.

The prosecutor, Bray Trite, paces the floor, hands behind his back. His black hair is slicked back.

The court instantly freezes its attention on you when you enter the room. The judge looks up and the barrister stops his pacing.

Sergeant Hedge shows you to your seats, then smiles.

With a wink, he says to you, "We'll have this 'un sorted out soon, folks."

The judge begins the trial by addressing you in turn.

"Good morning. In continuation of our previous session, please relate the events that led to your...relocation from Castle Hood to Queen Springseer's Grove in The White Vale."

With a quick glance at Captain Scultone, you see the confidence in his old, scarred face. He smiles and nods, indicating that you should tell the truth.

A clank is heard, and a young eladrin is led in, whom you instantly recognize as Bounder, the Queen's bodyguard. He smiles when you catch his eyes.

The judge seems put off at first.

"Who is this?"

"Bounder, sir, of Queen Springseer's personal guard. My lady asked that I testify on behalf of these heroes. You see, sir -"

Bounder is interrupted by the judge, who interjects:
"Very well, Bounder, but let them speak first. You can corroborate their testimony afterward, if you wish. Does that sit all right with you, sir?"

"Oh, yes, verily. Thanks much, sir."

Bounder seats himself hastily (if not a bit awkwardly) on the railing behind the barrister. He begins to pick at a loose thread in his tunic, impatiently waiting his turn to speak.

Judge Zephyr addresses you again.

"Please, briefly describe the events of the past few weeks."

[sblock=ooc]Sorry for the long post, everyone. Trials just get me going, I suppose. Anyway, a brief comment will do, and we can proceed with the trial.[/sblock]

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First Post
Doren takes a sip of water from the glass before him before standing slowly... as asked he left his weapons and armor behind outside the courtroom and straitened his vestments a bit as he stands to his full height. Before speaking Doren takes a few moments to reflect on his actions along with his companions.

"Ladies and gentleman of the court... it it pleases you all I will re-cap what we have been put through in the past few weeks...' Doren said as he took in a deep breath

[sblock=OOC to DF]I'm sooo not going to recap what we've done so far and type it out it would be a HUGE post so I'm going to hand wave it heh[/sblock]

Doren quickly gives the court a summary and a re-cap of the hardship and losses he and his companions have gone through and who and what has been lost and gained in the past few weeks sense they were last in the courtroom.

"As you can see ladies and gentlemen of the court it was not and never was it our intention to cause trouble, death, or chaos... in fact this has been a game of the Gods in fact... one in particular.. Mansu in fact...and testimony from others later will confirm this fact. From my understanding even the wicked Captain Teach will attest to this fact in testimony later.

Doren slowly finishes his statement and re-seats himself and falls silent...


Thy wounds are healed!
Torath rising seems not at all like himself, perhaps an inch of steel wrapped around the holy warrior gives him cause to act differently. But now he says as humbly as he can, "I would like to say Doren's accounting is correct, and would add that if not for our actions in The Vale two monarchs would have been murdered by Munsu's plot."

He looks at the judge, "We had nothing to do with the king's death and I wish we could have helped prevented it as we did for the Queen of The White Vale." After speaking he hurriedly sits back down and stares at the floor.


First Post
"I agree with his account," Thorn says dryly. "The only thing I have to add was that during the battle, another assassin came for the Queen. My disguise proved effective, and he attempted to slay me in her place."

She pauses, then adds, "They may still be cleaning him off the floor."


Squeal stands and speaks "This one experienced events as its companions have stated."

The warforged makes as if to sit down then speaks again "This one and its companions seem to be the targets of a plan, what this plan is it does not know. The god known as Mansu seems to be going through a lot of effort to remove it and its companions for some reason. Perhaps it perceives the group as a threat or perhaps it is using the group as a distraction. This one is uncertain."

With that Squeal falls silent and sits down.

Judge Zephyr nods at your replies, and then motions to Bounder.

"Bounder of The White Vale, do you corroborate this?"

Bounder looks up.

"Oh, yes. As far as I saw, their story is entirely accurate. Queen Springseer also ordered my to remind the court that the accused are decorated Knights of The Vale, and ought to be considered for extradition, at the very least."

"Thank you. The court will take that under consideration."

Bounder is escorted back out of the courtroom, but shoots you a wry glance that communicates something to the effect of "See you later, friends."

Judge Zephyr clears his throat.

"The court now calls its next witness: Captain Talon Scultone of The White Vale."

The room grows quiet as the hulking dragonborn climbs up into the witness box, leaving his famous battleaxe leaning against the hard, well-polished wood.

"Now, Captain, please tell us. Can you confirm the veracity of the accused alibi?"

"Yes sir," Scultone grunts. His voice, powerful and mature, echoes throughout the chamber. "They've been instrumental in saving the life of Queen Springseer, as well as vital agents to The Orphans' Guild during their time out of prison. Additionally, Captain Teach, formerly of The Cloak, has confessed to ordering the murder of Lord Hood. These prisoners had nothing to do with the plot, and should they be acquitted, I assure their cooperation in tracking down the true culprit."

Zephyr nods.

"Very well. Captain, you're dismissed. The court will now question Wilhelm Teach. Guards?"

Scultone slides out of the witness stand, picks up his axe, and lumbers toward the door, where he stands to one side attentively.

A troop of thoroughly alert and armed guards escorts Teach into the courtroom. The tiefling's hands are shackled, but his eyes glimmer with his notorious charisma and cunning. He is seated and bound to the witness box. His chains clink as he settles into the chair.

"Good day, all. I see some familiar faces. We've got Cap'n Scultone, of course, and...Judge Zephyr?! It's been ages! How are things?"

Zephyr sighs. He's obviously had a few run-ins with this criminal, although you know not what that could mean. The judge waves his hand.

"Let's make this quick. Captain Teach, former High Captain of The Cloak -"

"Alleged High Captain, sir."

Teach grins at the judge, awaiting a reaction.

"Yes, very well. Alleged Captain, Did you order the murder of Lord Damarch Hood?"

Teach nods his head, but then pauses.

"Sort of," he says. "That is, I was ordered to order it."

The courtroom is silent.

"And who ordered you to order the regicide?"

"It was Lord Munsu, sir. He had me give the job to one of our - er, The Cloak's top men."

Zephyr stares at Teach in shock.

"You suggest that a god wanted our king dead?"

"No sir, I don't suggest. It's what I'm saying. It's what happened."

"And...who committed the act itself?"

Teach bursts out laughing. He seems unable to control himself, clutching his sides and giggling violently.

"Wouldn't you like to know! I'll give you hint, though."

In between laughs, he manages to gasp out -






The courtroom explodes into riotous murmuring. People all around can be heard whispering, "Who could it be?" and "Oh, no! What's going on?"

Judge Zephyr stands up and shouts to the guards stationed in the back.

"Block the doors! No one in or out!"

The guards look at each other in a moment of hesitation, then stand in front of the door, their pikes at the ready.

Captain Scultone rushes up to you.

"Get up! Stay together! We must find out if he's telling the truth!"

[sblock=ooc]The people in this room are as follows: Cpt. Scultone, Sgt. Hedge, Judge Zephyr, Barrister Trite, Libra Kell, Cpt. Teach, and each of you, in addition to an array of guards and about two-dozen middle-upper class civilians. Your move.[/sblock]

[sblock=Insight Checks]Passive Insight Checks suggest that Teach is telling the truth, and no one immediately grabs your attention. You may make active checks to try to further ascertain Teach's truthfulness.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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