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4th IR: OOC Thread

William Ronald


No problem. I have often found that new players add much to a game.

By the way, Edena is male. One of his characters, Edena of Neith, is male as well. (I believe the name is based on the Germanic languages. In Old High German and Old Norse, many male names end in a. Froda, which became Frodo in the LoTR, is mentioned in either German or Norse mythology.) Don't feel bad, a lot of people make this mistake.

Overall, I am for letting Edena do what he wants. It just might be easier for him to start over. (Heaven only knows what was on his computer.)

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Well I didn't say anything about an 'interim' IR for two reasons:
1) I don't want Creamsteak or others to feel committed to do it, only because we want to play. It would be great of course, but I want the eventual Moderator to decide calmly and rationally, 'cause being involved in an IR requires a huge lot of time.
2) I don't want the eventual Moderator to feel like his IR is not 'the real thing', that everyone will drop his game, no matter the passion he put in it, as soon as Edena show up. I deeply respect and admire Edena, but I think that if someone else wants to try, he should be given the same possibilities and the same respect we would give to Edena.
If you can show me I don't have to worry about neither of this problems, I'll play more then gladly.


First Post
William Ronald said:

No problem. I have often found that new players add much to a game.

By the way, Edena is male.

Thanks, and I know edena is a male, but I just got this picture in my head that he is a women, I know iyt ain't true, but I automaticly type she when referring to him. I usually correct it, this one just slipped my attantion.

Lichtenhart. I myself wopuld do it, because I just like the IR as a whole. and I am prepared to give it the time it needs because I like it so much and I know the others do as well.

Your second point id indeed a point of interest. Maybe whoever takes it on should not try to exactly copy what edena did, but build his own methods, based on the same idea.

I, myself, would proabarly choose Gnomes on the moon or the Gnomes cloning themselves as base idea, and let everyone gain control of nations to act on any situation that arises. I will probably counter the PL's that Edena made,and think of PL's on Selune or in other places myself. I would make great care to actually know what I am talking about before I write something down. I cannot speak for the other though.
I think everybody that joines the 'interrim' IR should continue with that one even after edena is back, or decide together, with the DM that they will stop or freeze it.
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A Poll

William Ronald posted a Poll on my IR Fourm.

So if you have an opinion about this stop over and vote. Otherwise WR is gonna feel really silly with only two votes on his poll.

Note: This is an EZBoard, so expect a few Pop-ups (like one per page). A pop-up blocker of some sort helps. And you need to regester to post.


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Hmm, I don't think a poll is really neccesairy, Some sort of poll has allready been done in this thread. The result s are up above, but I'll repost them. I think it is best if we stay in this thread, so as much people as possible will stick around.

Votes for now. (People with two coices have votes for both choices)

Freeze the current IR go on when edena get's back: IIIIIIIIII = 10 Votes
End the current IR, start another when Edena get's back: IIII = 4 Votes
Continue this IR with another moderator: 0 Votes

Also, people that have shown interest in another IR game while waiting for Edena: IIIIII = 6 Votes


I think we have complete concensus as far as stopping is concerned. I think we all agree, at least marginally, that there's no reason why we should shift DMs and continue. I'm sure we'd all be willing to continue when Edena gets back...

Now, I ask you this plainly, would another IR with me at the head be fun? I'd rather run it free-form (except I would have PL, and some way to 'advance' your nation, but that's it, and there would be no 'magic revolution'.), and I'd rather create the world specifically for an IR (preventing the 'hey, they'd never do that!' portion of using an established world).

Sollir offered to 'help', but he still hasn't explained to me what exactly this means. I do know that I wouldn't care any bit for 'emails', as they tend to get lost in my head, but if we keep everything on the boards that would be solid.

Would this be fun?
Would you all participate?
Is this a suitable 'Interim' (sorry, not familiar with that word, it's not in my vocabulary)?

I could 'compose' the map and lists relatively swiftly. It would be an "industrial Revolution" of a 'particular and isolated' continent, rather than an entire world.

William Ronald

Creamsteak, I think I would enjoy playing in an IR run by you. I rather liked what I read of the Rokugan IR.

It might be some time before Edena is back, so I think this would be a fun way to keep our group together. He might want to continue where we were or start over with a recruiting thread. (I was a little surprised how rapidly this IR came together.)

So, count me in.


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Count me in as well, although I would like an IR in fearun better, a world that nobody knows off before the carnage begins is my second option. Although I think it would be a very painstaking task to develop such a world in the detail that is neccesairy for a Good IR.

I agree that it should be done on the boards, not through e-mail. and hope you start soon.

My own offer on DM-ing is still up to, and that would include Fearun and possibly the other continents, but no other settings.
The base idea I have now is to create my own idea of realmspace. (discarding any information that is found in the spelljammer campaign setting) and then let the gnomes find a way to colonize it.

Iterrim means 'In between' basicly, and I think we should use a better word when we get to describing the IR. Maybe explain a bit more about your ideas, and/or make a seperate thread/poll where ideas can be discussed.
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creamsteak said:

Now, I ask you this plainly, would another IR with me at the head be fun?
Would this be fun?
Would you all participate?

I think it could be fun, the Rokugan IR was fun. I just hope you are able and willing to take the time that will be required in DMing the game and keeping it at a reasonable speed. I have no doubt you have the ability to run an IR, but the question is; Do you want to do it enough to commit to it?

I wouldn't be opposed to participating but I'm still not sure wether I'd want to. It depends on wether I can create a good new concept for a faction, I'm too locked into the God Emperor archetype and don't want to play that yet again.


Timothy, I know nothing of your ability to DM an IR. But if you honestly think that you could, that you really have what it takes to do that, I'm all for it.

I still don't know wether I'd play, that does not primarily depend on the DM.
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hmmmm.. well I need something else to keep me from being totally bored outa my gord.... so count me in if this new IR is gonna be a go.... I might need a little help understanding how it works... but I'm sure someone will be willing to help me out :D
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