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4th IR: OOC Thread

William Ronald

Okay, let's all make sure to go over to the Meta Forum to thank Barenndd Nobeard. (I have gamed with him, and he is a very good role player.)

I will wait until more people show up before I add my comments to the debate. Regardless of your decision, I must say that I have had a lot of fun and that this is a wonderful group of gamers.

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First of all, I must say that this game is the best I've ever been in, and that includes PnP games too! The players are great and the roleplaying is even better. William, Please Tell edena, that I thank her very much for a game of this magnitude!

As for a choice, I don't really know, a couple of days back I ould've chosen that another playre goes on with that, but I don't think it would be the same without Edena. But if it takes several months, that's very and maybe too long, because the game is SO fun. So My choice is that we choose another moderator that either continues this IR or starts a new one. When Edena gets back well see if we want to begin anew with an IR or not.

If there's any chance he'll comes back within one moth, I say we wait.


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The 4th IR without Edena wouldn't be a real 4th IR =]. So I also choose for freezing the game until Edena returns, which he will at some point.

Cream, if you'd start a new IR, I'd love to be part of it. It is sad the IRR didn't really work out the way you planned, but a freeform IR sounds more viable than one covered with rules.

Tim, IR's are really great stuff, I had the same experience with the third as you are having now. Enjoy it =].


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Bugbear grabs the remote control and hits pause...

I'm with the Freeze Crowd.

Besides, this might give edena a chance to whip up a workible rules set.


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Okay, I wasn't really awake when I wrote that post so let me rephrase it (I've changed my opnion a bit too)

I vote For freezing The 4th IR, but meanwhile starting up another IR, run by someone else. When Edena comes back. We can continue to run both, if that is possible. Otherwise we still had a fun time during the months that Edena was away.

I for myself would not feel up to the task of DM-ing such a game. But if nobody else does it and there is some interest, I will try it, although at a much slower rate, as I am not so stubborn as Edena is, and have a lesser grasp of the realms.
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First Post
Some random ideas for another IR.

The gnomes have managed to let Lantan explode, it has sunk which has created huge tidal wave that Engulfed much os the island nations and theSouth western part of Fearun. As a result The Calimshan Djinn have been freed too.

The Gnomes have found a way into space and have began colonizing selune. Sories of all untold riches are being spread through Fearun. And then ther is talk of Pirates from the tears.

The Gnomes have found way to clone themselves and have now settled by the billions on Maztica.

And I might think of some more, I just hope we do continue with AN IR.


First Post
Votes are in!

Votes for now. (People with two coices have votes for both choices)

Freeze the current IR go on when edena get's back: IIIIIIIIII = 10 Votes
End the current IR, start another when Edena get's back: IIII = 4 Votes
Continue this IR with another moderator: 0 Votes

Also, people that have shown interest in another IR game while waiting for Edena: IIIIII = 6 Votes
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I could put a hold on my other games exept Nocturnum and go fulltime on an Faerun IR... Allthough I'd have to think about that...
So the Red Death infected Edena's PC? I blame TFO! It's all his fault!
And I believed it was common knowledge that I am the very incarnation of Evil.
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