D&D (2024) 5.5/6e - Is it time for Wounds/Vitality?


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
The thing about Vitality/Wounds is that it doesn't work super well to port directly into D&D. Star Wars d20 made a lot of additional changes that impacted the Vit/Wounds system, including:
  • Crits were a range with damage straight to Wounds rather than bonus/extra damage.
  • In addition, this was back in d20 where crits had to be confirmed, making them relatively rarer
  • Armor was also completely changed, providing damage resistance rather than AC.
  • Defense was now a class feature that went up with level
You could theoretically do one or more of these without using all of them but they really worked out for the best in tandem with each other.

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There are healing options in the dmg.
I think they deserve to be in the phb, as tgey really set the tone for different kinds of campaigns and actually need to fit yor style, or otherwise balance between classes is way off.
There are some in the DMG, the PHB should be reserved for default behavior IMHO.


I don't mind hit points that much. But when the numbers get higher, it does tend to become a bit tedious.

However, Starfinder does something very simple. You have your hit points and your stamina points. Any damage is first deducted from Stamina Points, and if depleted, then goes to Hit Points. Stamina Points fully recover after some rest and there's plenty of ways with features to replenish them. Hit Points are a more long-term healing.

It was simple enough that it created no friction during play. I think they did not use the full potential of that system, but it's definitely on my inspiration list for some of my projects.
That is literally W/VP just under a different name:)


Doing the best imitation of myself
That is literally W/VP just under a different name:)
It is similar but removes a key component: you don't go directly to HP when you score a critical hit. That's a huge difference. Stamina has its own issues (namely healing spells only heal HP, which you only take after you run out of Stamina) so it has kind of a limiting effect against larger damaging attacks. You pretty much can't heal at all (in an encounter) until you start taking HP damage. Since the majority of your total HP + Stamina is Stamina, you have a much smaller margin for error once you get to HP damage ... and you can't fully heal back up in combat.


we already use a system like this, though we do it differently. not sure if it is baked into the base system if that is a positive or not for D&D in general

ps we use crits and it works well

I don't actually consider the crit to HP a main function of W/VP, but a siderule....one I agree that practically ruins the system (and why I noted in my OP that dnd would need to remove it if it was adopted).
Yeah, that's what makes it suck for front liners. You're subject to a bunch more hits, and therefore a lot more nat 20's. It also cuts down on the HP advantage from your class, as it was just based on your Con.

There are some in the DMG, the PHB should be reserved for default behavior IMHO.
As I said in my post above. I know they are in the DMG... maybe you missed that.
I think they deserve to be in the phb, as I don't think there should be a default healing option, instead there should be a choice of classical, gritty and heroic right int the front so everyone can see them.


As I said in my post above. I know they are in the DMG... maybe you missed that.
I think they deserve to be in the phb, as I don't think there should be a default healing option, instead there should be a choice of classical, gritty and heroic right int the front so everyone can see them.
I did miss it 😞 , but still think it belongs in the DMG with most of the optional rules. 🤷‍♂️

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