5E: Fifth Edition Monsters Inspired by Third Edition Sources



So you didn't fancy changing the final paragraph to the the "Flying Threats" proposed above?

That is:

Thralls of pazuzu are devotees of the demon prince Pazuzu. They were once ordinary humanoids but were transformed in body and soul once they enslaved themselves to Pazuzu. They now have black vulture-like wings sprouting from their shoulders and malevolent, aquiline features.
Advocates of Evil. Thralls of pazuzu seek to spread the word of their dark patron and in so doing spread chaos and evil like a blight. They tempt others to ask their demon lord for aid and step upon the slippery slope to damnation. When they cannot tempt others into serving their master, they plots to inflict death and torment upon as many innocents as it can. Thralls often call upon Pazuzu's favored creatures—any evil monster that flies—to aid their unholy crusade.
 A thrall of pazuzu views creatures that cannot fly as pitiful and foolish, and often uses the promise of flight to seduce victims into serving Pazuzu.
Flying Threats. A thrall of pazuzu views creatures that cannot fly as pitiful and foolish, and often uses the promise of flight to seduce victims into serving Pazuzu. Thralls prefer to fight from the sky while mocking ground-bound enemies. They typically invoke a shield of faith then fly above their opponents' reach while hurling down ranged attacks, spells, or their and their Breath of Pazreal or Noxious Spores.

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re swarm - ok but how do you want to word that

Well there's two obvious approaches.

First, edit Breath of Pazrael to include a parenthesized reference, like so:

Pazrael's Breath (Recharges After A Long Rest). The thrall of pazuzu exhales a demonic locust swarm into an adjacent space (see Swarm of Demonic Locusts for statistics). The thrall can exhale the swarm into areas occupied by other creatures, including the thrall itself. Roll initiative for the swarm, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands the thrall gives it in Abyssal. The swarm never attacks the thrall and recognizes the thrall's allies. If the thrall doesn't issue any commands, the swarm starts attacking random creatures and devouring vegetation while defending itself from hostile creatures and trying to stay within 30 feet of the thrall. An undirected swarm that has no victims or crops in sight will slake its thirst for destruction by vandalizing property. The swarm vanishes back to the lower aerial kingdoms after 6 rounds. It also disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or if the thrall orders it to return home.
Second, add an explanation in the Description, like so:

Thralls of pazuzu are devotees of the demon prince Pazuzu. They were once ordinary humanoids but were transformed in body and soul once they enslaved themselves to Pazuzu. They now have black vulture-like wings sprouting from their shoulders and malevolent, aquiline features.
Advocates of Evil. Thralls of pazuzu seek to spread the word of their dark patron and in so doing spread chaos and evil like a blight. They tempt others to ask their demon lord for aid and step upon the slippery slope to damnation. When they cannot tempt others into serving their master, they plot to inflict death and torment upon as many innocents as it can. Thralls view creatures that cannot fly as pitiful and foolish, and often uses the promise of flight to seduce victims into serving Pazuzu.
Flying Threats. Thralls often call upon Pazuzu's favored creatures—any evil monster that flies—to aid their unholy crusade. Their commonest minions are clouds of demonic locusts* they exhale with their Breath of Pazrael power. A thrall of pazuzu can bend flying creatures to its will using Bewitch Aerial Creature and delights in forcing neutral or good-aligned flyer to perform evil acts.
 Thralls of pazuzu prefer to fight from the sky while mocking ground-bound enemies. They typically invoke a shield of faith and use Breath of Pazreal, then fly above their opponents' reach while hurling down ranged attacks, spells, and Noxious Spores.

Note: The demonic locusts a thrall of pazuzu can breathe out are detailed in a separate "Swarm of Demonic Locusts" entry.

Might as well do both…

Updating the Thrall of Pazuzu.
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Is it worth tweaking the Swarm of Demonic Locusts so it refers to the thrall of pazuzu?

e.g. changing the final paragraph to:

A Plague of Pazuzu. These fiends were originally created by Pazuzu, the Demon Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms, as an entertaining means of causing ruination to mortal kingdoms on the Prime Material Plane. They are frequently summoned by Pazuzu's servants and cultists (see Thrall of Pazuzu for an example). Wild swarms of demonic locusts are now a common nuisance in some areas of the Abyss. Demons consider them trivial but potentially painful annoyances, much like a mortal humanoid regards a nest of wasps.
Might as well, right?

Voidrunner's Codex

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