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D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy


Korlin looks down at the items on the floor, and his face turns red, though he says nothing. He looks up at the Kenku with rage in his eyes. He turns to the wall and grabs a longsword, an ornate weapon with silver inlayed in the handle. The runes etched into the blade glow green as it bonds to Korlin's soul. He tries out the sword, watching Mim as he does. It is an exquisite blade, and one which seemed made for his hand. Looking it him, one can imagine he is envisioning the Kenku on the other end of his blade.

Mim gets no answer from the woman or anything else. It does not seem to matter that the items were not his. The magic in the room thinks he made his choice.

OOC: If Mim decides to try grabing other items, he gets the same shock, only this time he takes 1 damage for ever additional item he touches.

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Mim picks up the weapons and slots them in his belt and placing the ring on his finger. Mim makes due note of the Korlin and his reaction he would be trouble, Mim knew how to handle trouble. Raising the crossbow Mim steadies it at Korlin flips the switch, slots a bolt and finally rests his finger on the trigger before mimicking the sound of a bow string twanging and a bolt whistling through the air.

Mim did not enjoy killing infact he hated it. Mim had only killed someone once a young girl tried to steal his food, she pulled a Shiv he had no choice. After that day people avoided Mim hopefully his display would help him here.


Korlin, of course, doesn't take kindly to the Kenku putting on the weapons and ring, but he still says nothing. He jerks back as the Kenku mimes firing on him, looking confused when he doesn't have a bolt sticking out of his chest.

The ring, which normally requires attunement, reacts to the magic in the room, attuning to Mim immediately. He feels himself growing lighter, as if the hold of gravity doesn't have as much force as usual.

OOC: The ring is a Ring of Feather Fall. When falling, you fall 60 feet per round and take no damage from the fall, regardless of how far you fell.

Quentin notes both Mims items and Korlins reactions.
"So, Korlin, you have your saviour. You should thank Mim for his foresight or you wouldn't have proper weapon now." he says with a grin. He too flinches at the sound of the crossbow, but quickly realizes what happened.

And turning to kenku
"Mim, you wouldn't know anything else misplaced by any chance? Would you? Like something certain elven lady lost? The Academy will be hard without everyone always watching if they dropped something. By accident, of course. If you know someone and get the chance to advance over that someone at his expense, think long and hard before you do. Everything is easier if the crew is united. We don't know each other well" he nods toward dragonborn and red-haired woman.
"Or at all. But we could build a core of future rulers in their respective fields who all know and respect each other. Or we could become enemies for life. What would you prefer? I am Quentin Khad and I hope to captain my own ship one day and maybe advance my House interests throughout the world."

Turning, Quentin takes the trident similar to one he threw into the sea. Maybe a bit on the heavy side as if the wielder isn't expected to swim with it, but it is still a weapon he has more than passing familiarity with. As the blue glow fades, the weapon points are now sharp shells of sea creatures and the balance adjusts to what Quentin would want it to be.

He offers it slightly in front, head of the weapon above his head height"Who's with me?" he scans his new frienemies, competition, help...only future will show.
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Charwoman Gene

Dariana is overwhelmed by the choices. "It seems so momentous a choice. Like choosing my future. I almost think I should refuse to choose one," she says looking about nervously.

*inner dialogue*
She then approaches the oak staff. She felt it symbolized her search for balance, the natural material her connections to nature. Both a weapon and a tool. Yes, that is the right choice...
You know what? Forget that let's shoot stuff! PEW PEW ARROWZ!!!!
*end inner dialogue*

Dariana walks up to the oak staf, studying it carefully, but at the last secon\d backs away, walks over to the Longbow and embraces the weapon of her birth people.


As Quentin grabs the trident, the runs begin to glow, and he feels his soul bind with it. He feels it's connection with the sea, and the power that it brings.

OOC: For now, this is a Trident of Fish Command, as per the DMG. It has 3 charges, and you can use a charge to cast "Dominate Beast" on a beast that has an innate swimming speed. It recharges 1d3 (seriously? 1d3?) charges per day. It is also considered magical

The same happens to Dariana. This ornate bow glows in her hands as it sears itself to her soul. It comes with it an alertness against danger and harm, and a more keen sense of her surroundings.

OOC: This is a Bow of Warning.

This magic weapon warns you of danger. While the weapon is on your person, you have advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, you and any of your companions within 30 feet of you can't be surprised, except when incapacitated by something other than nonmagical sleep. The weapon magically awakens you and your companions within range if any of you are sleeping naturally when combat begins.

OOC: I believe we are only waiting on Zivar and Asherah now!


OOC: Keep in mind, these weapons will level up as you do, and will add more and more abilities and power as you gain levels. There will likely be other items gained, but these are special.


Zivar sees the weapons, looks around at the others, most of them bigger and stronger than him, and goes pale, his hands visibly shaking with the realization that he might not leave here alive.

He thinks back to home and the might dwarves that guard the caravans coming into the village as he eyes a large battle axe. He walks over to it and touches the handle, as he starts to lift and feel the heft he thinks twice about his ability to swing this thing without falling over.

He looks at Jordy and his wand wondering what it would be like to know magic, wondering if learning it would mean that he had made something of himself...

He walks over and looks at the wands. He looks them over and catches the old dwarf with the cane out of the corner of his eye. The image of him knocking out the Goliaths tooth replaying in his mind.

Zivar sighs "Well at least if I can't figure out magic, I will have a club." and he picks up an appropriate length staff/quarterstaff

Voidrunner's Codex

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