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D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy


OOC: Sorry, he's a Gnome jeweler, I gotta say he would go with glass, if I could be so bold as to say it's fashioned in such a way that it has facets like a prism or a cut gem?

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OOC: You may be so bold as to make the item look like whatever your heart desires, within the confines of what I said it was. In this case, a glass staff. Feel free to fluff it up as much or little as you want. It can even have a gem set on top, if you like, or be cut to look like it does.

Same goes for everyone. They always glow a bit when you first pick them up, but if you don't want yours to continue, then it doesn't. You choose the color if it does. These are special, one of a kind items. I'm giving them minor magical abilities at this time, but they'll get powerful. They have the potential to become as much a part of your character as anything, if you want it to.

Zivar's hand trembles with energy as the glass staff latches on to him for a moment. The staff is sturdy, much more so than its material would suggest. It could easily be used as a quarterstaff and not break. Also, defensive energies well up within the staff, granting further protection.

OOC: This staff has three charges. As a reaction, you can use a charge to cast the Shield spell. It regains 1d3 charges every morning at dawn.


Mim shakes his head at the sea elf's question before mimicking the sound of a barrel rolling followed by foot steps he then points at Korlin and makes the sound of a sack sailing through the air, at this point Mim's face turns a slight shade of green as he mimicks the sound of nails, followed by groans of pain.

Finishing his recollection of events he steps forward and offers his hand and a slight incline of his head to everyone in they room including Korlin.Quenting was right they live together or die alone.


The Academy
Late Fall/Afternoon
Round 0

Asherah watches the situation with the haughty elf in consternation, unsure what exactly is going on. She turns back as the group prepares to depart.

“Please allow me to aid you, Ancient One,” Asherah says to the dwarf, the elderly held in high regard among her people, but he waves her off.

And then the world explodes into light and they are suddenly elsewhere. Combined with the seasickness, the sudden dislocation is more than Asherah can take, and she rushes to a corner to hack up what little is in her stomach. With a sigh, she pulls out another mint leaf and looks around at the ornate room with the stained glass and the weapons.

And a significant reduction in the numbers of students.

A human woman appears suddenly to give them instructions. She watches as the others select weapons, and the strange bird-man gets in trouble for smuggling in weapons. And Korlin seems to take issue with the bird man, but Asherah isn’t sure what is going on.

“I agree with Quentin,” Asherah said quietly. “We are all in this together. We should help each other.” Her tail brushed against Korlin and she gave him a reassuring smile.

Asherah turned to the weapons. She was not much used to weapons, having not yet begun such training. She imagined she would have gotten some as part of her instruction at the palace. Most tabaxi had their own weapons, and she flexed her claws a bit. She was most familiar with the maces, the symbols of authority held by her clerical family members. Spears were common among the hunters of her people. The warriors and guards of the palace often used scimitars.

Asherah’s eyes moved with uncertainty over the various weapons. Finally she closed her eyes and said a prayer to the gods of her people and reached out. Her hand closed upon the haft of a spear.


HP: 6/6
AC: 12
Unarmed: +1 1 B
Claws: +1 1d4 S


Zivar was to focused on the task assigned to him to really know what was going on between the strange bird and Korlin but caught enough to know that others were trying to diffuse some tension.
He sighs, not lifting his gaze from this reflection in the many faces of this wondrous staff.
"Normally I'd be smart enough to stay out of this but they are right. We all have our own reasons for being here and we aren't all likely to be friends, as much as I would like that, but if we are too busy fighting each other to pass these entrance exams... Zivar's voice trails off for a moment, letting each finish the sentence in their own mind, hoping they think about it.

He watches the tiny reflections of his mouth as he speaks these words, notices the ruby red head of the staff and all the complex faces of it as his eyes travel down. Surely this is a sign from Rill Cleverthrush himself.

OOC: Just to be sure I understand the staff. Do I know the answers to these questions - Max charges is 3? Anything happen if it runs out of charges?
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OOC: Currently, max charges is 3. If you run out of charges, you can't use any charges. These aren't the types of items that will explode into dust on a roll of 1 after you use your last charge.

Korlin seems to calm a bit when Asherah comforts him, but he still doesn't completely take his eyes off the Kenku.

Asherah's spear reacts the same as the others, and she feels the same pull. This pull seems to ignite her passions, or perhaps is ignited by her passions. The blade of the spear bursts into flames, shedding light on the area. At Asherah's will, the flames will ignite or disappear.

OOC: When the spear is ignited, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. It also sheds bright light at 20 feet, and dim light at an additional 20 feet.

Mizzra winds up taking a wicked looking dagger, which she nervously hides in her robe, while Jorrick chooses a Battleaxe, which glows red at his touch. The Dragonborn chooses a flail, which radiates cool air the moment he touches it, and the woman picks up a maul, which doesn't do anything special that anyone can see.

The woman's voice fills the room. "Oh good! Look at y'all, all ready to go out and kill things! Now, in a moment that door is going to open, and I'm going to give you your last bit of help.

"Your goal is to make it to the Academy. That's it. No restrictions on how to do that. But you're not being graded on how quickly you get to the Academy. You're being graded on the way you get here. We want to see what you can do. Everything you do is being watched and graded by the Masters of each school. The more you do to impress one, the more likely they are to select you for admission. Got it? Great!

"While most creatures you meat are either friendly or of little danger, there are a few that, when in packs, might pose a problem. And then there's one that...well, we've tried and tried to get her out of this area, but she always manages to find her way back. She has a bad habit of eating our candidates. But if you stay clear of her, you should be ok.

"Alright now, get ready! I look forward to seeing you at Halcyon's gates!"

The door groaned as it opened of its own accord, flooding sunlight into the room. Outside its doors you can see that you are in a chapel on a hill, overlooking a vast forest. You can see the Academy to the north, the central spire high in the sky, but it is a good three days walk away, and that would be if there was a road, which there isn't. To the west is a mountain, and you can see a river snaking from east to west between you and the School.

The forest is beautiful, a place that bristles with magic and mystery. A sense of excitement flows over the candidates as they see the Academy, but also a sense of foreboding.

OOC: Here's how it will work. Everything you do is graded by me. Each school has a category. Every time you do something that pertains to one of the categories, I will either award or subtract points. If the group attempts something together, I will award or subtract points based on how you participated. Providing support for something that someone else did counts as doing it, as long as your support was crucial to the success.

I will not tell you what categories there are, though you can probably surmise. I won't tell you when you gained or lost a point. Point tallies will be hidden, and no one will know how they are doing until the end. Failing something doesn't automatically mean a point is lost. Succeeding doesn't automatically mean one was gained.

In the end, you will need a certain number of points in a given category to get entrance into that school.

This is also how much of the classroom system will work one in the school. You will never know how many point you have accumulated for each category.

We will deal with death as we come across it.

If you have any questions, go to the OOC. Let's play!
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Mim looks at the others before heading out the door at a brisk pace,not so brisk that no one would be able to catch him mind you, he keeps his senses open just in case as he heads for the forest.

"Kenku, wait! We didn't even introduce ourselves properly. And we don't know who knows what! How can we succeed if we scatter like leaves on the wind?" calls out the genasi.

"Gods! I miss my shield already." he thinks as he moves after kenku mime.
"At least let us form up! We should move as a group. Does anyone have any experience with scouting or tracking? I'll take the right flank or vanguard if no one else wants to go first."

Charwoman Gene

Dariana spoke up, "I've wandered the land most of my life, taking point would be okay by me. Most importantly, we're not getting there in one night, so we should look at our resources and see what needs are not met. That forest looks... not quite natural, so we'll need to be extra careful of how what we take as food. I'm gonna take a look around outside, but if its later in the day we might be best off staying the night here, gathering some foodstuffs, and getting to know each others strengths."

Dariana takes a good look around, then pops outside to get a look at the surrounding terrain.

OOC: Survival: 1D20+3 = [18]+3 = 21
Just trying to get an idea of the time, and look for the start of supplying all of us.
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Mim turns back round and makes the sound of soaring wings followed by an agonizing death squeal and motions to the wide open space around them on the hill. Pointing to the forest the Kenku imitates the same soaring sound followed by what he imagines a frustrated winged beast would sound like. Then he points to his eyes then points ahead scanning his finger in an arc. Mim hangs back a few seconds to see if the others understood before again moving for the forest. Life on the street had taught Mim to be uncomfortable in open spaces with no where to hide.

Voidrunner's Codex

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