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D&D 5E [5e] QL's Al-Qadim Game


For that matter, even Amina is a bit behind on the status of the party's investigation and purpose. :)

An IC bit of dialogue where our 2 oldsters give the rest of us an overview of things would be cool.

I like the sound of that. I can collaborate with you guys [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION], so if there's something you forget I can fill it in via exposition or a mouthpiece NPC.

We left it off with everyone meeting back at the Sheikh's palace in Tajar at night. Since we're having 2 to 3 new players joining in, it makes sense to have another scene with Sheikh Ali to bring everyone up to speed, make introductions, and answer questions.

New Players:

Definitely check out the 1st page of the IC thread! Lots of good tidbits there!

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Dusty Dragon
Yep, there's room for one more player (the 6th!) :)

I am a bit hesitant about the "stranger in a strange land" trope in this game for two reasons...

First, while we're having fun (and will continue having fun), this is also a playtest, and the playtest materials are all geared toward "Arabian Adventures."

Second, while you don't need to know a lot about the setting, having a basic grasp on things (e.g. al-Badia vs. al-Hadhar, the bond of salt, Enlightenment & the Loregiver) really helps. This is an Al-Qadim story, as you can tell from my original post.

If the game still interests you – after I've said "probably not" to the "stranger in a strange land" – definitely pitch an idea! And let me know if you're still interested, and I will PM you the playtest links.

I am not very familiar with Al-Qadim. I know it's a desert-based, "thousands and one night"-flavored setting, where genies abound and Fate and Poetic Justice are important themes. I don't know the bond of salt etc... But I *am* willing to learn! So:

1: Would a "relative newcomer" to Al-Quadim, someone who's spent a year or 3 in the land (vs "fresh off the boat") work? Enough to see some sights, learn some of the local going-ons and grow a few roots.

2: I know this is a playtest so I'm willing, heck happy, to try things. I see a number of backgrounds that could work quite nicely (at least based on their title), and the dervish sub-class or the horse path are intriguing. I'm also willing to dip in guardian fighter if you think it's something that is worth testing :)

3: The concept is something/one that some of you will be familiar with... Lal Qualandar, the wanderer. He comes from another continent/plane (it doesn't matter... if he's from another plane he hasn't even realized). He goes somewhere, adventure and explores from some time, then moves on, where Fate caries him. If he joins the party, it is because it's destiny! (someone suggested recycling character concepts for game and I decided that I am going to take this to its logical conclusion... and not the "jaded plane traveler" either). It should also noted that Lal Qualandar is meant to be a dervish so... that fits.

4: I clearly need to read up more to fully tie in this guy to the adventure, but I do note a few positive things:
a: His alignment (CG) goes well with the party
b: Lal is a seeker of truth. Vizier Akilah's (cleric of a god of Truth) would be a figure that Lal would be drawn to. Plus he's used to elves!
c: Lal is *not* fond of bandits, and while he isn't a questing paladin, Fate has thrown him against various evil a number of time. He would be easy to recruit :)

5: I already rolled my stats and he's *clearly* not over powered :p

6: As a mendicant, I don't need the party money :p
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I like the sound of that. I can collaborate with you guys [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION], so if there's something you forget I can fill it in via exposition or a mouthpiece NPC.

We left it off with everyone meeting back at the Sheikh's palace in Tajar at night. Since we're having 2 to 3 new players joining in, it makes sense to have another scene with Sheikh Ali to bring everyone up to speed, make introductions, and answer questions.

New Players:

Definitely check out the 1st page of the IC thread! Lots of good tidbits there!

Would my guy being in the employ of the Sheikh help matters?


I'll take the Grand Caliph. I can be his nephew. It's perfect. It's the reason everybody puts up with his antics. That, and he's really, really good at what he does.

It can be the reason he learned how to fit in elsewhere. He doesn't like always being recognized, so he's good at being other people. I'll write a bigger work up later.

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The Caliph of the Djinn sent Salahuddin to figure out what the efreeti are up to in the city of Janni. He is also to find items of power the Djinn had hidden in the city. He also knows the brotherhood of true flame are involved with the efreeti. I'll have to go back over the background on my character sheet for more details.

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Hmm. I'm reading through this, and it's very interesting. I feel like he fits more with the Al-Badia than the Al-Hadhar, but at the same time, he has spend much time in cities, as he is perfectly comfortable everywhere. So, I'm thinking that one parent was Al-Hadhar, and the other was Al-Badia.

So, I'm thinking his father is the Grand Caliph's brother. He grew up in Huzuz, and was introduced to all the luxuries that entailed. He was apprenticed (if they do that sort of thing here) to a Machanician, and in his childlike wonder he became obsessed with learning how to work the little machanicals.

Later, he was sent away to his mother's people, a nomadic Al-Badia tribe in the High Desert that prized itself on its fine horses, for an unknown reason (well, unknown to him). He grew to be a man here, learning their ways and customs. He came to appreciate them, and the freedom they had. At puberty, he discovered he was a Genasi. He was told by his mother's father that Marid blood flowed through his bloodline, though few Genais were actually born. This heritage gave him an advantage in the desert, as he could create water from nothing. He was a great boon to his tribe. So much so that when he came of age, he was gifted with his grandfather's sword, a jeweled Shamshir called Alqatil. It was a fantastic blade with a number of gems set in the hilt, which was in laid with gold. It was said to be the bane of all Genies, and had protected the tribe more than once. It became one of his most prized possessions.

He never stopped tinkering, though. Most of the money he earned at this time was spent on supplies.

He also became known for his impersonations, and his pranks, in the nomadic tribe. When he got older, in his early twenties, he decided to leave the desert and go back to the city. His grandfather gave him one more gift, an Aba which would protect him from any hot or cold weather, allowing him to be comfortable no matter the temperature.

He was welcomed in Huzuz readily enough, but he couldn't help but laugh at the people frolicking back and forth, flaunting their wealth. What was wealth but a means to an end?

So he started pulling pranks, using his unique gifts at impersonations to go places in the city that few of his status would normally. He was welcomed everywhere, as no one ever recognized him, and learned a great many things. And yes, he'd occasionally steal something here and there. He got very good at that. But the people he stole from would either deserve it, could afford it, or he'd leave something of equal value behind. To him, all material wealth belongs to the gods, so why not share? He is usually quick to give to others (possibly because very little he owns is actually his) and he rarely has more wealth on his person than he needs. Then again, he rarely has less than he needs, either.

Sure, he may have gotten over his head a few times, like that time when he killed the merchant's daughter's fiancé, but that was purely self defense. Or when he was caught stealing a rich man's priceless artifact. I mean the man had three of them.

But every time, he managed to appeal to his uncle. His charm and wit made his uncle, the Grand Caliph, laugh, and everyone knew he was his Uncle's Favorite Nephew, a status he greatly exploited.

Eventually, he grew bored with Huzuz, and decided it was time to leave, to the great relief of the city's wealthy. His decision had absolutely nothing to do with a young woman named Alayia. The rumors about how he fell madly in love with her, and that they had planned to marry, were completely untrue. He was, after all, a scoundrel, and she was a respectable daughter of an ambassador from another city. It was a real shame to hear about her and her family, being taken in the desert. Supposedly the Brotherhood of the True Flame were involved, but nobody could give any more information than that.

Either way, he left, and spent the next number of years going...well, everywhere. He survived attacks by raiders and assassins, one one of which he found a hat that allowed him to change his appearance to whatever he liked. He couldn't help but grin when he thought of the implications of that, and woe to the merchants of the world when he started using it.

He stumbled across the ruins of an ancient city, where he found a single, solitary ring, and upon putting it on, discovered it was magical, imbued with the power to shield his mind from intrusion. It also helped him lie better.

All in all, life was good. Until his Uncle called for him.


Speaking of the Ring of Mind Shielding, it can house his soul when he dies, or it could already have a soul inside it, one that can communicate to him when he's wearing it. I'm going to leave it up to you, QL, as to whether it has a soul already in it or not, and who that soul might belong to. It would be interesting to have some ancient spirit that he talks to from now and then.


Dusty Dragon
In the meantime, I have found a few old fan-based sites with decent info on the setting, starting to get my bearings. I need more information about the dervish in the setting, but I am seeing a possible opening to insert Lal into the adventure. *If* the local dervish are somewhat organized and support the Sheikh, they could propose Lal as a champion to help the Sheikh and demonstrate their support. They are a bit "late" because their contacts within the court aren't as good as some other group.

They would have prepped Lal as best as they could for courtly ettiquete etc, but the expectations are probably lower than for a courtier :)

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