[5e] Spell & Crossbones


(1) La Gloriosa del Mar is a scoop for my story book

(2) Etienne heared about a Nassau pirate with information about the shipwreck

(3) Why should the other PCs trust him? They can be the fur buyers who drove me to Antillas, and/or I can had fight with or against soem of them in the War (and spared their life or so).

All great answers :) Any other players feel like their PC could tie in with Etienne's story? For example, as far traders/smugglers or having fought in Queen Anne's War?

Since the current scene is a fight,we'll have to find the opportune moment to introduce Etienne...

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I am dissatisfied with the portrait for Kid and plan to continue looking. I am seeking a good-quality oil, a watercolor, or a digital fantasy photo of a sullen-looking mixed-race child. One thing I have learned is that there is a dearth of good quality artwork when you're trying to find a portrait for a person of color. This says something about our culture, I think.
Oh boy, isn't that the truth! I remember Ursula K. LeGuin speaking extensively on that topic regarding the televised version of Wizard of Earthsea. All her brown characters became white, with Danny Glover as the token black man. At any rate,one good thing about the 5e PHB art is that there is more diversity in the artwork. Anyhow, I'll keep my eyes open for art matching your desires.

So, Kid looks great! Before I get into the character build, I also want to raise major narrative questions like I did for other PCs.... How might Kid encounter the rest of the group? Is returning the coin to La Gloriosa really his main motivation? What is the nature of the curse of the coin? Might he be familiar with other PCs before meeting the entire party?

Hit points should be 19.

Sure, you can swap out longsword proficiency for scimitar proficiency.

Nice ability scores! Nice to see you're continuing the party's tradition of great rolls :)

Either Wanderer or Discovery could work, depending on how well-traveled you see Kid as being. I will say that Wanderer could be a lifesaver down the road!

As for his Seafarer Tricks, I recommend taking Sea Legs absolutely. Treasure Scent is better for modeling those Long John Silver types, and you can also pick it up at later levels. It probably won't be till 7th level or so when you actually do the dive for La Gloriosa. Of course, such estimation is always subject to changes due to player ingenuity/madness. :)


First Post
One fine question- Is the World History the same ? King William's War, Queen Anne's War, with the same output and battles ? New England denizens may resent Deerfield raid, but there are fine examples of French freelance Voyageurs like Pierre-Esprit Radisson who worked both for France and England up to his death in 1710...

By the way, i'm out of town for March break 1st to 6th.
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I also want to raise major narrative questions like I did for other PCs.... How might Kid encounter the rest of the group? Is returning the coin to La Gloriosa really his main motivation? What is the nature of the curse of the coin? Might he be familiar with other PCs before meeting the entire party?
These are great questions that are important and that I want to mull some more before answering. Your question about the curse of the coin makes me want to come up with some funky new curse custom-tailored for Kid, so I'll do that and report back when done.

Quickleaf said:
Nice ability scores! Nice to see you're continuing the party's tradition of great rolls.
This is where I cop to rolling three times, until I got a set that neither had two 7s nor three 16s. The natural 18 in Kid's ability scores already makes me cringe. As does the Strength 12, even after suffering -3 for being age 13 (that's a killer awesome Fortune, by the way...I knew right away when I saw it that I had to take it).

With your blessing, I would like to start porting Kid over to the RG. I'll add in the things you mention above, like hp and Sea Legs. And I'll think on the effects of the curse, too. One thing I am not too sure about is whether Kid has a relationship to any of the existing characters, and, if he does, which one. Kid's been an urchin, a wanderer, a ship rat his whole life. He doesn't have a family, never did.


One fine question- Is the World History the same ? King William's War, Queen Anne's War, with the same output and battles ? New England denizens may resent Deerfield raid, but there are fine examples of French freelance Voyageurs like Pierre-Esprit Radisson who worked both for France and England up to his death in 1710...

By the way, i'm out of town for March break 1st to 6th.
Thanks for the heads up about March, one week shouldn't disrupt things much. I'm guessing that we might even just finish the current situation by then!

As for history, yeah assume historical events are true up until March 1712. I will point out that I'm taking liberties with the exact dating of certain major historical figures during the Golden Age of Piracy and also filling in historical blanks with my own magical version of events. I'd describe the setting as semi-historical.

These are great questions that are important and that I want to mull some more before answering. Your question about the curse of the coin makes me want to come up with some funky new curse custom-tailored for Kid, so I'll do that and report back when done.

This is where I cop to rolling three times, until I got a set that neither had two 7s nor three 16s. The natural 18 in Kid's ability scores already makes me cringe. As does the Strength 12, even after suffering -3 for being age 13 (that's a killer awesome Fortune, by the way...I knew right away when I saw it that I had to take it).
This group has crazy good ability scores. I also emphasized that you're going up against really hard adversaries, so ability scores will not the battle win. If you're curious take a gander at the list of Homebrew critters & NPCs I worked up; hint: there's a CR 16 Spanish Lich in the mix.

With your blessing, I would like to start porting Kid over to the RG. I'll add in the things you mention above, like hp and Sea Legs. And I'll think on the effects of the curse, too. One thing I am not too sure about is whether Kid has a relationship to any of the existing characters, and, if he does, which one. Kid's been an urchin, a wanderer, a ship rat his whole life. He doesn't have a family, never did.
Yes, you've got my blessing to port Kid over.

For some reason I imagine Kid having encountered the dwarven boatswain and artillerist mage Old Zef ( [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] ) not long ago aboard a ship and maybe Old Zef was impressed at his skill with the rigging. How does that sound?


Queen of Everything
There is also the old "was on Blackheart's ship" so would know a few members of the crew. Since that was two years ago and Kid is just 13, he would have been only 11 at the time. Perhaps he had only just joined up, maybe by sneaking on board and wasn't found until they got out to sea. Then it wasn't long before the ol governor took over the ship on that fateful day and Kid saved himself by hiding out in the rigging. It wouldn't have seemed like family for him because he wasn't there long but he did see how the other crew members were treated and liked it. Then he went and got himself cursed with gold lust and found out we were all looking for the same ship so... this way a couple of us would recognize him but you could still stick with him having no family like ties.

Just a thought.

That might work very nicely as a backstory for Kid, thanks Queenie.

I started working on two very different Curses today. The first is static. The second is dynamic, and entails a homebrewed chart of variable mind-altering Curse effects based off a d100 roll. I haven't decided yet which approach I like better. I'm done with the static Curse and 3/4 the way done with the d100 chart. I put it to the side this afternoon and will work on it again tomorrow evening after I've had some time to percolate more ideas.

I think I've hit a bit of wall with coming up with a Curse for Kid, so I'm going to post the rough draft of what I've come up with thus far and crowdsource ideas.

As things currently stand, I have two Curses. The first Curse is static, by which I mean that it imputes a constant penalty that doesn't vary or need to be recomputed. The first Curse would also eventually require Kid to, well, no longer be a kid. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I like Kid being a kid.

The second Curse is dynamic, meaning that the effect of the Curse is variable and would need to be rolled from time to time. One major flaw of the second Curse is that it could end up being a drain on party resources. Also, while the former curse is efficient, the latter might be more fun but requires labor-intensive die rolling.

[sblock=Static Curse]Curse of Aztec Gold: You don’t age. When the Curse lifts, you suddenly regain all the time you lost while under the effect of the Curse. This includes age-related bonuses and penalties. Additionally, the Curse weighs on your heart. Literally. You have asthma at the most inopportune times. You appear svelte but weigh three times your normal body weight, and are encumbered such that your speed is reduced by 5, acrobatics checks suffer a -2 penalty, and you immediately start to sink if you enter water. Strength checks to swim suffer a -2 penalty. The Curse becomes permanent if you fail to deliver the Aztec coin to La Gloriosa no later than attaining 8th level. Other than to cast the coin back into the watery depths of La Gloriosa, the coin may not be disposed of, traded away or given away. Additionally, the coin is indestructible--not even a wish can part you from the coin or destroy it.

[sblock=Dynamic Curse]Curse of Aztec Gold: The gold coin you picked up imparts a magical curse whose effects varying like the tide. Other than to cast the coin back into the watery depths of La Gloriosa, the coin may not be disposed of, traded away or given away. Additionally, the coin is indestructible--not even a wish can part you from the coin or destroy it.

Die RollEffect
1-04Confusion: Per the spell description pp 224, except that the effect is focused solely on Kid
05-09Contagion: Per the spell description pp 227, except that duration is one hour
10-14Seizure: Overcome with shaking, and disadvantage on Dex-based checks, saves, and attacks
15-19Detect Thoughts: Per the spell description pp 231
20-29No effect
30-34Hexed: Per the spell description pp 251, except that it deals 1d6 dmg one time
35-39Hunger of Hada: Per the spell description pp 251
40-49Phantasmal Force: Per the spell description pp 264, except does not deal 1d6 psychic dmg
50-54Locust Swarm: 5' radius sphere of biting locusts center on Kid, Con DC 13 or 1d6 piercing dmg
55-64No effect
65-69Mute: Constitution saving throw DC 13 or become mute for 1 min
70-74Deaf: Constitution saving throw DC 13 or become deaf for 1 min
75-79Blind: Constitution saving throw DC 13 or become blind for 1 min
80-84Paralyzed: Constitution saving throw DC 13 or become paralyzed for 1 min, or 3 rounds if on init
85-94No effect
95-99Psychic Slam: A bolt of psychic energy from another plan deals 1d4 psychic dmg
00Plane Shift: Per the spell description pp 266
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First Post
Gunner Teague, who forms the old salt contingent of Caillou's entourage, was at one point going to have the Curse of the Aztec Gold bond. Maybe he and Kid served on a ship or two together, before the Tengu King gained some strange hold over the old man. For instance, Caillou's only interest in La Gloriosa is that it's a link to Baron de Pointis. Possibly Kid's curse, being a direct, magical link to the wreck, put him in the bird's path.

I like both curses flavour-wise, but they seem to carry some fairly stiff penalties. I like that kind of roleplaying challenge myself, but these seem fairly crippling. Given the way bounded accuracy affects your rolls in 5e, a -2 at 4th level is still your entire proficiency bonus. Disadvantage or just a -1 would probably be more in line with the system. For the second curse, its severity depends on how easily it's triggered, but I would say giving a wider spread to the milder effects would be onerous enough, while even at lower percentage chances the nastier effects would still be plenty frightening. Moreso, possibly-- the possibility of bad luck is probably more suspenseful than the inevitability of something bad.

Thanks for the input. I'm going to operate under the tenet that mo' simple is mo' better. Static curse it is. Like you, I like a semi-crippling roleplaying challenge. Not to the point that the character becomes a burden rather than a boon to the party, however, so I'll nerf the effects of the static curse a bit.

Porting over to the RG in 3...2...1...

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