[5e] Spell & Crossbones

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Oof. Some bad rolls, there.
Yeah. But good call on wanting to use the Touch of Death on the Seawolf! One thing you'll notice I do as a DM is I avoid "nothing happens" as my answer to a PC's failed check or attack. I find that boring. Instead I like to present a twist that does one of these things:

  • Provides the PC with new information.
  • Reveals a risky opening or weakness the PC can exploit next turn.
  • Changes positioning or the environment in some way.
  • Introduces a complication which could work against the PC, or for them with a bit of clever thinking.

Not sure which it will be for Caillou this time around, but since you're also a DM (and there are other DMs in the group) thought I'd be transparent about how I operate. For my own face-to-face players knowing this cushions the "letdown" of bad dice rolls, and introduces a bit of fun anxiety too, we've found.


First Post
That does help me to feel a little better after rolling three 1s and a 3 on what I had hoped was going to be a pretty dramatic moment. :)


First Post
Would identifying the bomb be some sort of check? What about just how long we've got before it goes off, and would that take an action? Going by D'avard and co, it's going to be some sort of smoke or stink or poison rather than fire and shrapnel, but regardless I want it out of the house or extinguished, but I'm not sure if we've got any chance to do either one before it goes off.
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Nia, any wind or water magic to put this thing out or usher it outside? [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] Would chill touch be any use in snuffing that spark?

D'avard's only got one attack left, so one of us magic users had better try and take him out.


First Post
I got Flaming Sphere. Might set it off prematurely. :)

That's all I got spellwise that'd be relevant though.

I could try to shoot it out of his hand, maybe.


Would identifying the bomb be some sort of check? What about just how long we've got before it goes off, and would that take an action? Going by D'avard and co, it's going to be some sort of smoke or stink or poison rather than fire and shrapnel, but regardless I want it out of the house or extinguished, but I'm not sure if we've got any chance to do either one before it goes off.

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Nia, any wind or water magic to put this thing out or usher it outside? [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] Would chill touch be any use in snuffing that spark?

D'avard's only got one attack left, so one of us magic users had better try and take him out.

The bomb is not lit yet. That will happen on the pirates' initiative count.

Figuring out what kind of bomb it is will require close examination, probably sniffing it or opening up the outer shell.

Good thoughts. Also keep in mind they want to take The Tengu King alive for their captain, so they probably don't plan on detonating an explosive with him in the blast radius.


[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Nia, any wind or water magic to put this thing out or usher it outside? [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] Would chill touch be any use in snuffing that spark?

Hey, include ALL the magic users when you say us ;)

But Old Zef has been around a long, long time. And he has several tricks up his sleeve for this event. I do have Gust of Wind prepared if it is a gas, but I think soaking the wick may work better. But I have us covered.


First Post
:) I would've included you @Fenris, as the spellcaster with the biggest bag of tricks to draw on, but I thought the bomb was already lit and Shayuri and I are on the initiative counts between D'avard and his pirates, so I'm still worried One-Eye will get to act before we can stop him. But I also wanted to finish off D'avard this round for sure, and since that requires magical damage, that'll also have to be one of we three.

@Shayuri, in that case, think you can take out D'avard? Once he drops, I can transfer hex to anyone in range. If I can place it on One-Eye and then land a melee hit, I can stack 1d4 + 3 piercing (dagger) + 1d6 + 13 necrotic damage (Touch of Death) and possibly throw in an Intimidation check to break his nerve before he lights the bomb.
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:) I would've included you [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION], as the spellcaster with the biggest bag of tricks to draw on, but I thought the bomb was already lit and Shayuri and I are on the initiative counts between D'avard and his pirates, so I'm still worried One-Eye will get to act before we can stop him. But I also wanted to finish off D'avard this round sure, and since that requires magical damage, that'll also have to be one of we three.

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], in that case, think you can take out D'avard? Once he drops, I can transfer hex to anyone in range. If I can place it on One-Eye and then land a melee hit, I can stack 1d4 + 3 piercing (dagger) + 1d6 + 13 necrotic damage (Touch of Death) and possibly throw in an Intimidation check to break his nerve before he lights the bomb.

Yeah, yeah :p
But quite right on your reasoning.

That Intimidation idea sounds nice, might be a good way to buy a round on the bomb.

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