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D&D 5E 5E Sunless Citadel - CG

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Edgar, Paladin 1

Edgar thanks tordak then heads back to the north door readying near the door, "When we're ready." he says to no one in particular.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 10/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 2/3
Lay on Hands 5/5[/SBLOCK]

Charwoman Gene

The door opens easily to reveal a hallway heading due west. The hall ends at a door, and there is a door to the north, and one to the south.
SC map 1.png

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Kuhl looks to the door heading south. Is there a lock mechanism?
"This isn't where you felt the undead, is it?" he checks. He will see if someone else is willing to open the door.


First Post
Ara, High Elf Wizard

Ara follows the party into the hallway through the North door. He watches Kuhl examine the doors.

"If no one objects, I can try the doors with a spell." after waiting to see if anyone objects, Ara mutters an arcane phrase and makes a few hand motions. A spectral hand appears in the hallway between the three doors. The hand cautiously attempts to open each of the three doors. Ara is careful to not open any of the doors, but merely to see if they can be opened.

OOC: Charwoman_Gene, I never got a response to Ara's investigation of the three arrows in special sockets. Do you need an investigation roll?
Mage Hand ~10 pounds of force.
Who remains perched on a ledge in the central area.

[SBLOCK=Ara]Ara, Level 1 - Male High Elf Wizard -
HP: 7/7, AC:16 Active Spells: Mage Armor
Initiative: +3, Speed: 30ft, Senses: Passive Perception 12, Darkvsion <60ft Dark is dim, Dim is light
Saving Throws Str -1, Con +1, Dex + 3, *Int +5, *Wis +2, Chr 0
By Popular Demand
Fey Ancestry - adv vs. charmed, immune sleep

Longbow: +5 1d8+3
Short Sword: +5 1d6+3

C - Green Flaming Blade, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion,Prestidigitation
1st (1/2) - Mage Armor, Silent Image, Shield,Sleep
[SBLOCK=Who, Owl Familiar]Familiar Who, Owl
Perception +3, Stealth +3, Passive Per 13, Darkvision <120ft Dark is dim, Dim is light
AC 11, HP 1
Flyby: provokes no opportunity attack when it flies out of enemy reach
Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or sight

Charwoman Gene

GM: You'll need to either cast a spell / use a ritual or take a short rest to figure out what is special about the arrows. Your normal investigation reveals that they are very, very nice arrows. If you have a guess, you are probably right.

The door to the south has an obvious lock. The other two appear to push out from the hallway.

You push slightly on the doors, they are swollen with humidity, and while a stronger force seems like it would work, the doors only move fractionally from the mage hand.


First Post
Ara, High Elf Wizard

Ara sees that the door to the South is locked and the other two doors (West and North) are swollen shut, but not locked. Ara starts to ask the party "Try to Pick the locked southern door or try the...", when he sees Kuhl put his shoulder to the Southern door in an attempt to open the door.

Ara mutters "That answers that." while draws and readies his bow, taking a position in the middle of the corridor, where he can shoot at any of the three doors.

OOC: Free Action: Ready Bow and Arrow
Move: Middle of Corridor with a shot at all three doors
Action: Ready to shoot any target that Appears
Note: Because of his position, Ara would only have a partial shot into the Southern Room.
[MENTION=3552]Char[/MENTION]woman_Gene, Thanks for the update on those arrows. I will wait for the first rest. Probably need to chat with you about Detect Magic (Ara has) vs. Identify (Ara does not have). Can Ara quickly swap his quiver for one of the skelton's quivers with the special socket?

[SBLOCK=Ara]Ara, Level 1 - Male High Elf Wizard -
HP: 7/7, AC: 16 Active Spells: Mage Armor
Initiative: +3, Speed: 30ft, Senses: Passive Perception 12, Darkvsion <60ft Dark is dim, Dim is light
Saving Throws Str -1, Con +1, Dex + 3, *Int +5, *Wis +2, Chr 0
By Popular Demand
Fey Ancestry - adv vs. charmed, immune sleep

Longbow: +5 1d8+3
Short Sword: +5 1d6+3

C - Green Flaming Blade, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion,Prestidigitation
1st (1/2) - Mage Armor, Silent Image, Shield,Sleep
[SBLOCK=Who, Owl Familiar]Familiar Who, Owl
Perception +3, Stealth +3, Passive Per 13, Darkvision <120ft Dark is dim, Dim is light
AC 11, HP 1
Flyby: provokes no opportunity attack when it flies out of enemy reach
Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or sight


Edgar, Paladin 1

As Ara and Kuhl try and open the doors with magic and force Edgar stands ready, paying particular attention to the west most door. "I believe the undead I sensed are through there. He says to the group.

OOC: As I understand it the west most door is where the undead were. If that is wrong, let me know and I'll edit the post to reflect that.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 10/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 2/3
Lay on Hands 5/5[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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