D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Deities (Part X: Dawn War Deities)

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Follower of the Way
Avandra 4
Bahamut 3 -2 = 1
Raven Queen 8 +1 = 9

Sehanine 8

[Mortal Kombat voice]: FINISH HIM!

Avandra 4 - 2 = 2
Bahamut 1 + 1 = 2

Raven Queen 9
Sehanine 8

Besides, need I remind folks, Sehanine is Selune, and Avandra is rather similar to both Olladra (goddess of change and luck in Eberron) and Yondalla (goddess of travel and halflings in Greyhawk)--to the point that Avandra looks like a near syncretism of the two. If we are wanting to avoid duplicate entries in the final list, Bahamut is neither the primary nor secondary target here.

Voidrunner's Codex

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