D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part I: Artificer) Battle Smith Advances!

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Artificer, Artillerist 5 -2 =3
Artificer, Battle Smith 7 +1 =8

Neither of these has a suitably fantastic name; neither of these resonates with me; but the image of an anime rocket propelled grenade is the worse of the two.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Her long gun assembled from its composite parts, the semi-regularly tessellated refraction ring aligned, ballistic laser crystal ionizing the rare gas into plasma in the chamber, repelling parallel tines resonating on the specialized frequency that would guide the laser-accelerated ball of plasma out toward the target, Kid took a long slow breath.

“Almost there, bud. Just stand still for a moment, and I’ll put you and your little dog-shaped pocket watch out of your misery.”


Heretic of The Seventh Circle

Neither of these has a suitably fantastic name; neither of these resonates with me; but the image of an anime rocket propelled grenade is the worse of the two
But that isn’t an image in the actual book. It’s just an image you decided to add to it in your own head canon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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