A-1 Lost Knowledge of Arcanix, thread 2

Standing near the back of the group, Wulfcyne's ccold blue eyes move to the revealed blade, bright with anticipation as the stocky warrior cocks his head at Nuria's words, flicking his intense gaze to the thinner and older Dean.

Rugged face impassive, the Brelander remembers he's far from home and in a den of Wizardry, while remarking under his breath, Anythin' else tha warrior left fer us?

Finally checking himself with his teammates, the shaggy human's long dirty hair spills out as he removes the bright helm from his wide head, shaking left and right to cover his gaze at Koh'Tara and Links, noting the wise woman's intense gaze.

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The Dean answers Wulfcyne No, he didn't leave any thing else for you. To be frank, I didnt expect he would actually come,given the situation you described.

Rest assured though Nuria. Makharat is still here at the University.

As he changes the subject he becomes more frank and his droops slightly
" I was telling the truth about the research. This was research being done on the potentiality of Dragonmarks to be enhanced. We are getting very,very close to a breakthrough. Trouble is, things have bee na mess here for a while. The Twelve comissioned the report,but now that it seems close to fruition they seem to be getting impatient. Especially House Cannith. Thrability to enhance Dragonamrks cobined with Cannith's will, they could greatly increase their output, especially in the real of artifact level equipment. It could allow them to make the next great invention, improve on the Warforged even. It is highly valuable research,but frankly, there needs to be a certain amount of openness here in order for my assistants and I to be able to properly work on it. And yes, occasionally, the papers grow legs and wind up in odd corners of the library,which is why I hired you all in the first place to find it. So frankly, I cannot assure that it will not be issued by the twelve as,technically and legally, the research is theirs, it just is not complete yet.

And for every misuse of this, there are god uses. The more bones House Jorasco can mend the better society will be. Deneith can become better guardians. The halflings of House Ghallanda will be able to conjure up levels of comfort I cannot even imagine yet and Vadalis can make stronger healthier animals, to the benefit of all. This is a good thing. does it have the potential for misuse,yes. But I trust the Twelve to handle this well enough."

[sblock=Koh'tara] He does not seem particularly uncomfortable or to be deliberately concealing anything, as far as you can tell.[/sblock]

Nuria folds her arms across her chest and stands as tall as possible. Looking directly at the Dean, she demands;

I need to see Makharat for myself to ensure he is unharmed. After all, he did have a long journey here and anything could have happened along the way. If he is in need of healing, Koh'Tara can help with that. if he will not meet with me, then perhaps he will meet with Koh'Tara. Also, did you pay him his share of the reward yet? He did earn it by helping us to retrieve the research from those who would misuse it for evil.

Wulfcyne narrowed eyes flick back between Nuria and the Dean, interjecting gruffly, 'Ye truly believe tha' more good will come from this'n research than ill?'

As the large warrior moved forth so to stand next to the desk, looming over the Dean. Casting a glance at the Wise Woman, the human waits to hear more....

"A weapon such as this is only dangerous if it is in one hand. If all the houses have it, they will continue to keep each other in check," Koh'Tara says, pleased with the Dean's ideas of practical uses, and distribution to all.

The Dean looks to Nuria. " Well, whether or not Makharat will meet with you is entirely up to him, as per an arrangement he made with me. And he will recieve his share, believe me. He goes back to grab a few pieces of paper, which seem to be bonds from House Kundarak. Are you ready to collect on your reward yet?

Hearing Koh'Tara's words, Wulfcyne nods in agreement and after the Dean's words, intones, 'Aye. We be takin' our'n reward an' givin' ye the research, though 3 others had designs on't an' we 'ad to risk much inna fight wit' Aberrants. Where be our'n gold?'

Placing a roughly scarred hand upon the glowing hilt of the shortsword, the warrior raises it for inspection and says off handedly to Nuria, 'After we be paid, I leave fer Sharn. Give me regards ta Makharat.'

I understand your refusal to speak to Makharat. While his motivations are certaintly foreign to me, I still wish to make sure he is alright.

As for your research Dean, it is quite interesting. You say that it is unfinished? Too bad. While we were in Sharn, I was contacted by House Cannith. Their offer for the research was quite impressive. Fortunately, I keep my promises and we will give the research back to you.

Wulfcyne chuckles at Nuria replying mirthlessly, 'I be doutin' tha', oh White Wizard. An' know I ain't refusin' squat; tis the Waster tha' done quit us. If he wan' ta be the lone wolf, I say let 'em. Me thinks Nuria be kinda sweet on ole' Makharat though, an' tha' be downright sugary 'nuff ta gag on.'

Snorting at the White Wizard's continued coddling of the Tiefling, the Warrior glances to the rest of the group and suggests openly, 'I'll be foregoin' me 800 galifars an take tha sword, if ye all agree. If'n not, how should we be splittin' our'n treasure?'

At Wulfcyne's comment about her being sweet on Makharat, Nuria turns and glares at him.

Perhaps we should show the Dean the papers before we worry too much about the reward. she says as nicely as possible while smiling.

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