A D&D Edition... into a SINGLE picture... (?)


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disclaimer: i like all of these bands.


Not to derail the thread or such, but who are those guys? Just on appearance alone I'd be interested in what they sound like.

/end derail

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First Post
Not to derail the thread or such, but who are those guys? Just on appearance alone I'd be interested in what they sound like.

/end derail

they are Abney Park, a goth-turned-steampunk band formed in 2004 (ish) and releasing steampunk themed albums since 2008. I don't necessarily think 4e is better able to do steampunk than other editions, it just so happens that steampunk has come into vogue around the same time as 4e. It could be said that much as steampunk is an exageration of victorian aesthetics, 4e is as much an exageration of medieval europe. Each in turn is more interested in evoking excitement from an impossible setting than staying true to the reality of the original material.

I wonder if it's obvious that I predominantly play 4e :p .


First Post
I call foul since everyone knows that Abney Park ISN'T even a DnD Derivative, they are a Heresy Derivative! :D

i was not aware of this product. i was already able to get my girlfriend to play D&D, but i bet she would be more open to this since she loves abney park and steampunk.

oops, this thread is quickly going off the rails for reasons completely unrelated to the guy who literally threadcrapped *shudder*
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