A D&D Edition... into a SINGLE picture... (?)

Dark Mistress

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I was using pic's of cosplay, if you notice the 3e one was of a Everquest image. My point was, we are all playing pretend, pretending to be someone we are not, pretending to live in another world and pretending to go on epic adventures. That's the whole point of DnD regardless of edition or other RPG's and that was my point.
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First Post
I was using pic's of cosplay, if you notice the 3e one was of a Everquest image. My point was, we are all playing pretend, pretending to be someone we are not, pretending to live in another world and pretending to go on epic adventures. That's the whole point of DnD regardless of edition or other RPG's and that was my point.

Don't feed the troll.


First Post
I was using pic's of cosplay, if you notice the 3e one was of a Everquest image. My point was, we are all playing pretend, pretending to be someone we are not, pretending to live in another world and pretending to go on epic adventures. That's the whole point of DnD regardless of edition or other RPG's and that was my point.

It would be much easier to believe you if you didn't purposefully equate 4E to WoW when there are literally thousands of other images that would pop up on GIS first. But, nope, you fall back on the standard 4E = WoW thing.

But that was a nice try
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I was using pic's of cosplay, if you notice the 3e one was of a Everquest image. My point was, we are all playing pretend, pretending to be someone we are not, pretending to live in another world and pretending to go on epic adventures. That's the whole point of DnD regardless of edition or other RPG's and that was my point.

I had to look it up because I didn't understand what the problem was. If anyone else lives under a rock like me, those are WoW cosplayers.

FWIW, I didn't see anything wrong with your post, though since many people keep comparing 4e to that game, I should probably try it out (though I don't really like video games as much as I used to, and I would be reluctant to put out a monthly subscription for something I would only use occasionally).

Edit: I missed the last couple of posts after the one I replied to, so I guess it would have been obvious by the time they got to mine, if they didn't know already.
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Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
In more or less reverse chronological order:








First Post
WoW is a fine video game and comparisons to it would probably be favorable if it wasn't for people intoning "4e is like DiabloWoW!" in order to dismiss it for the past 4 years.

Voidrunner's Codex

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