A damsel in distress!

The damsel in distress is really a....

  • succubus

    Votes: 64 30.3%
  • vampire

    Votes: 11 5.2%
  • lycanthrope

    Votes: 14 6.6%
  • dragon

    Votes: 11 5.2%
  • damsel

    Votes: 57 27.0%
  • all of the above!

    Votes: 54 25.6%


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Your valiant adventuring party has entered the Dungeon of Darkness and encountered a comely lass locked in a room. She thanks you for rescuing her... but wait! What is she really?

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Damsel In Distress

I was on an adventure once, We thought it was "Save the Damsel", but, it was actually, "Save the Dragon from the Damsel", The Damsel was actually a Green Hag that captured the dragon for some kind of ritual


A succubus.

Especially if the damsel's distress happens to deal with being unable to move beyond the borders of this room/circle/pentagram.


First Post
lukelightning said:
Whenever I rescue a damsel in distress I pound a wooden stake through her heart. If she dies, that means she's a vampire, right?

You could always just rub her down with garlic! :)


First Post
lukelightning said:
Your valiant adventuring party has entered the Dungeon of Darkness and encountered a comely lass locked in a room. She thanks you for rescuing her... but wait! What is she really?

She's probably a succubus (or other bad guy in disguise). But there's about a 25% chance it's an actual damsel, mostly in there so that we don't just slay the succubi on sight.


I chose Damsel, but you have to realize that she's been heavily and magically "influenced" by a lich and will likely be no end of trouble. Dominate works pretty well on the short term, but a simple Protection from Evil will dispel that, which is why I like the use of convoluted and detailed Suggestions. Warping the way she sees the world can be fun!


First Post
You left off medusa. I don't care how comely the body, I need to see the face before I come to the rescue. Of course, that may be the last thing I see. :\


First Post
Meowzebub said:
You left off medusa. I don't care how comely the body, I need to see the face before I come to the rescue. Of course, that may be the last thing I see. :\

I've often wondered: Is all of a medusa's hair snakes, or just the hair on the head? Medusas might have scary bikini lines!

Voidrunner's Codex

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