A Monk, a Wizard, and a Swordmage Walk into a Fallcrest; a 4e Story Now game


VORN cuts some strips from his dark red cloak and wraps his hands before scrambling up the briars. At the top, he quickly spots the sentinel. He moves quietly along the top of the ring of briars and limbs until he can line up a good shot. He draws and sends an arrow down into the shifter's shoulder, at the base of the neck, killing him before he hits the ground.


Athletics roll: r(12) + 5 = 17
Stealth roll: r(7) + 9 = 16
Twin Strike: r(10) + 9 = 19; sentinel SLAIN

Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)Goal: Slay whoever's running the Elect cell in the Tombwood before they reinforce or relocate.5/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/1 Stealth Advantage for 2 x Success Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Insight, Stealth, Athletics, Attack

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Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal: Slay whoever's running the Elect cell in the Tombwood before they reinforce or relocate.
5/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/1 Stealth Advantage for 2 x Success Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Insight, Stealth, Athletics, ATK

High above the gravesite clearing, Lief and Vorn can see the profane contents of the scene below. The hour is very...very nigh. They must act quickly or things will escalate dramatically.

As the pair of Elect Militants watch on from the ruined opening to the mausoleum, a hooded Ritualist pulls her veil up and throws her head back as a molten crucible is prepared to be poured down her throat by her Acolyte assistants (who will take up her mantle if she is slain and consume the crucible's contents for apotheosis). Before this, she speaks hushedly to The Mogul and her acolytes reverberate her chant with background vocals.

"We give to thee the gold of the weak. We give to thee their blood. I commit myself to your purpose, my master. Let me hunt this heretic for you."

The crucible rises on a stanchion held by the pair of Acolytes and the Ritualist's head goes back...


(1) Slay the Ritualist and her Acolytes, (2) destroy the ritual crucible to prevent apotheosis, (3) escape.

LOSS CON: If any of the Ritualist or the Acolytes consume the contents of the crucible, they gain apotheosis (becoming an Elite Lurker and a threat to hunt down the heretic Lief) and either (a) we go to combat to slay the creature or (b) you guys flee and forfeit your win (but not xp)!


* 30' x 30' gravesite clearing behind the thorny hedge wall (boundary). Mausoleum w/ long-gone roof and door (4 walls and an opening.

* Surprise Round: One Action w/ CA (any successful attack with CA here will slay an enemy; see Stealth entry for charge attack). After which, roll Initiative.

* Lief and Vorn are currently out of line-of-sight, stealthed, in a concealed overwatch position (15 feet up for now) over top of the middle of the map (the map shows the SW end for legibility). Tree canopy criss-crosses the entirety of the gravesite clearing at a height of 15 ft. Limbs are unstable but not narrow; 1 extra sq of movement and DC 13 Acrobatics to traverse. See all of Balance, Taking Damage While Balancing and Reduce Falling Damage:



* Minor Concealment due to light conditions (Vorn takes -2 penalty to hit).

* Stealth vs Passive Perception 13. See entry:


* Crucible: HP 7, AC 10, NADs 5, (exception) Resist 3 piercing (bow) and Vuln 3 crushing/bludgeon (unarmed strike etc).

* Ritualist (R): HP 38, AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15, Init +2.

* Acolytes (A): HP 1, AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14, Init +2.

* Skirmishers (S): HP 38, AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 16, Will 13, Init +4.


is moving before he realizes it, dropping from the trees into a rolling charge, into the mausoleum and toward its hellish hearth. His snarls draw feverish glances from those inside. He leaps toward their crucible, bashing it apart with a spinning kick that wheels into a slash of claws across an acolyte, splaying his body as molten gold pours sizzling across the stone floor. "Look at you. You die for NOTHING!" he screams at the others in primordial.

* Free: Controlled fall from tree. Acrobatics r(15)+12 = 27. r(3) damage, which is mitigated and Lief is standing.

* Standard: Charge to MBA crucible, using Stealth vs Passive Perception 13 to maintain CA, -5 for moving more than 2 sq. Stealth r(1)+12-5 = 8 vs 13. Fail, CA lost. MBA r(12)+6+1 = 17 vs. AC 10. Success. r(8)+2 = 10 Damage. CRUCIBLE DESTROYED.

* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 5 damage to Acolyte on right. 1 x ACOLYTE SLAIN.


VORN watches as Lief drops down and charges the cultists, destroying the crucible and slaying one of the acolytes. He takes aim at the priestess and puts an arrow through her neck. He fires again, but the acolyte recoils as his leader dies, and the arrow misses him. Vorn curses under his breath, and gets ready for a fight.

* Standard: Twin Stike: r(11) + 9 = 20 vs. AC 16 for Ritualist. SLAIN. Second shot r(6) + 9 = 15 vs. AC16 for Acolyte. MISS.

There is a small stone stairwell leading down into the depths of the tomb where the remainder of The Elect are (2 x minions). The remaining Acolyte (artillery) is going to shift 1 sq away and channel a Voidbolt while the Militants (skirmishers) are going to rush Lief and then use Claws (1 of the two will have CA from flanking):

(➶) Voidbolt (implement, necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +5 vs. Ref
Hit: 4 necrotic damage, or 6 necrotic damage if the target has no cover.

(⚔) Claws ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 while the militant has combat advantage against the target.

If any of the members of The Elect cell get into that stairwell, they will call down to their (minion) allies who will reinforce next round).


Vorn r(13) + 9 = 22
Militant Skirmishers (2) r(10) +4 = 14
Lief r(5)+7 = 12
Acolyte Minions (1) r(9) +2 = 11

TRIGGERS VORN (FREE ACTION) BATTLEFRONT SHIFT ON LIEF AND LIEF'S CIPHER FEATURE TO MOVE SPEED IF NOT AT TOP OF INITIATIVE: Shift 3 sq (No Action on Initiative) and Move 6 (No Action after Initiative) LIEF to top tread of the stone stairs down into the mausoleum's tomb to position himself to slay the Acolyte if need be and prevent either Militants (Standard, Skirmisher) from ganging up on him or flanking; only 1 sq wide steps so complete bottleneck.



VORN reaches out with his spirit. Even in a place as corrupt and demented as this, there is still nature. He calls forth a defensive mist about his ally, hoping that will be enough to keep him safe from the charging soldiers. Then he takes aim at the remaining acolyte and lets fly. The Acolyte doesn't avoid the shot this time, and tumbles to the ground dead.

Vorn turns and aims at the guards. He raises his bow, and aims at the one on the left. He fires, then rallying all his strength, quickly draws and fires two more times. All three arrows find their mark, leaving him in bad shape, but not putting him down.

* Minor: Stalker's Mist (r10, ABu1) on top of Lief's position at top of stairs. Heavily Obscured. Can move zone 5 squares with a Move action.

* Standard: Twin Strike vs. Acolyte's AC 16: r(8) + 9 = 17. HIT, Acolyte SLAIN. Second shot vs. Militant 1's AC16: r(19) + 9 = 28. Hit. Damage: r(8) + 1 = 9.

* Action Point spent- Standard: Twin Strike vs. Militant 1’s AC16: r(8) + 9 = 17, HIT. r(7) = 1= 8 damage. Second attack vs. Militant 1's AC16: r(14) + 9 = 23, HIT. r(5) + 1 = 6 damage.

LOCATION: still above on tree limb
DAMAGE: 1 to Acolyte, SLAIN. 23 To Militant 1, BLOODIED.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Militant 1 Bloodied.
AP: 0

Thwarted so devastatingly by the Lief's furious assault to disrupt the ritual, by the slaying of the Ritualists and her Acolytes, and by the barrage of areas and the opaque mist at the entrance to the tomb below, the MILITANTS sprint toward and through the razor-sharp Bramblehedge that is the perimeter of the mausoleum. They accept the injuries that come with it as there are no good choices here. The only hope is to get to THE CREEP...

* Level +2 SC as The Elect Militants know these treacherous grounds better than the heroes do and they know where they are going. However, the heroes gain 1 x Advantage due to the Injured Militant. They can use that to(a) refresh a Primary Skill, (b) opt-into a Hard DC at your discretion for 2 x Advantages, or (c) step down a Primary Skill DC from Medium to Low.You guys can use that to refresh a Primary Skill, opt-into a Hard DC at your discretion for 2 x Advantages, or step down a Primary Skill DC from Medium to Low.

Complexity 1 SC, Level 4 (DCs 10/14)
Goal: Chase down the Militants and slay them before they can get to The Creep.
0/4 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available due to injured Militant/Primary Skill Training exhausted;


Your situation is thus:

* You're on the ground at the top of the stone stairs at the far end of the clearing.

* Being on the ground, you can barrel through the hedge like they did (Endurance) with the threat of HP loss (1/4 HP) on the line for any coming conflict on a failure. Alternatively, if you want to try some crazy wire-fu with Crane's Wings, you can run and try to reach the lowest branches to pull yourself up and vault over the hedge. This would absolutely have to be an "opt-into the HARD DC (21)" move in order to clear the distance required to reach the lowest branches and vault up and over the hedge. Failure there would be -2 forward to next Primary Skill Check as the effort delays you, but you pull it off.

If you have something else in mind in your bag of tricks, we'll discuss.



Your situation is thus:

* You can try to fire off a shot right now to slay the one you pin-cushioned, but you'll take a -4 penalty to hit their AC 16 because of both Minor Concealment and Cover. You can spend your Advantage to negate those penalties though (describe the Advantage of course). Failure here and the shot is delayed and puts you behind schedule; -2 forward to next Primary Skill Check.

* Alternatively, you're on some precarious limbs, so Vorn is going to have to navigate that labyrinth of limbs (Acrobatics) to the base of the tree before he hops down and pursues. Failure and the limbs snap over the Bramblehedge, leaving you cascading into them. Your a Ranger with thick hide armor who has seen such terrain a million times. You roll with it and deal with the brambles just fine (no HP damage), but the delay of this gives me 1 x HARD DC for the SC.

* If you have something else in mind in your bag of tricks, we'll discuss.
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Starn reflects on his religious lore and concludes that the owl must be a sign from the patron of his magical arts, Ioun. He feels more personally connected with the scholarly goddess than any other, so he decides to break camp and follow the owl.

Starn drags the reluctant Hat Eater out across the moor after hastily extinguishing his fire. As he stumbles over the uneven landscape, eyes peeled for the flitting form above, the hours pass. When the horse knickers he looks around and realizes he's stumbled right into a campsite. The soft voice at his ear and glint of steel menacing his throat tell him it is not empty.

Starn raises his hands slowly and when urged to turn around sees the form of a Knight. "Oh, it's you again!" confirms the figure's suspected identity.

Medium DC(13) Religion check. The roll is a 5+11=16, Success.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal: Acquire a horse and sprint the King's Road between Fallcrest and Winterhaven in order to chase down the Knight of Pelor (3 successes) in order to see him to his destination before Cardinal Erban and his posse can catch him (6 successes).
3/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Diplomacy, Religion

Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal: Acquire a horse and sprint the King's Road between Fallcrest and Winterhaven in order to chase down the Knight of Pelor (3 successes) in order to see him to his destination before Cardinal Erban and his posse can catch him (6 successes).
3/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Diplomacy, Religion

Per AbdulAlhazred

STARN looks at the Knight with the blade at his throat and laughs. "You didn't think I'd be intimidated by those rabble back there did you? Besides we weren't properly introduced. I'm Starn!" Starn extends his right hand.

Per Manbearcat

"I know of you Starn of the Septarch's Tower. And I know of your recent troubles and heroic hardship. It is why I immediately took to your side back there. And no...given what I know of your travails, I knew that Kamroth's rabble would neither frighten you nor thwart you."

After some incredulity and some shared tea and wafers, the knight introduces himself as TERJAN. Young man no longer, but still strong of body and devout of soul, the priest-soldier of Pelor relays that he is the last of an ancient order that was all but wiped out in the fighting against the hordes and foul human sponsorship that nearly took Fallcrest.

Not knowing what to do next, he devoted himself to Cardinal Erban of Winterhaven, thinking the many a true and pious leader of the faith.

How very wrong Terjon was...to his great shame. He wears it plainly on his face when he relays it...he seems to age before Starn.

Finally, he comes out of his dismayed reflections:

"It is no matter. What is done is done. All that is left now is what is before me. I must ride with all haste to Winterhaven and warn Lord Padraig of the conspiracy that befalls him, falsely so in the name of Pelor.Starn, I fear I cannot accept your charity. You are a young person with much ahead of you. I surely go to my death and I will not bring you to yours. Please, finish this meal with me, take my thanks for your kindness and leave back to Fallcrest and your plight there at once."

How do you deal with his thoughtful rebuff, Starn?

* Do you read his countenance or his inflections during his ponderings or his words and find the right thing to say to sway him?

* Do you show to him the capable steed that is Hat-eater and your synergy with the fine riding horse (take +2 circumstance)?

* Do you reveal that you know the history of his order and he is somehow bound to you because of it?

* Something else?

MEDIUM DC all (all I have)

Per AbdulAlhazred

thinks for a minute and then slowly responds: "Sir, I don't think it's possible for our destinies to be separated. Your order, if I read the insignia correctly, was originally established for the purpose of working with the Order of Arcane Thought. Few know that together they built both the Tower Waiting and The Green Tower to house their two allied orders. We two are each the last of our kind. In those days Ioun and Pelor together supported Nerath. I think their true followers are still linked. We are linked."

* Primary Skill Check History to prove to Sir Terjon that he and Starn are linked and compel him to allow Starn to assist his journey to Winterhaven; r(4)+11=15, Success

Per Manbearcat

Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal: Acquire a horse and sprint the King's Road between Fallcrest and Winterhaven in order to chase down the Knight of Pelor (3 successes) in order to see him to his destination before Cardinal Erban and his posse can catch him (6 successes).
4/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Diplomacy, Religion, History

's eyes, nod, and grasp of Starn's shoulder do all the talking. He clearly believes Starn and without a word uttered, Starn can infer his thoughts:


Despite the longing to feel Pelor's rays and have it guide them, they break before sunlight to get a head on the posse chasing them. The ride is vigorous up the meandering, ever-elevating, well-rutted Kings Road.

Hours into their hard push for Winterhaven, Starn feels watchful eyes upon him. His head cranes skyward. The same owl. It banks left off the road into the trackless wilderness. Is this treachery in the guise of ally? Some fell magic trying to lead them astray into the trackless, haunted wilderness of the moor? Or is this another omen protecting them from what lies in front; perhaps an ambush by highwaymen or some of Cardinal Erban's agents?

MEDIUM DC and which course do they chart?

Per AbdulAlhazred

points to the bird and observes "Earlier it lead me to you, Sir Terjon. Should we trust it or press forward on the road?"

Per Manbearcat
If he wants to lean on Terjon here, it sounds like it might be a Group Move Religion vs Med DC to read the signs of the gods. Sir Terjon would only be +1 Int, +1 level but Terjon is from this area and fought in the battles the laid waste to his order, so I could see giving him a +2 Circumstance bonus for +4 total.

He’d probably say something like:

“Excavating the presence of magics or whether the gods or devils are actually afoot as your purview, sir mage, not mine. But if the same bird of prey led you to me, then perhaps it is less predator than it appears; the spirit of one of my fallen brothers perhaps…moored to this world still through grief or higher purpose?”

Terjon considers, and notes that Starn is the expert on magical signs. He then observes that, if the owl lead me to him, then it is likely a reliable guide once again. Starn considers this point and decides his instinct is to agree. "May Ioun guide us well then!" Sir Terjon's experience and faith leads him to a good decision, luckily. The pair take the reins of their horses, mount up, and carefully set out into the wilds of the haunted moor, following the owl; providence.

* Primary Group Religion Check: Starn r(2) +6 (Religion exhausted) = 8. Fails. Sir Terjon r(10) +4 = 14. Success. 1/2 needed for Success.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal: Acquire a horse and sprint the King's Road between Fallcrest and Winterhaven in order to chase down the Knight of Pelor (3 successes) in order to see him to his destination before Cardinal Erban and his posse can catch him (6 successes).
5/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Diplomacy, Religion, History

The old knight and the young wizard work their way through the trackless, treacherous wilderness of the haunted moor...curiously directionally averse from their final destination of Winterhaven.

Hours into their trek of this barren landscape with the owl circling overhead, they come upon a tree bereft of foliage on a hill which marks a simple, ancient cemetery in the middle of nowhere. The headstones' engravings are worn completely by cruel time and exposure, but, curiously, at the base of a tree there is a large painting that has undergone no such erosion.

It is pristine.

SIR TERJORN cannot help but blanch at such an odd thing. "That is a perfect rendering...touched by neither age nor weather it would seem. It is Sister Linora's Winterhaven temple to Avandra; the goddess of luck and change...of travel."

He falls onto his backfoot and rubs his chin hair as he absently breathes; "what to make of this?..."


What do you do STARN? MEDIUM DC.
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LIEF can smell more Elect down those stairs, that sweet incense they harvest from the orange moss that grows on the tree they hang traitors from. He imagines himself dropping down and taunting them, pushing the stag out of his way as he cackles and makes them pray to a careless god, savoring the moments before their end. Instead he sprints, launched like a crossbow bolt out of the hot mausoleum and after the militants. "They'll get help!" the shifter yelps up at Vorn as he vaults into the branches above the razored foliage.

Intent: Leap over the sharp foliage surrounding the tomb to catch up with the militants.

Primary Skill: Athletics w/Crane's Wings movement adding +5 power bonus. This is against a Hard DC, so wagering Advantage for 2x successes. r(12)+7+5 = 24 vs. Hard DC(21). Success.

Lief's momentum carries him through the trees, bounding from branch to branch, fangs bared as he lands on the injured militant's back like a mountain lion and tears into him.

Complexity 1 SC, Level 4 (DCs 10/14)
Goal: Chase down the Militants and slay them before they can get to The Creep.
2/4 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available due to injured Militant/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Athletics
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VORN listens as Lief finishes off the wounded guard. But he moves past that, to the retreating footfalls of the other one. He focuses on those footsteps, he recalls the layout of the land as they approached. He feels the wind through the trees, finding a path that will cross that of the footfalls. He realizes he's too high to take the shot.

He drops down to a lower limb, landing nimbly and with his bow already raised. He lets fly.

He listens as the arrow sails through the trees until finally there is a satisfying impact, and the fleeing guard's footsteps become a stumble, and finally a body hitting the ground.


* Primary Skill: Perception vs. MED DC14 - r(19) + 8 = 27. SUCCESS.

* Secondary Skill: Acrobatics vs. MED DC14 - r(19) + 4 = 23. SUCCES.

* Twin Strike: vs. Militant's AC16- r(10) +9 - 4 (cover) + 2 (Secondary Success) = 17. SUCCESS.

Complexity 1 SC, Level 4 (DCs 10/14)
Goal: Chase down the Militants and slay them before they can get to The Creep.
4/4 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/0 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available due to injured Militant/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Athletics, Perception, Twin Strike; Secondary Skill Training exhausted: Acrobatics.

Starn is a little shocked. Of what he recalls of his mother, not seen in over ten years, is that she always held Avandra as her patron, and repeatedly admonished Starn to remember her rituals. While he's forgotten most of that, he is definitely able to sense powerful magic in this painting. He believes it may be a gateway or communication device. He follows his magical training and attempts to activate it!

Medium DC 13 Arcana check. Roll is 12+13=25. Success!

Starn activates the picture and a link is created between the world and Avandra 's heavenly abode. Spirits of great warriors manifest, carrying the signs of Avandra. They swiftly lead the two travelers by magical pathways to Winterhaven.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal: Acquire a horse and sprint the King's Road between Fallcrest and Winterhaven in order to chase down the Knight of Pelor (3 successes) in order to see him to his destination before Cardinal Erban and his posse can catch him (6 successes).
6/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Diplomacy, Religion, History, Arcana

As Terjon and Starn fall into the image depicted in the painting they seem to hear a woman voicing a prayer to Avandra enjoining the goddess to give them good fortune. As they regain their ordinary senses they see around them ancient stones and grave markers. Terjon gasps and then blurts out "Why, this is the very temple of Avandra we saw in the picture! Truly we have arrived in Winterhaven!"

Starn nods and responds "Aye, the power of the gods is unfathomably mighty, she has twisted the very fabric of space to bring us here. Nor do I doubt there's a purpose. Look there, something is afoot!" He gestures towards the building where a pair of ancient doors have swung open, and a procession is solomnly issuing from the temple and making for the graveyard where Starn and Terjon stand.

Alright, that is a wrap for 4 x conflicts between the 3 PCs.


Per @Grendel_Khan
Their prey downed, LIEF and VORN circle back to the mausoleum in silent agreement. Inside, as the two remaining and now trapped Elect members panic, the shifter reins in his instincts—he needs to impress the archer, the closest Lief has ever had to a role model. They have to move fast, anyway. The remainders quickly dispatched, the two men ransack the cramped underground chamber, finding what must be ritual components, nothing much else, until, stuffed in the boot of one of the Elect, an unsigned letter. Its meaning seems too cryptic to decipher. But the envelope is what matters.

It bears the wax seal of the Markelhays!

The Mogul's clawed hand is at work in Moonstone Keep. Probably not the lord or lady, but someone there with power and access.

Lief's mind races out of this Vale, maybe across an ocean, anywhere but here! He imagines Vorn's reaction to that, and what would happen to Starn. The stag looks on from the stairs.

Lief hands Vorn the letter as he walks past. "It never ends."

What we've established thus far regarding The Elect in Fallcrest:

  • They are using Kamroth Estate, which connotes that the cult's means and ends are facilitated by Armos Kamroth, to sponsor their rituals. They're soaking and bloodletting merchants (who Kamroth has in his pocket) for the material ends of their rituals.

  • The material components of sacrifice for their rituals are blood and coin, metaphorically the instruments of civilization, which allow the host to be rendered to a suitable form for The Mogul's usage.

  • A fell creature called The Creep appears to have some kind of slave/master relationship to The Elect. Its a being who venerates Gnaw, the legendary Elder Primal Spirit of scavengers/carrion/rot/decay...and Elder Spirit "of this world" that both rejected it and was rejected by it in its first moments and henceforth.

  • The Elect has some kind of contact within Moonstone Keep...not the Lord nor Lady, but TBD whom and what purchase they have.

What we've established regarding Nimozaran the Green and The Septarch's Tower:

  • Nimozaran had completed some kind of "upload into the collective" ritual in his chambers in the penthouse of The Septarch's Tower. It appears that this was something that has been cooking for generations of Septarchs and Starn was whisked away to The Tower of Waiting while this "upload" resolved completely. Was this a formal component of the ritual; upload Septarch and place Septarch apprentice in stasis at The Tower of Waiting for subsequent grooming to be the new Septarch? Was this just to get Starn out of the way in order to facilitate Nimozaran's "upload?"

  • Like Cardinal Erban's Pelor heresy, there is a Pelor-shaped heresy happening here as well. Some entity is posing as the deity of sun & summer, the keeper of time and enspelling adherents into various forms of ruination.

What we've established regarding Cardinal Erban and Amros Kamroth and Winterhaven/Fallcrest:

  • Amros Kamroth is buying up properties and merchants everywhere in Fallcrest and surrounds via hard capital, lending and leverage, and just hard extortion and protection rackets (of which The Elect are clearly a part of that last). He is the majority landowner and business-owner of Fallcrest at this point. Looks like a soft or hard coup? Looks like Cardinal Erban is involved or sponsoring it through his faith? Probably their respective coups in Fallcrest and Winterhaven are conjoined.

  • As mentioned, Cardinal Erban's conspiracy against Lord Padraig in Winterhaven is in full-throated execution. Knigh of Pelor Terjon has just tendered his resignation and has just arrived in Winterhaven before Erban et al to convince Padraig of the coming coup.

  • Someone of consequence appears to have perished in Winterhaven and is about to be put in the ground and eulogized...or perhaps "someones?" TBD...


* Starn Minor Quest: Protect the Knight from the Cardinal's forces and make sure he's able to get to Winterhaven RESOLVED. 125 xp/3 = 41 xp apiece.

* Combat XP: 2 Standards (Ritualist and Crucible) + 2 Minions (Acolytes) = 312/3 = 71 xp apiece.

* 3 x Skill Challenges: C2/Level 2 = 250 + C2/Level 2 = 250 + C1/Level 4 = 175. 675/3 = 225 xp apiece.
337 xp apiece.

* 200 Coin.

* 1 PC gains a level 4 or lower Magic Item.

* 1 PC gains a Potion of Resistance.


* ALL CHARACTERS TAKE AN EXTENDED REST (recover all Dailies/Healing Surges/start at 1 Action Point) and spend 10 coin for rooms at The Silver Unicorn Inn.


Lief Minor Quest:
Find someone the merchants can give testimony to re: the Elect's involvement with Kamroth.

Lief Minor Quest: Warn Lady Markelhay about the Elect in her midst.

Lief Minor Quest: Ingratiate himself with Loremaster Seekingstone, to find out why the Elect had Lief kidnap his apprentice.

STARN and TERJON freshly arrived in WINTERHAVEN...

Trading out the bright greens and yellows of her faith for the dark colors of death and passing, Sister Linora leads the procession toward the cemetery.

Behind her, Lord Padraig consoles his inconsolable wife who seems to be on the verge of crumpling with every step.

Behind them, three boys spanning many ages preceding manhood tenderly carry a cedar box...a very small, cedar box.

A coffin.

Three boys. The Padraigs have four boys.


The youngest has succumbed to some fate...perished, aged 3.

It will be days of retreat and mourning for the Padraig family. There is never a time for the death of a child, but this is Ill-timing indeed.


What do you do STARN and TERJON (@Grendel_Khan will be playing Terjon for the next few days as we take a break from the affairs of Fallcrest due to a player being unavailable!)?

HARD DC for your opening move here (which is about rousing the Padraig family from their grief).

As per our discussion, below is the conflict framework here:

Complexity 3 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal (staged): Rouse the Padraig family from their grief and muster them (5) and Winterhaven itself (8) against Cardinal Erban's heresy and impending coup.
0/8 Successes/0 Failures/2 Hard DC Available/3 Secondary Skills Available/2+1 Advantages available due to beating Erban's posse to Winterhaven and arriving with Sir Terjon, Knight of Pelor/Primary Skill Training exhausted;
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As the dawn fast approaches and the sleepless night envelopes LIEF in full, one thought consumes him:

<I must find someone the merchants can give testimony to>

He's out of bed in a flash and asks Vorn to stay put and watch over the merchants' and boy's room in case Kamroth or The Elect come for them. Before Vorn has agreed, Lief has fled. He's off to Moonsong Temple, the beautiful white cathedral positioned on the edge of the Hightown Bluffs, overlooking Lowtown, with minarets that climb forever skyward. When the Markelhays worship, they take their faith there. Lief thinks on his lack of social chops, his lack of comfort with most castes...and he thinks on the Elect spy that he is certain is positioned somewhere within Moonstone Keep:

<The Moonsong priest Ressilmae Starlight has connection to the Markelhays and life of faith, I'll seek him out. In some ways, this elf represents who I might aspire to be...if possible. Going straight for the Markelhays or one of the guards would make more sense, but the former could mean tipping off the Elect spy, and I would wilt in any interaction with the latter.>

...and he arrives.


Complexity 2 SC, Level 3 (DCs 9/13/21)
Goal (staged): Assess the elven priest of Sehanine, Ressilmae Starlight, and convince him to take on the burden of the merchants' testimony of Kamroth and The Elect affairs.
0/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages available/Primary Skill Training exhausted;

The twilight of before-the-dawn takes the world of the temple in full as Ressilmae is on his hands and knees cleaning the stone stairs of bird droppings. Ironically, despite the grim work he carries out, a smile takes in his face. Soon, the young urchins of Fallcrest will arrive for their lessons and he must ensure this place, with its grand acoustics, is ready for them.

He stops for a moment, stands, and walks over to the various instruments splayed out for the children. He checks them one by one, frowning after playing the lyre. Out of tune...or perhaps broken. He'll have to spend some time investigating it later. No time now. The children will be here soon.

Something catches his eye.

Overlook Avenue spans the entirety of the properties that reside on the edge of the bluff, terminating in Kamroth Estate after an arch bridge crosses the tributary that spills as Moonwash Falls. The thoroughfare is wide and the cobblestones sturdy.

Presently bereft of traffic, something moves on those cobblestones...neither person nor beast of burden.

A shadow. It moves southward of its own volition. Most would think this a trick of the eye, but a tenured priest of Sehanine knows better.

An ill omen...one that heralds betrayal...

Alright @Grendel_Khan , lots of elements in this scene to engage with (the mussed stone stair, the lyre, the impending children, the proximity to Kamroth Estate, the omen) including how and from where are you watching the priest.

What do you do? Make as many moves in intuitive sequence as you like. If any generate a failure, stop there so I can change the situation adversely. Everything here is MEDIUM DC except for the lyre which I will use my HARD DC if you choose to engage with it.
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LIEF crouches on the roof of the temple, absent-mindedly touching the charm around his neck, a small wicker paw adorned with real wolf's claws and a slitted eye chalked in white in the center. A symbol of luck for the Mogul. He took it from one of the Elect under the mausoleum. [Level 4 neck item: Lucky Charm]

He was watching Ressilmae go about his work, trying to get a measure of the man, and screw up the courage to speak to him. His simple tasks, something an apprentice or servant should do, are ridiculous. Perhaps he's an idiot, after all? Or is there something more—

Lief sees the shadow on the cobblestones. An omen? Of course not. The Elect taught him that omens are the flailing of a weak mind, searching for comfort and meaning in a world of cruel absolutes. Why would something move in the open like that?

Intent: Determine what the purpose or reason might be for the moving shadow.

Primary Skill: Insight. r(10)+6 = 16 vs. Medium DC (13). Success.

It's a distraction! A chill grips his scalp like a hand. They're here!

Lief climbs down the rear of the temple and enters through an open side door. The shifter's feet glide across the polished floors, his body so low his fingers trace the wood as he moves. They know Ressilmae is formidable—that he's rarely out of the temple, and that he's more predator than prey. They're in here. Lief is sure of it. He'll need to figure out why without alerting them.

Intent: Sneak up on the Elect inside the temple.

Primary Skill: Stealth. r(7)+12 = 19 vs. Medium DC (13). Success.

Birdsong fills the temple, carried in through open windows, open doors, everything open in here, the priest letting the cold clean of outside inside. Lief looks into rooms as he prowls, until he comes to doorway with the distinct sound of scraping within. Like a rat scratching a nest. He lays flat to the floor and peaks into Ressilmae's bedroom. Simple: neatly piled books, a chest of black wood, a mattress on the floor. But someone's lifted the mattress and is working underneath, etching symbols into the wood and spitting something into the grooves. Lief only gets a quick glance before puling back. It's an Elect ritualist, and two fighters stand nearby, their shifter eyes catching the morning light. Can I kill them before they kill me? Lief thinks as the sound of children comes to him like distant wind chimes. There's no time! He needs to know what ritual they're trying to work, and whether it needs to be stopped now, even if the ensuing fight spills into the approaching innocents.

Intent: Decipher the Elect's ritual.

Secondary Skill: Religion. r(15)+1 = 16 vs. Easy DC (9). Success.

Primary Skill: Arcana. r(11)+1+2 = 14 vs. Medium DC (13). Success.

Lief's mind tumbles through his time as a Chosen of the Elect, separate from the rest of the host, but on festival days they all ate together. He remembers a ritualist in his cups, carving a symbol in the air while boasting at how he once made a noblewoman prance and bray like a donkey. The shifter had laughed with the rest of them.

They mean to briefly puppet this holy man. Degrade him somehow. Shatter the faith of any who witness it.

There are too many Elect here to kill, even if he could—at least one will escape. Lief thinks: What would Starn do? What would Vorn do?

They'd sheath their claws. They would be patient. They would be smart!

Lief draws away from the bedroom, back out through the side door, and sprints around to the front of the temple where the elf is waiting for the children. The shifter holds out his hands as he approaches Ressilmae. He remembers his lessons about the Mogul's enemies—He has no allies in any pantheon, only rivals—including Sehanine.

"As one thief to another," he whispers, "As the Moonbow watches us both, I ask that you hear me out and believe me. Someone means to make you do something terrible."

Intent: Gain Ressilmae's trust, at least for the moment.

Secondary Skill: Religion. r(15)+1 = 16 vs. Easy DC (9). Success.

Primary Skill: Diplomacy. r(9)-1+2 = 10 vs. Medium DC (13). Fail.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 3 (DCs 9/13/21)
Goal (staged): Assess the elven priest of Sehanine, Ressilmae Starlight, and convince him to take on the burden of the merchants' testimony of Kamroth and The Elect affairs.
3/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/0 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Insight, Stealth, Arcana, Diplomacy

Complexity 2 SC, Level 3 (DCs 9/13/21)
Goal (staged): Assess the elven priest of Sehanine, Ressilmae Starlight, and convince him to take on the burden of the merchants' testimony of Kamroth and The Elect affairs.
3/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/0 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages available/Primary Skill Training exhausted; Insight, Stealth, Arcana, Diplomacy


The Moonstone Keep library is quiet, save for the sounds of a crackling fire and the slow turning of pages from the armchair that faces said fire. We look at it and its cargo figure from behind.

The large doors open with the sounds that large doors make.

A bewildered half-elf coachman moves through them as he takes in the spectacle of the place.

"All my time serving The Lady and I've never been in here," says Norlamir.

"Come, sit" says the figure in the armchair.

Norlamir does and the fire reflects off the side of his face.

"We're both busy men so I won't mince words. You received my message, but I garnered no response. Its been a full evening since that time."

The figure leans in.

"These are dangerous people Norlamir. They will gut your loved ones at best...at worst, they'll make you do the gutting and carry on in your misery. You will take them to where you dropped off the merchants and the boy before the dawn breaks full."

The firelight illuminates Loremaster Seekingstone's spectacles and the menace is too much for Norlamir to bear...


As the children gather at his feet on the stone steps, Ressilmae cocks his head at Lief; the shifter's words and the intensity of his presentation of them.
"Be unafraid children. This gentleman means you no harm." Without breaking eye contact, he calls over his shoulder to the oldest among the children, "Elyssa. Please take up instrument and lead everyone in song while I talk to our friend her in the portico."

Elyssa does.

The first note is so discordant, that it stuns Elyssa. It certainly stuns the elven priest as he throws his head back and his hands to his ears, pained expression taking him. Elyssa, sure the instrument was mistaken in its oddly produced sound, produces several more notes in succession.

The instrument was not mistaken; the work of The Elect.

Ressilmae stumbles a step backward, throws his hands over his ears, and begins to lose his balance and topple down the precarious stair. A horribly injurious fall looming.

What does Lief do? HARD DC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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