Complexity 3 SC, Level 5 (DCs 10/15/22)
Evade the Kamroth/Elect pursuit to get the merchants, the boy, and Ressilmae from The Silver Unicorn Inn to Moonstone Keep.
2/8 Successes/
0 Failures/
2 Hard DC Available/
3Secondary Skills Available/
2 +1 for "home field of Silver Unicorn Inn" Advantages available/
Primary Skill Training exhausted; Insight; Athletics
Huddled between the Fallcrest's northern rampart and The Silver Unicorn Inn, weighing their options for their trek through Hightown to Moonstone Keep, Yannick the merchant points at the Halfmoon Trading House a few blocks to the south and pipes up:
Yannick: "My wife, Lucia, works for the owner Selarund there. She's an incredible cobbler and runs a stall there repairing and selling shoes...but I guess that is beside the point. The point is, Selarund the halfling might be small of stature, but he is fierce of spirit. Unlike myself <sadface>, he has defied Kamroth' date. I mean, to be fair to me, he has the backing of a regional trading consortium to give him such a backbone. Again, beside the point.
I think if we make a run the few blocks to the Halfmoon Trading House it'll be worth our while to just haul our collective behinds there (1). My lungs are not great...its a bit far, its out in the open, and its out of the way, I know, but they'll help us."
The alternatives are:
(2) (1) above, but, instead of going into the Halfmoon Trading House, use the mid-town apartments as a means to traverse the distance to either (a) the northern wall nearer Tombstone Keep's stables or (b) into and through the Tombwood.
(3) to sneak along this northern stonewall under the watchful eye of the guards manning the parapets, using the carts and barrels and various supplies as cover to get to the big, open square with the dug well that folks in Hightown use. Maybe you could sneak down into the underworld there and emerge nearer Moonstone Keep? Maybe emerge in Tombwood which you guys know decently at this point?
So what is the plan here in terms of route?
(1) absolutely entails an Endurance Group Move
MEDIUM DC, no way around it. Its out in the opening and its just straight-up test of your lungs for a long runner to the trading house. However, it will be with 3 (the PCs and the NPC group at +1) so that DC gets throttled back to vs
EASY. If that succeeds, go ahead and make a follow-on move pending what your plan is next; surveil the Halfmoon Trading House and ingratiate yourself for help or
(2a) or
(2b) above. We'll discuss DCs/moves/consequences via Discord if it comes to that.
(3) probably entails a Stealth Group Move
HIGH DC (which gets throttled back to
MEDIUM due to 3 participants, but the merchants/boy are only a collective +2) unless you guys have some kind of alternative idea here. The main threat is (i) there is little cover here and a huge cohort of people and (ii) you're crossing the direct line-of-sight of The Elect/Kamroth bad guys that are guarding the front entrance of The Silver Unicorn Inn and have the Moonstone Keep coachmen and coach commandeered. I could engage in direct combat with them and try to commandeer the wagon right back I suppose (that latter part being a nested SC)?
Complexity 3 SC, Level 2 (DCs 9/13/20)
Goal (staged): Rouse the Padraig family from their grief and muster them (5) and Winterhaven itself (8) against Cardinal Erban's heresy and impending coup.
1/8 Successes/
1 Failures/
1 Hard DC Available/
3 Secondary Skills Available/
2+1 Advantages available due to beating Erban's posse to Winterhaven and arriving with Sir Terjon, Knight of Pelor/Primary Skill Training exhausted;
Consequence is
take -1 ongoing to Primary Skill Checks (save ends; saving throw after each successful Primary Skill check move) @AbdulAlhazred . This social situation is unraveling!
The stricken Emil takes real note of Terjon for the first time. He sees an out here. A way to both spite his father and birthright and take life by the horns and find some meaning!
He abruptly kneels before Terjon:
"Knight of Pelor. Last of his order. I humbly beg you to accept I, Emil Padraig, as your squire. I will give of myself to your cause and the cause of The First Light...The Shining One...The Duskbreaker."
Ernest Padraig reflexively knows that if he intervenes here, it is an act of morbid authoritarian rule to subvert such a request...even of his firstborn son...especially of his firstborn son. The legacy of his Regulators before his rule would be ruined...and the people would rise up.
The Lord of Winterhaven stands there with no good option. He seizes up, relying upon Terjon to find a way to deal with this.
MEDIUM DC in dealing with this. If Terjon just flatly accepts Emil, then your adversary in the move is the Padraig family at large. Make a move to placate them.
If somehow Emil is gracefully rebuffed, then your adversary is Emil's temperamentally-challenged state.
Regardless, don't forget to apply the -1 ongoing to Primary Checks and then make a saving throw after your move should your move be successful.