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A Paid trip to Spellhold [IC] Chapter 3: The Prison of Horrors

Walking Dad

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OOC: Everyone who wants to keep +1 to all attacks and resist 5 (all) vote the former, please. (I do)
Don't forget we can use healing powers before the rest.

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On Puget Sound

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Chizz takes a swig from his waterskin and rubs a bruise on his arm. I'm ready, let's get the lich before it can prepare for us.

(spend 1 surge, recover 11 hp, now 44/44 with 11 temps).


OOC: Well I don't really NEED a short rest. I can probably get by. It isn't like the 1 healing surge I have remaining is gonna make much difference (gonna save it in case I fall unconscious) and I have plenty of powers.


First Post
"I can wait if you need to, but I think the liches might grow stronger every minute we waste." Speaks Taran after turning into his humanoid form.


"Then let us move forward already. I have little patience for indecision."
OOC: And it wasn't so much that I got mobbed as it was that VV started me at 1 hp with barely any surges.

Voda Vosa

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The brave souls make their way up, to the tallest tower in Spellhold. As they cut distance on the stairs, they hear unnatural sounds, clash of lightning and thunder … “It has began, that maniac is trying to cast the ritual.” Mutters the mage. “But it can’t be, he doesn’t have enough power, I’m sure of it!” the group hastens their advance.
Suddenly, an intense purple energy wall appears before them, cutting their advance.
Kaedyn turns back, as he hears the footsteps of “something” approaching from below.
In seconds, hordes of skeletons appear around the star’s corner, brandishing weapons, and eager to take lives. Knowing his duty against the Shadows, Binwin cleaves into the wall with his own hands. The energy sears at the dwarven paladin, who with unmatched resolve, pushes to the side, and with the intervention of his deity, manages to make a breach in the wall. “Quickly, to the other side e fools!” he mumbles, as he falls backwards, resting his back with the stone wall. Kaedyn grips his sword tight, grit his teeth and shouts “Keep going, Binwin and I will hold them back, hurry up!”
Before anyone has time to react, the energy wall closes again, separating the group. With a solemn gaze, the remaining adventurers press on and on the last turn, they lose sight of the battling duo.

Finally, they reach destination, a big stone chamber. As they enter the room, they see the three lichs, standing before a cubic crystal of large proportions. The cube is swirling with energy, arcane fore sure.
“You are too late meatbags! My minions will handle you while I finish this.” Says the Lich King. With a nod the two lichs on the side of the lich King prepare to attack rising their hands, and conjuring a purple wall of energy behind the heroes.
“You will end nothing, old master, I’ll make sure you don’t!” interjects the archmage
“You couldn’t stop me before apprentice, you will not stop me now, Know that!” The lich sentences, and turns, raising its hands to the crystal. It begins intoning chants in a dark deep language, and starts to float, enveloped in a blue aura
“I will not fail!” says the mage, as he tryies to counter the ritual by intoning the same sort of chants and spells as the lich does, himself rising from the ground, and covering in the same blue energy.
The clash of the wizards creates a maelstrom of arcane energy. The cube sends blue lightning bolts apparently at random, as the two arcanists try to seize control of it. Two of them shoot on opposite directions, making big holes at the sides of the tower. Hurricaned winds and rain start to blow from the breaches, threatening to throw everything in the room to their seemingly endless fall to death.
In this situation, the heroes realize, it’s up to them to finish this!

[sblock=Final showdown]


[sblock=Skill challenge]
Interfere with the ritual while fighting of the lichs: You must stop the Ritual. Be creative in the use of skills, but know that physical skills can’t be used to break the spell. I'll give you the actual DC's after the first round of attempts.

Wins: 0
Loses: 0


[sblock=Special features]
Blue Crystal: The blue crystal is shooting lightningbolts from it’s position to any square determined at random at the end of each round. The impact place creates a scorched area. Determining the properties of the crystal will need a history or arcane check (as if identifying a monster) If the lightning bolt hits squares occupied by characters, it will make an attack. Trust me when I say you don’t want to end in those squares.

Scorched areas: The remaining energy of the lightning bolt swirl about from these areas. Determining the properties of the scorched areas will need an arcane or insight check (as if identifying a monster).

Winds: The winds will push anyone outside K14 to M 14 towards the hole at the left of the screen. An arrow in the map indicates the direction of the wind. If you don’t succeed an Athletics or Endurance check DC 17, you are pushed 3 towards the edge. If your roll exceed the DC, you can add 1 to anyone else’s roll for each 5 points you exceeded the DC you can distribute those points as you see fit, assuming you have more than 1 to spare.

Blue auras: Lich King and archmage and invulnerable for now, as they are surrounded by pure arcane energy.

Character   	  Contition/HP

Lich1        ??/??	        AC: 24	Fort: ??	Ref: 22	Will: ?? 
Lich2        ??/??		AC: 24	Fort: ??	Ref: 22	Will: ?? 

Lich King   Invulnerable	
Mage Leader  Invulnerable

Chizz         44/44	AC: 19	Fort: 18	Ref: 18	Will: 14   HS:
Anguish      31/43	AC: 18	Fort: 12	Ref: 16	Will: 18   HS:	
Asterion    40/40	        AC: 21	Fort: 15	Ref: 19	Will: 18   HS:
Roderic      47/47	        AC: 24	Fort: 17	Ref: 18	Will: 19   HS:
Taran	        51/51		AC: 19	Fort: 14	Ref: 16	Will: 17   HS:
Cliff	        51/51		AC: 23	Fort: 18	Ref: 16	Will: 17   HS:

Group: ??

I need an update on how many HP you actually have and what spells are working right now to update the combat table. As the Lichs conjured the energy wall, you may all act now.



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Taran moves forward and observes the blue crystal. "I remember it from some ancient story our Archdruid told us. Gahh, I should've payed more attention. It's in the tip of my tongue!!"

Taran rolls an arcana check to know more about the crystal. Alas, it's only a 19, if someone would aid me I'm sure he would remember.

Arcana check (1d20+7=19)


Anguish plumbs the depths of his memories trying to remember if he has learned anything about crystals such as this or the scorched areas being left behind by the lightning strikes. But knowing his own physical strength too well, he is reluctant to brave the tempest that whips about the room so he stands his ground. He saves his most potent magics for when he is in the optimal position to execute them, and tests the defenses of the closest lich. Anguish glares at the lich, and his eyes briefly gleam with brilliant colors. His foe reels under his mental assault, and he vanishes from the lich's sight.
OOC: Free: Monster Knowledge (Arcana) on blue crystal
Free: Monster Knowledge (Arcana) on scorched areas
Standard: Eyebite (Cha vs. Will) on lich in L5 (only normal bonuses factored in, might be +1 for bless, etc.)
HP 31/43; HS 1/6; Conditions: none
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