D&D General A Quick Peek At Tiamat In Amazon's 'Secret Level' Anthology TV Show


Secret Level, a new TV show coming to Amazon, is an anthology animated series which features various video games--and one or two tabletop games! While Dungeons & Dragons doesn't get much of a mention in the article, there is a screenshot which shows Tiamat.

The show features 15 different IPs--mainly video games--and launches on December 10th on Amazon Prime.

Other properties showcased include Pac-Man, Mega Man, Spelunky, Sifu, Amored Core, The Outer Worlds, Exodus, and Warhammer.


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What is interesting to me is the characters must be higher level than I initially assumed if they are turning a lich into a snail
They make short work of the opening fight, they know each other well. are already friends with a gold dragon, and in the end it is implied they have a fighting chance against an aspect of Tiamat. It’s pretty clear they are an experienced high-ish level party.

Polymorph makes them at least level 9 of course.

That’s not how I ever pictured Wall of Fire. I was thinking it was either Aganazzar’s Scorcher or some elevated Burning Hands. I was never quite sure if Tally was a Sorcerer (using Metamagic) or a Wizard or Pact of the Tome Warlock (due to the book).
If we look at other editions, there is Fire Snake. Also could be Dragon Breath, or Lightning Bolt plus a damage type substitution ability, I have seen Wall of Fire used that way though.

I assume the book was intended to indicate she was a wizard.

They make short work of the opening fight, they know each other well. are already friends with a gold dragon, and in the end it is implied they have a fighting chance against an aspect of Tiamat. It’s pretty clear they are an experienced high-ish level party.

Polymorph makes them at least level 9 of course.
I agree completely

They make short work of the opening fight, they know each other well. are already friends with a gold dragon, and in the end it is implied they have a fighting chance against an aspect of Tiamat. It’s pretty clear they are an experienced high-ish level party.
I don't know about being "friends" with the "gold dragon." 1) Would a friend require a high-concentration spell just to open the door? 2) Probably not an actual ancient gold dragon - too dumb. I'm not sure what else would look like that, though. 3) I doubt a gold dragon would "save" someone by burning the tattoos off him, then make him barf all of his bloody guts out.

The sword-bridge welcome mat points to the dragon being a storm giant in disguise. Probably the leader of the dragon cult, so she was willing to sacrifice herself, after the cult-victim was sacrificed, to bring some Tiamat into the world. The saved, cult-victim "cleric" was another illusion, designed to make the party of gullible heroes stick around long enough to get eaten.

Mmm. Tasty heroes.

Anyway, I checked the IMDB for WotC writing credits. No obvious traces. Very surprising to me. Which means that the Secret Level writers are incredibly good at emulating their sources/inspiration, to put it charitably.

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