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A Simple Errand (DM:renau1g, Judge: covaithe)


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[sblock=Healing Time!]So, we're out of combat, right? Time to heal Jax - and is anyone else still poisoned?

I guess the thing to do is try a Heal check to give Jax a saving throw first, so he doesn't wake up and immediately take the ongoing damage. That's DC 15, Ingot's Heal is +9, so I guess I could try it without any Aid Another, but Aid Another wouldn't hurt... or anyone else with decent Heal for a backup try?

Once that's done we can try Heal checks to activate his second wind, or feed him a potion, but it'll be less urgent.

Regarding between-encounter healing... renau1g, do you allow the players to take back-to-back short rests to let Healing Word recharge? (Story/time permitting of course.) Personally I find that kind of cheesy and overly game-ish, but if it's allowed, you'd be foolish not to do it. (I don't actually ban it in my home game, but I've been tempted to... the group has a bard and access to Song of Rest anyhow, so it's not a big deal.)[/sblock]

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I'm fine with back-to-back rests in this case, situationally of course. If you're say in a hostile location though, you'll be at a greater risk of either an enemy counterattack, toughened defensive position or generally higher activity and possible amalgamating of encounters into one large area as they consolidate themselves.


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[sblock=Thursday through Sunday] I will most likely not have a very good posting rate (maybe once per day if I get the chance). But I will be back to full steam on monday ^_^ [/sblock]


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Rrek searches both of the corpses and examines their bodies for any parts that may be useful or worth selling.

He looks at the party members, it seems that stabilizing Jax is under control and he'd be more of a hinderance than a help.


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As the last dragon falls under the group's combined assault Jax still lies prone and dying from the insidious poison. Ingot goes over to the fallen kobold, but seems hesitant...

Rrek checks out the dragon.

arcana (1d20 10=21)

You recall that dragon's unmentionables can be ground down to create an aphrodisiac, this could fetch 50gp on the open market

Ingot, if you wait until someone comes over to help, Jax will need to make another save


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Ingot kneels beside Jax, its knee creaking audibly. "This will be my first opportunity to attempt to repair a fully organic being!" Ingot announces, sounding pleased at the prospect. "But I have carefully studied all the relevant texts in the Great Library and am confident that I will be able to help."

The warforged opens a compartment on its thigh, drawing a small poultice, which it drapes across the kobold's nose. OOC: Success vs. DC 15: 17

"Now, Jax, you must help. Fight the poison!" Ingot urges.


Jax stirs, but he remains unconscious. The chlorine gas continues eating away at his innards.

[sblock=failed save]Save vs ongoing poison (1d20=3)[/sblock]

ooc: In this case, I think it makes more sense for everyone in the group to individually attempt a heal check rather than one person. It's not like failing the heal check makes Jax worse.


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ooc: Also, Jax will still get his normal end-of-round chance to make the save, though after taking the damage of course. :( Not sure when that happens though, I guess after everyone else has either tried to make a heal check or passed on the option.

FWIW Ingot can succeed at the "activate Second Wind" Heal check automatically so once Jax is in danger of death from the ongoing damage, Ingot will do that.


As Ingot applies his medicine to the felled kobold, Jax becomes dimly aware that he is dying. No... I do not have enough money to pay off the master of death... hey! Help! Jax begans coughing deeply, and the last of the dragon's gas is expelled from his system.

[sblock=saves]Just to save some time, I rolled the next few saves vs the ongoing damage.
Round 1: Jax drops to -6/24, fails save.
Round 2: Jax drops to -11/24, makes save. Not at risk of dying from hp loss (although very close!)
Jax will still need to be stabilized against death saving throws, but I don't imagine that will be a problem with Ingot and company around.
Save vs ongoing poison (1d20=7, 1d20=20)


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Ingot pulls back as Jax belches out a small green cloud. One text mentioned that kobolds sometimes have breath weapons, could that be Jax's? Ingot wonders. "No, wait, that's just the poison being expelled!" the warforged says aloud. It immediately goes back to work on the fallen reptilian, checking his bones and pushing gently on his chest in a steady rhythm.

ooc: Heal check to activate second wind is an automatic success (DC 10) but for the heck of it here is a roll: 25

Voidrunner's Codex

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