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A Sojourn in Sairundan Part 2 [Judge: Manzanita]

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Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: So as I understand it, Kurgahz and Cludge (NPC'd) are chasing after the eavesdroppers, while Shadya and Lasair are relocating the prisoner to a new location (presumably not following the chase). Shadya's and Lasair's actions aren't very clear to me.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The fleeing men bound down the stairs as fast as the can. They swing right at the bottom, heading towards the larger street on the opposite side of the building. There, they again turn right and dash away, with their pursuers hot on their heels.

But very quickly it becomes apparent that all is not well on this street. A dull roar can be heard, punctuated with shouts of rage.

Before you get far, the source of the noise and light is revealed: A sizable crowd of Sairundani men has gathered on the street, every one intent on a lean, muscled man who is speaking in Sairundani:

[sblock=Sairundani: ]"These foul creatures have been living among us, leeching our food and water for generations, and now after all we have given them they turn on us in an attempt to take forcefully what we tried to give peacefully!

I tell you, I saw the assassin with my own eyes, one of the wicked orcs who wishes to plunder our beautiful city and turn it into one of their dirty ruined hovels! And I will not let that happen!"

Another man in the crowd replies, "Aye! Purge the city!"[/sblock]

The speech is met with riotous cheering.

A few men have noticed the chase heading towards them, but they have yet to comprehend the situation or react.

Rae ArdGaoth

If Shadya is with the prisoner and Lasair, probably not. If she's chasing the fleeing men with Kurgahz and Cludge, then yes, she can hear the speech.


After bathing the cat, feeding the cat with morsels, throwing small items for the cat to chase, tickling the cat behind the ears, and keeping two young boys' minds off the unknown fate of their family, Conuld announces it's time for bed.

"You two might be dangerous warriors, but you need rest, and we wizards are famous for our need for sleep. I do not intend to stir for eight hours. I have a feeling I will need a clear mind tomorrow. If you hear your sister or my companions return, advise them of this. If you hear anyone outside the house, be cautious - the people of this city are disturbed tonight. Let no one inside whom you do not know. Wake me at need. Are the doors locked? Tomorrow perhaps you may help me in finding certain items I may need for a ritual involving the cat. Do not worry! No harm will come to her - quite the opposite - and I will not proceed unless she and I remain friends."

Rae ArdGaoth

Kurgahz and Cludge continue the chase, in spite of the obvious obstacle before them.

A ripple of awareness passes through the crowd, then a ripple of confusion, then of riotous anger as Kurgahz's race becomes apparent. The two fleeing men slam into the wall that is the close edge of the mob, shouting barely coherent Sairundani:

[sblock=Sairundani]"Help! Crazed orc! Orc-loving dwarf!"[/sblock]

The leading man shouts,

[sblock=Sairundani]"Wait, brothers, we must strike at the heart of the plague!"

But the crowd is paying him little attention.[/sblock]

The crowd surges forward like a single massive organism, absorbing the fleeing men and reaching out at Kurgahz and Cludge.


Shadya, Lasair, and Hasan... (Still don't know what you guys are doing!)


Conuld does his best to keep the boys' minds off their family, and playtime with the cat goes uninterrupted. The streets here are quiet, save the odd passing guardmen, sword at their side and oil lantern in hand.

OOC: Thanks for putting up with another delay, and rest assured that I'm finally back.

Voidrunner's Codex

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