A World of Greyhawk primer?

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Canonfire! - A Short Introduction to the World of Greyhawk
Canonfire! - A Short Introduction to the World of Greyhawk Part 2
both by MerricB

Canonfire! - 3E/3.5E Guide to the World of Greyhawk: An Annotated Bibliography

Interested in Greyhawk: where do I start ? (a thread on wotc where i post tons of links and resources, about GHproducts, free stuff, websites etc.)

Very useful: The GHWiki (will have more details than wikipedia...)
Main Page - Ghwiki

A very nice looking GH site with intros, maps and stuff:
..::The Home of UsMollards D&D Gaming::..
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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
[MENTION=1613]grodog[/MENTION] has tons of stuff on his site. Some of it might even be for beginners. I'll let him come here and tell us.

Melkot has the best maps of the City of Greyhawk, IMHO.

You can find them separately toward the bottom of that page under "Saving these Maps."


Just remembered to look at my Mentions tonight, to go back and reply to this thread. Thanks for the plug, [MENTION=31304]TarionzCousin[/MENTION] :D

[MENTION=1613]grodog[/MENTION] has tons of stuff on his site. Some of it might even be for beginners. I'll let him come here and tell us.

I don't think that I have much beginner-friendly content on my site, alas :blush: I think that MerricB's two articles on Canonfire! are definitely among the best intros to Greyhawk out there, along with (at the conceptual level), Nitescreed's old "Grey in the Hawk" essay and GVD's style guide follow up (also in the Paizo post). Despite some of Nitescreed's essay's flaws, it's full of good inspirational ideas, much like Montand's "Future of Greyhawk" post from Greytalk ~10 years ago.

Greyhawk is what you make of it, so throw some ingredients together that'll taste good to you and your players, then throw some dice!

Voidrunner's Codex

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