D&D 5E Abeir as the new Forgotten Realms?


For some reason I think Maztica is still part of Abier and never came back. That land is now Returned Abeir or such. Although I would not want to play that setting or think Wizards would touch it again.
Maztica came back. It’s mentioned in the SCAG and Tomb of Annihilation.

Everything outside of the Sword Coast in 5e has been forgotten by WoTC. Back in 3e D&D, it seemed like there was an accessory that covered a every inch of Faerun.
I can remember people complaining about how every inch of Faerûn was covered and there was nothing left to explore anymore.

No matter what WotC does, someone will complain about it.

That being said, I think an Abeir campaign setting has potential.

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Laerakond (Returned Abeir) appeared south of Evermeet during the Spellplague, around the same time Maztica disappeared. But it didn't take the place of Maztica, which is to the west of Evermeet.

So absent a specific mention that Laerakond vanished during the Second Sundering, we can assume it's still around.

Maztica came back. It’s mentioned in the SCAG and Tomb of Annihilation.

I can remember people complaining about how every inch of Faerûn was covered and there was nothing left to explore anymore.

No matter what WotC does, someone will complain about it.

That being said, I think an Abeir campaign setting has potential.
Exactly. Here was a world that was created by Ao and given to the Primordials as a peace offering at the end of the Dawn War.


Everything outside of the Sword Coast in 5e has been forgotten by WoTC. Back in 3e D&D, it seemed like there was an accessory that covered a every inch of Faerun.
Everything outside of Lantan was covered in detail in either a 2e or 3e product, although some places like the Moonshaes and the Old Empires were covered early in 2e and weren't updated later.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
If WoTC decided to once again make the Forgotten Realms it's default setting for 1D&D, I would like it if they handed the title not to the world of Toril, but it's long-lost twin, Abeir instead. While most fans of D&D have known about Abeir since it's mention in 2e, and when it and Toril swapped real estate during the Spellplague in 4e. But other than those few mentions, Abeir is a world that hasn't really been explored by D&D Players. We know so very little of that world. Thus it ought to be given the title of the Forgotten Realms now.
4e brought them together with Abeir-Toril. It has been explored and a good amount published about it IIRC.

4e brought them together with Abeir-Toril. It has been explored and a good amount published about it IIRC.

4e explored what had happened to Toril after the Spellplague. It didn't really go into what had happened to Abeir before, during or after the Blue Breath of Change (the natives' name for the Spellplague).


Pedantic Grognard
The right way for WotC to handle the Forgotten Realms was, and still is, to explicitly and completely throw out everything published about the Realms as part of the 4e mess, including there ever having been a such thing as a "Spellplague" or any such place as "Abeir".

Voidrunner's Codex

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