D&D 5E Abeir as the new Forgotten Realms?

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No, it wasn't. The 1e FRCS's "Abeir-Toril" was explicitly the name of a single planet as it existed in 1357 DR, and no separate "Abeir" was mentioned anywhere. The 4e retcon was garbage and shouuld be incinerated as garbage.


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No, it wasn't. The 1e FRCS's "Abeir-Toril" was explicitly the name of a single planet as it existed in 1357 DR, and no separate "Abeir" was mentioned anywhere. The 4e retcon was garbage and shouuld be incinerated as garbage.
When you first laid your eyes on the name Abeir-Toril, did you ever find yourself wondering why the designers of the Forgotten Realms decided to give it this name? I am sure several D&D fans found themselves wondering about that name. Ditto for the designers of each edition of D&D. So someone in 4e decided to satisfy everyone's curiosity by coming up with an origin story. Some people liked this origin story, and some didn't.

Now I posted this thread because I felt that Abeir was a potential setting that had been forgotten by WoTC. Anyone who has played D&D knows more about it's twin, Toril than they know about Abeir itself. What we know of Abeir is from the races that were brought to Toril by the Spellplague. There is so much potential to create for a setting set on Abeir.


I want to know if Unther is still crushed beneath the weight of a Dragonborn kingdom, personally.
The Sundering completely undid all of the changes made by the Spellplague. In fact it even undid some of the changes made during the 3e era so that the maps now look more like they did in the 1e-2e era.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
The Sundering completely undid all of the changes made by the Spellplague. In fact it even undid some of the changes made during the 3e era so that the maps now look more like they did in the 1e-2e era.
Ok, so the Dragonborn kingdom is gone, but the fact it crushed Unther by basically falling on it too?


The Sundering completely undid all of the changes made by the Spellplague. In fact it even undid some of the changes made during the 3e era so that the maps now look more like they did in the 1e-2e era.
Untrue. There is absolutely zero mention of Laerakond disappearing, for instance.


Heh, it's funny.

I'm very, very late to the party of Forgotten Realms. I avoided it like the plague for most of my gaming. But, since I've been running Candlekeep Mysteries for the past year or so, I've been really doing some deep dumpster dives into FR lore.

I have to say that the Sundering is just such a fantastic thing for me. Because there's this like, 150 year jump in the lore, it means I have so much freedom to do anything. To give an example. I'm setting the next Candlekeep Mysteries adventure I run (Book of Inner Alchemy) in the Cloister of Saint Ramethar which is set just north of Zassepur (sp). Now, the Cloister has a 1500 year history detailed between various sources - Faiths and Avatars in 2e, some 3e stuff, Lands of Intrigue - all of which end about 100 years before my current date in the game (about 1450 (ish).

Which means that I can use all this material to really flesh out the location - dungeon underneath built by dwarves that were killed by a dragon who was in turn killed by an adventurer. Plus the more recent couple of hundred years of occupation by Ilmatari priests running a sanitarium/political prison. And then I have about a hundred years where nothing is detailed that I can now fill in with exactly the stuff that I need (with the added bonus that Ilmater canonically has heretical cults) to build my adventure.

Why on earth would I want any of that updated? It's the best of both worlds. You have more than enough blank space to make the world your own but also have a freaking mountain of historical lore to draw on. Bloody fantastic.


Ok, so the Dragonborn kingdom is gone, but the fact it crushed Unther by basically falling on it too?
Actually I was misremembering. It's not a complete reversal. Here are the relevant passages from the SCAG:

Unther. Trapped in another world, the people of Unther had succumbed to domination by others. Then among them arose one who called himself Gilgeam, and he reminded them of their former greatness. Under the leadership of this reincarnated god, the people of Unther
rose up as an army to face their masters. On the eve of a great battle, the people of Unther were miraculously returned to their home, and Gilgeam wasted no time in leading them against the dragonborn occupying their ancestral lands. The Untherites have retaken much of
the land they formerly held, while seeking to wipe out the "godless lizards" they blame for their time of oppression in Abeir. Gilgeam wants nothing short of a complete return to Unther's former glory. This achievement will require utterly destroying Tymanther, of course, and eventual war with Mulhorand to reclaim lands lost centuries ago, but as every Untherite knows, the great God-King is patient, for he is eternal.

Tymanther. In decades past, the land of the dragonborn claimed as its territory part of what had been the vanished nation of Unther. Then Unther suddenly returned to Faerûn a few years ago and promptly went to war against Tymanther. The realm has since been reduced to small tracts mainly along the coast of the Alamber Sea and Ash Lake. The dragonborn that have withdrawn to those areas have lost none of their military tradition, and their ability to hold this smaller amount of territory makes it unlikely that Unther will push farther any time soon - particularly since the Untherite navy has been unable to overcome the great beast that guards the harbor of Djerad Kethendi and the nearby waters of the Alamber. Some of Tymanther's dragonborn have spread across Faerûn and gained reputations as competent, highly sought-after mercenaries.

Untrue. There is absolutely zero mention of Laerakond disappearing, for instance.
True. But there is absolutely zero mention of Laerakond in any 5e FR product as well, so ... shrug


Actually I was misremembering. It's not a complete reversal. Here are the relevant passages from the SCAG:

Unther. Trapped in another world, the people of Unther had succumbed to domination by others. Then among them arose one who called himself Gilgeam, and he reminded them of their former greatness. Under the leadership of this reincarnated god, the people of Unther
rose up as an army to face their masters. On the eve of a great battle, the people of Unther were miraculously returned to their home, and Gilgeam wasted no time in leading them against the dragonborn occupying their ancestral lands. The Untherites have retaken much of
the land they formerly held, while seeking to wipe out the "godless lizards" they blame for their time of oppression in Abeir. Gilgeam wants nothing short of a complete return to Unther's former glory. This achievement will require utterly destroying Tymanther, of course, and eventual war with Mulhorand to reclaim lands lost centuries ago, but as every Untherite knows, the great God-King is patient, for he is eternal.

Tymanther. In decades past, the land of the dragonborn claimed as its territory part of what had been the vanished nation of Unther. Then Unther suddenly returned to Faerûn a few years ago and promptly went to war against Tymanther. The realm has since been reduced to small tracts mainly along the coast of the Alamber Sea and Ash Lake. The dragonborn that have withdrawn to those areas have lost none of their military tradition, and their ability to hold this smaller amount of territory makes it unlikely that Unther will push farther any time soon - particularly since the Untherite navy has been unable to overcome the great beast that guards the harbor of Djerad Kethendi and the nearby waters of the Alamber. Some of Tymanther's dragonborn have spread across Faerûn and gained reputations as competent, highly sought-after mercenaries.

True. But there is absolutely zero mention of Laerakond in any 5e FR product as well, so ... shrug
There's no mention of Zakhara either. Doesn't mean it disappeared.

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