Level Up (A5E) About Parrying

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As is written you could combine them. I can't say for certain if that's intentional or not. Does make a shield spell/parry weapon a useful combo though
You'd need someone who is both proficient with a non simple weapon that has parrying (quarterstaff is the only simple weapon with parrying and iit's two handed, shield has somatic component) and can cast first level spells. Not super hard to do but its a fringe stacking ability that at most gets a +9 to ac. A regular shield and the shield spell already gets to +7 and has been a part of O5e since it started without anyone complaining of a problem.

I'd honestly be stoked if my players did combine the two. Sounds like an awesome bladesinger type ability. "parry! Oh that only gets me to +2 and I needed +3... Shield!"
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I'd honestly be stoked if my players did combine the two. Sounds like an awesome bladesinger type ability. "parry! Oh that only gets me to +2 and I needed +3... Shield!"
i'd imagine it'd be more useful the other way around - "dammit, that's 7 higher then my ac, i can't shield...can i try to parry first? oh thank god that's a 2 i cast shield"

You'd need someone who is both proficient with a non simple weapon that has parrying (quarterstaff it's the only simple weapon with parrying and it's two handed, shield has somatic component) and can cast first level spells. Not super hard to do but its a fringe stacking ability that at most gets a +9 to ac. A regular shield and the shield spell already gets to +7 and has been a part of O5e since it started without anyone complaining of a problem.

I'd honestly be stoked if my players did combine the two. Sounds like an awesome bladesinger type ability. "parry! Oh that only gets me to +2 and I needed +3... Shield!"
One of my players is a Goblin Wizard using the Studio Agate War Mage Archetype so he's a full wizard with Light, Medium, and Heavy armor prof, shield prof, Martial weapon prof, and took the Warcaster/Battlecaster feat so he can avoid Somatic/Seen components. He'll be thrilled when I show him this.


You'd need someone who is both proficient with a non simple weapon that has parrying (quarterstaff it's the only simple weapon with parrying and it's two handed, shield has somatic component) and can cast first level spells. Not super hard to do but its a fringe stacking ability that at most gets a +9 to ac. A regular shield and the shield spell already gets to +7 and has been a part of O5e since it started without anyone complaining of a problem.

I'd honestly be stoked if my players did combine the two. Sounds like an awesome bladesinger type ability. "parry! Oh that only gets me to +2 and I needed +3... Shield!"
There are lots of ways to get a level 1 spell, it's probably easier the other way around to add shield to a greatsword with parry if getting martial weapon prof is at all a hurdle


There are lots of ways to get a level 1 spell, it's probably easier the other way around to add shield to a greatsword with parry if getting martial weapon prof is at all a hurdle
Yup. I did say it's not super hard. Either way, it would require multi class, a feat, or training time depending which direction your coming from. It's an investment though and it's not that powerful of a combo to be worried about power if someone invested anything at all to get it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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