Note: This says 5E on the tin, but I include all 5E variants in that -- so ToV, A5E and whatever else.
I have been mentioning and thinking about this for a while: the warlock chassis, that is the basic mechanical structure of the class, seems to me to be the best overall structure in 5E. More importantly, I think it is a highly malleable design and think that it could be used to create lots of different classes on that same chassis, including both martial and caster classes.
So what I would like this thread to be is a discussion about how to best do that. The ultimate goal for me in this thread will be to build a better fighter using the warlock chassis, but I want to hear what folks think (or have done, design wise) with the warlock chassis otherwise.
We are here to kick around ideas, so being critical is fine (even helpful) but make sure your criticism is constructive. If something sounds bad or broken or unfun to you, express why and give potential fixes.
So let's look at the warlock as presented in the 5.1 SRD, from a purely structural standpoint.
The Warlock is defined by a Patron and a Pact, which set the tone of the class fantasy. Mechanically, the Patron defines the broad nature of the class and the Pact narrows it down. Warlocks have limited access to a couple cantrips and a few spells, as well their invocations. In total, this means that the warlock benefits from both a focused theme as well as a reasonable amount of versatility in the moment.
Translating this chassis into a different sort of class suggests the following to me:
Patron becomes high level archetype or subclass information, telling you which suites of abilities you have access to throughout character generation and development.
Pact represents a style focus, ensuring the character looks and feels a certain way.
Spells are the working tools of the chassis, and can represent anything from fighting maneuvers to manifestations of rage or arcane lore. Design in this manner would probably look a lot like 4E power design.
Invocations are really just talent tree abilities that work kind of like feats and kind of like class abilities.
With all that laid how, how would you go about building a usable naked chassis that classes can be laid on? Or would you pick a class in specific and reverse engineer it onto the warlock chassis? i am inclined to the latter, but am curious what others would do.
I have been mentioning and thinking about this for a while: the warlock chassis, that is the basic mechanical structure of the class, seems to me to be the best overall structure in 5E. More importantly, I think it is a highly malleable design and think that it could be used to create lots of different classes on that same chassis, including both martial and caster classes.
So what I would like this thread to be is a discussion about how to best do that. The ultimate goal for me in this thread will be to build a better fighter using the warlock chassis, but I want to hear what folks think (or have done, design wise) with the warlock chassis otherwise.
We are here to kick around ideas, so being critical is fine (even helpful) but make sure your criticism is constructive. If something sounds bad or broken or unfun to you, express why and give potential fixes.
So let's look at the warlock as presented in the 5.1 SRD, from a purely structural standpoint.
The Warlock is defined by a Patron and a Pact, which set the tone of the class fantasy. Mechanically, the Patron defines the broad nature of the class and the Pact narrows it down. Warlocks have limited access to a couple cantrips and a few spells, as well their invocations. In total, this means that the warlock benefits from both a focused theme as well as a reasonable amount of versatility in the moment.
Translating this chassis into a different sort of class suggests the following to me:
Patron becomes high level archetype or subclass information, telling you which suites of abilities you have access to throughout character generation and development.
Pact represents a style focus, ensuring the character looks and feels a certain way.
Spells are the working tools of the chassis, and can represent anything from fighting maneuvers to manifestations of rage or arcane lore. Design in this manner would probably look a lot like 4E power design.
Invocations are really just talent tree abilities that work kind of like feats and kind of like class abilities.
With all that laid how, how would you go about building a usable naked chassis that classes can be laid on? Or would you pick a class in specific and reverse engineer it onto the warlock chassis? i am inclined to the latter, but am curious what others would do.
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