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Adv: The Path of Light; DM: ScorpiusRisk; Judge: Ozymandias79

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]That would be nice, but the +5 is with aid another included. :( Now that I think of it, it probably shouldn't be included in the 2nd roll ... Scorpius?

Next round it's time to ditch the shield, methinks. [/sblock]
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=OOC]That would be nice, but the +5 is with aid another included. :( Now that I think of it, it probably shouldn't be included in the 2nd roll ... Scorpius?

Next round it's time to ditch the shield, methinks. [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]No, no. Wait here, Hadrak will go back in the tavern, recruit a githyanki, bring him back here and have him use telekinetic power to get you out of there. Hang on![/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Raiyek's Questions]Well, this is an unpleasant situation :)

A couple questions first.Emphasis by me. I note that you didn't say we needed an Endurance check if we weren't bloodied, and Raiyek is at full hp. :p I'm pretty sure you didn't mean that Endurance checks weren't required for unbloodied characters, though. Just checking, in case being unharmed would reduce the DC, which does make some sense.

**This a case of my not predicting my own actions. I didn't want people to have to make checks if they weren't bloodied, because normally a tough hero can go underwater for a few seconds (even forcibly) with little results. I didn't want people to drown at the beginning of the fight just for bad rolls when crossing the river.

Since you were being forced under water, I do want you to make the checks.**

Also, do I need to make an Endurance check on my turn, or does the check made when the serpent dragged me under count for this round?

**I want an endurance check for every failed athletics roll**

Lastly, since he's grabbed me, can I make an attack to try to drag him? Or is my only option to try to escape? If I can try to drag him, would Oath of Enmity help me? The description of how to move a grabbed target (PHB 290) says a "Strength vs. Fort attack", but doesn't say it's a melee attack, though that's the only kind of attack that makes sense. I ask because 1d20+5 vs. 19 with a double roll is a lot more likely than 1d20+3 vs. 19. With Incarnation's help it's 1d20+5 for Athletics too, but two rolls is still better than one. ;)

**yeah I'd let you drag him. I'd also let you purposefully fail an athletics check if you wanted to force both of you to make an Endurance check.

Sorry this is so late. Got busy.**[/sblock]

-''Oooh, the barbie is fleeing. He's the one I really wanted to interrogate. And it's not like this team can run after him...'' exclaims Hadrak in dismay. ''Unless maybe if Rurdev...''

He then has a great view of the wereserpent dragging Raiyek underwater.

-''No, on second thought I think we have a more urgent task for Rurdev.'' he says, deadpan.

He steps around the tree and send one of his patented blast of holy light toward the hobgoblin, blessing Dane with improved accuracy in the process.

-''Hey, Rurdev, this may look like I am attack the hobogblin but this is really a distress flare to catch your attention.'' he shouts, pointing at the drowning paladin. ''You are our best swimmer. Raiyek, on the other hand... We'll, let's just say he is a rock. Both on the battleline and in a river. He'll drown if you don't help him. Don't worry about Dane, I got his back.''

Hadrak waves his hand and Dane's wound close.

Lance of Faith vs Hobgoblin's reflex (1d20+11=17, 1d8+10=15)
Minor: Healing Word on Dane (Who thankfully moves within 5 square!):
Healing Word (2d6+5=14)

His surge value is 15 so that is a total of 29 hp. Dane also gains +2 to defenses TENT.

If Lance of faith hit, +1 to defenses TENT for Hadrak, +2 to hit on Dane's next attack against that hobgoblin.

**Hit. Dane is not bloodied.**

Georg looks at Incarnation again with amazement. After digesting the advice of the warforged warlock, he nods. I have a new spell that should help.

The snake writhes around under the water as if trying to avoid the bites of many tiny insects. It releases Raiyek from its coils. Georg seems somewhat satisfied and concentrates on his flaming sphere moving it towards the remaining hobgoblin.

Standard: enlarged Winged Horde attacks two bad guys 1d20+8=19 (vs Wereserpent Will) and 1d20+8=13 (vs Hobgoblin 2 Will) for 1d6=4 damage and they can't make opportunity attacks TENT - this ends grab.

**hits serpent but not hobgoblin**
Move: Flaming Sphere to R14 does 1d4+6=8 damage to adjacent
Minor: Sustain Sphere

This wasn't quite what I had in mind ..., Raiyek thinks. Now, how do I get out of here?

Rurdev hears the combat move into the river. The shifter skirts around the boulder away from the wet hobgoblin. Rurdev leaps over the water to land next to the serpent slicing with his axe toward the serpent who is just underwater. It's blood reddens the watter.

Move: Move to O18
Minor: Quarry Serpent, unless I can't see him
Standard: Marauder's rush serpent, with athletics for leaping over the water. athletics; marauder's rush(charge) with quarry (1d20+12=20, 1d20+11=24, 1d10+8=17, 1d6=4)17 w/o quarry, 21 with quarry.

**It would probably be very difficult to see him. But we're at the end of the fight, and I'm late to the party so it's fine.

Which means its hits. Hey every defense has been revealed. I think thats the first time thats happened to me. Its bloodied.**

Dis no time for swimmin'! We got crazy mages shootin' litin' snakes at mi!

Dane looks at the wet hobgoblin and shakes his head in disgrace. He then swings with his oversized axe head, infused with Hardak's magic, trying to cut out the legs from underneith the warrior.

Free Actions: Using Amulet of Life to spend an additional healing surge from the Healing Word. 15 more hps.

Take 5 pod.
Brash Strike vs AC (1d20+15, 1d12+10=[7, 15], [3, 10]) Hit AC 22 for 13 pod. He is Marked.

**No hes dead**
Grants CA but also has +2 to defense TENT.

If the hogbolin dies, Dane will move to R15.

**That will put you next to the flaming sphere. . .I'm gonna go ahead and not move you. But tell me otherwise.**

Save vs Poison (1d20+5=8). Fail


Freed from the snake's coils, Raiyek calls on the magic of his armor to banish it for the moment. Some weight lifted, he tries to swim out of the water and back to dry land, but the current proves too strong for the paladin to overcome.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: banish armor. Handy little feature, that. :) AC is now 16, skills that take armor penalty go up 2 (like Athletics and Endurance).

Move: Athletics (1d20+5=14) doesn't get me where I want to go, but at least I'm pushed 1 square south (let's say L14), away from the stupid snake.

Another Athletics (1d20+5=13) ... well, that was rather disappointing. Stupid snake. Another square south - K15.

**And you didn't roll Endurance checks, which is excellent.**[/sblock]

The wizard, seeing his allies either run off or defeated, rushes off into the forest.

The werserpent struggles into the more shallow water, giving Incarnation the opportunity to drive his knife in, cutting it more. Her form shifts, coming together and reforming. A scimitar appears in a hand a drops to the water. We again see the form of a woman her hands up in front of her.

"I succeed. I beg your mercy." Her wounds are evident and a single blow may kill her.

Wizard double moves off the map.

Werserpent makes an athletics check. 19
Moves to M11.
Incarantions gets a OA hit for 2 damage.
Rurdev gets an OA. hits for 11 damage

Wereserpent shifts to human form.[/sblock]

[sblock=Wereserpent]Don't feel like creating a new map icon.



Out of Initiative?

Round 5

21; Rurdev; O13; 46/51; Acted
18; George; G12; 32/40 +5 thp;Acted
18; Hadrak; J11; 44/52; +1 to defenses TENT; Acted
17; Raiyek; K15; 56/56 + 5 thp; Underwater, 1 Failed Drowning Check; Acted
9; Dane; P15; 50/60; ongoing 5 poison and slowed (save ends both), +2 to defenses TEHNT, grants CA; Acted
9; Enemies
Wereserpent; M11; 5/60 hp; Marked, Underwater, 1 Failed Drowning Check, Cursed, they can't make opportunity attacks TEGNT, Bloodied; Acted
7; Incarnation; M12; 28/53 +2 thp; Concealment


F 19 R 21
AC 20 F 19 R 18 W 17
AC 19 R 17


Flaming Sphere: R20; Any creature starting adjacent to the sphere takes 7 fire damage

Boulders and trees block line of sight. They also can give cover. Athletics 15 to climb. Climbing a tree gives you cover. Being in top of a rock gives cover if you crouch or go prone.

Square containing tree, are difficult terrain.

The striped squares in the river are deep water. They require an Athletics 17 (as part of a move action) to swim across. Fail by 4 or less and you are pulled one square toward the bottom of the map and your move actions is ended. Fail by 5 or more, and in addition you also sink 1 square, loosing a healing surge. Make a DC 21 Endurance Check if you are bloodied. Fail on three times before a success and you will drown.

All water squares are considered difficult terrain and require two movement per square even with a successful Athletics check.

Boulders are large enough to be treated as a wall. You cannot move diagonally across a corner.


First Post
Seeing the elf float down the river, Dane gives an embarrassed nod and shakes his head. He stows his shield and slowly makes his way into the river as he tries to fight off the poison.

Come on elf, stop splashin' around. Fights ova'.

[sblock=Actions] I don't know if we need to resolve Raiyek getting on shore or not, but I'll get the ball rolling if we do. If not, I am fine with coming out of initiative as long everybody is safe.

And on a side note, is Raiyek naked? This may affect Dane's actions or at least decrease his enthusiasm ;)

Take 5 pod

Stow shield and move into the water at O15.

Save vs Poison/Slow (1d20+5=15)


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Yeah, as long as no one feels like attacking the wereserpent, we're out of init. Raiyek can get of the river.

I think he at least has a tabard on.[/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Yeah, Raiyek wears some basic clothes (tunic+pants, and I suppose his tabard and cloak would stay too) under the armor. Kinda awkward to wear nothing under armor you can make disappear :p

So no rolls necessary to get me out of the water if we accept the wereserpent's surrender then?

As an aside, it feels really weird thinking about a 'wereserpent'. Apparently I think of were-whatevers as furry things. Must think more of yuan-ti with the wereserpent, methinks. :)[/sblock]


First Post
Cutting the creature with his axe the Shifter says, "F-Fine get out of the water then." The shifter swims quickly to shore, his chainmail barely a hindrance. The shifter dries himself with his cloak, trying to keep his chainmail from rusting. Rurdev wrings out his long hair and watches for Incarnation to emerge from the rushing water.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation follows the werecreature, step for step, blade and rod in hand. At the shore, he focuses his attention on her while the others keep an eye out.

You were waiting. For us. Your leader, the deceiver, specifically sought me out. We would know why, creature.

OOC: No skill check yet, other than Insight: 20. Incarnation is more the "stick" anyway if someone wants to be the "carrot".


First Post
The lady walks slowly and carefully onto the shore, her eyes darting between the many party members.

"No, he was looking for an old dragonborn he said. Someone with many followers. He did say we might not be the only group looking though. I just got hired on two days ago. Never met that guy before hand."

EDIT: [sblock=Insight 20]You believe she is telling the truth.[/sblock]
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