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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island


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Gellan follows the hyena as it sidles away from him, lips pulled back in a feral snarl. "Not so fast," he whispers as he scores another slash across the beast's flank.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Designate H1 as Hunter's Quarry.
Standard: Attack H1 with Pressing Strike. Shift to D-17, then attack with CA from flanking with Zharne. Hits AC 24 for 10 damage. Hunter's Quarry damage = 1, total damage of 11.[/sblock]

[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw - Level 2 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +4 Senses: Normal
AC: 19, Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 28/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Hunter's Quarry
Combat Sprint, Whirling Frenzy

Swift Panther Rage[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Martelai moves to forward until he'e equidistant to all canines (allies excluded). He curses the furthest hyena and follows up with another eldritch bolt. This one however isn't plain purple bolt eveyone saw few heartbeats ago.

This one starts as purple flicker which darkens and thickens until it is black head of toad like mostrosity which then flies and takes huge bite of poor animal.

"Haddar is hungry it seems. As always. I hope you don't have a soul, beast, for your own good."

Move: C14
Minor: Curse H1
Standard: Eldritch Blast vs H1 ref; damage; curse (1d20+6=26, 1d10+5=7, 1d6=1)
Crit bonus (1d6=5)
CRIT 26 damage!

OOC: if pact boon triggers, Martelai does NOT use the rod, taking bonus instead.


First Post
Hyena 1 & 2 are dead - only a bloodied and beaten Hyena 3 left to go.
[sblock=Updated Map]

The greenish square is Zharnes Swarm zone that grants CA against creatures in it. The creature is also marked to indicate that as well.



Thorn, Minharath and Leonard left to go.



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[sblock=New Map symbols]
Hey guys just wanted to let you guys know that I have incorporated a whole bunch of new symbols into map tools and figured that I should let you all know what the heck they mean. So here is a brief legend so when you see a symbol over a token you can know what the heck it means.


Minharaths Astral Seal











Grants Combat advantage

Martelai's Curse

Thorns Combat Challange

Glooms Divine Challenge

Glooms Divine Sanction

So now if you see a symbol over a token you will know what it means. If i happen to add others I will let you know, as I am always looking for more and better resources to add to my Map-tools library.



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Thorn slides around the target, ensuring the wounded hyena doesn't escape. Even as he slips in the mud, the butt of Thorn's longspear smacks against the viscious dog.

Move: walk to H16 (skirting around Hyena3 to ensure no OA)
Standard: Reaping Strike on Hyena3: 1d20+11 (vs AC including swarm CA)=12, probably a miss for 4 damage.
Free: Combat Challenge Hyena3: Mark foes you attack. They get -2 to attacks not including you. Make basic melee attack against adjacent marked foe who shifts or makes attack not including you.


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Thorn slides around the hyena, slipping on the uneven ground and jabbing the creature with the butt end of his spear. The creature yelps and looks around as if it is trying to locate the quickest means of escape.

OK only Minharath and Leonard to go. Remember that anyone can post Leonards actions - it does not always have to be the same player.


First Post
Leonards dagger finds a home in the back of the beasts skull and it drops to the ground. As you take a moment to catch your breath and retrieve your weapons you notice an eerie silence has befallen the area around you. The hair on the back of your necks begin to rise slightly as you get the feeling as if someone is watching you.

The rustling in the bushes at the far end of the clearing and out steps a half dozen lizard folk. It would appear by their dress and weapons that they are perhaps a hunting party. They stare at you and the dead beasts that lay at your feet and do not look pleased.

"Whhaat doooing heerree" the one in front spits out in very broken common as he points his finger at all of you.

[sblock=Passive Insight DC 15+]
They do not seem happy, either at either you being here, the fact you killed some possible prey of theirs or perhaps both.
[sblock=Passive Perception 20+]
You can detect movement of many more humanoid forms off in the woods all around the clearing.


[sblock=Skill Challenge Time]

Can you convince the lizardfolk that you are friendly and are just here to look for the missing people or will the situation break down into something worse?

Need 4 success before 3 failures.
Primary skills: Diplomacy & Bluff; DC 15
Secondary Skills: Any, IF they can be explained convincingly, DC 15-20, which will grant +2 to the next primary skill check.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Good hunting to you. I am Martelai Luinil.

We're here to find human envoy group that was sent to you to talk about recent happenings around human village. These animals attacked and we defended ourselves.

We have no quarrel with you nor are we planning anything untoward. We're here to recover this warriors uncle.

May we know who are we talking with?

Bluff (1d20+10=27) Not that it is necessary, but can I use +6 from star pact that was left unused? :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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