[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Son of Meepo

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OOC: True, but Wat's heal check isn't that great (+6) and there isn't any guarantee Zuri won't take more damage, which will undo the stabilize.

I just noticed that Wat never rolled a save vs slow at the end of his last turn, so I'll roll that here: Save vs Slow (1d20=13)

Honestly readying isn't going to do much good since I won't be able to see Sortyh until the end of her next turn, so Wat will just total defense and move to F10.
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OOC: I will continue soon with Sabynha's Delusion action. Was just leaving some time in case the discussion needed to continue any further.

Sabynha staggers forward a step, hand trembling as she resists the urge to strike out at the blue skin in front of her. Surely there is no blue skin there. Lightning pain lances through her mind as she resists the urge, her arm reaches out towards the bush where Rain directs his attacks with a small degree of protection but stops there.

GM: Sabynha Delusion Attack vs Rain 7 vs AC=Miss; Sabynha takes 5 psychic dmg

Sbynha is free to act
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Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha stops moving for a moment; a dramatic pause in her dance. She closes her eyes and focuses all her attention on the sounds of battle. The witch had to be nearby, if only she could see her...

[sblock=actions]Minor Action: Knack for Success - I'll use it on myself to gain +4 on my next skill check
Minor Action: Perception to locate Soryth - Invisible Castle isn't working for me right now, logged in or not. Site is accessible but just times out when I try to do anything. @jbear you can make my roll for me if you like. My perception is +11 for the time being and will determine the rest of my turn.[/sblock]
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First Post
Sabynha's uncanny sense of perception reveals that Soryth is close by indeed, standing right beside Rain in fact, with Juliana's body at her feet. The vision is concrete only a moment but she is sure that she is correct.

Sabynha Stealth + Knack = 31

GM: Have added location to map; Soryth's defenses are +5 while invisible

Nemesis Destiny

OOC: @jbear , how do you feel about me using Unicorn's Charge on Sir Flib even though I don't have line of sight or line of effect to him? I don't actually make an attack against the target (my ally), and I can tell him where to strike...

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha glanced all about for an opportunity. She could hear Sir Flib's wings beating softly just around the corner, and hoped this move of desperation would pay off.

"Everyone! The witch is right next to Rain! I can smell her!"
She shouted it, and spat the last part as disrespectfully as possible.

The pixie took his chance; like a streak of light, he flew from from around the corner, icy blade leading the way. He could not see his target, but the frozen point found purchase in hag-flesh all the same. Sabynha's vistani magic filled him with a small amount of renewed vigor. Rain also felt it coursing through her.

[sblock=the rest of her turn]Standard Action: Unicorn's Charge on Sir Flib 1d20+10+1+2=32, 1d10+9+2+1d8=19Pretty sure that hits for 19 damage, and Sir Flib, Rain, and possibly Juliana can heal 4hp, or Rain and Sir Flib have the option to teleport 1 square as a free action. If Sir Flib doesn't teleport, that puts him hovering above Juliana.[/sblock]


First Post
"At your call, lady!" cries Sir Flibbertigibbet, trusting to Sabynha's judgment and charging back into the fray.

OOC: Sir F will take the 4 points of healing. That puts him up to 18. He also has an additional +2 to defenses against Soryth, for what it's worth.

[sblock=Sir Flibbertigibbet]Sir Flibbertigibbet
Male Pixie Hexblade 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-Light Vision
AC:20 (22), Fort:16 (18), Reflex:17 (19), Will:18 (20)
HP:18/42, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:10, Surges left:2/8
Action Points: 0
:bmelee: Icy Skewer +10 vs. AC, 1d10+9 cold damage and Sir Flibbertigibbet gets a +2 power bonus to all defenses against the target’s attacks until EoNT.
:branged: Eldritch Bolt +7 vs. Reflex, 1d10+9 force damage, range 10
Eldritch Bolt, Icy Skewer, Soul Step
[o] Pixie Dust
[x] Shrink
[x] Piercing Shard
[o] Piercing Shard
[o] Ethereal Stride
[x] Sneak Attack
[x] Second Wind
[x] Action Point

[x] Armor of Winter’s Grasp
[o] Lesser Planar Ally
[o] Vanguard Weapon daily

Conditions: +2 defenses, +2 defenses against Soryth, bloodied

Full sheet: Sir Flibbertigibbet[/sblock]

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