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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Shandra, sees the monk get spiked by the tree creatures. She feels a pang deep emotions in her chest from the loss of life from another evil creature of the fey realms. Using that pain as fuel, she narrows her keen eyes at the tree creatures, trying to spot a weakness in their defenses. Memories of pain an anguish flooded her. She remembered all too clearly those times when she, the guardian of Vesta Tal, did battle against those dark beings of Arcadia, and the blood of her brethren that was spilled. She may not have been liked by the people of Vesta Tal, for she was unique among them, but she had a duty. No longer was she in Vesta Tal, but seeing the humanoids in this wooded area, being attacked by creatures of this fey realm, she was reminded of the bloodshed and violence and wanted to put an end to it quickly. Unconsciously, she unsheathed her large falchion, sliding it out of split leather on her back, as she skillfully traced her way through the foliage toward the tree creatures. With a single glance she absorbed the battlefield. There were two of the tree creatures, and two large trees. The monk lay dead on the ground next to the sword, and there were four other humanoids caught between the trees and the tree creatures. Three of those humanoids had their sights on the nearest of the tree-creatures to herself, and a horned one was defending herself against the onslaught of the furthest of the two tree creatures. That was her target!

"Creatures of Arcadia, dark in heart: Hear me now that you stand before Dayna's will, and I, Shandra, chosen of the Huntress' Handmaidens will see you routed and fleeing, or dead upon the ground. I give no quarter and expect none in return. You have angered she who is Vengeance. I am Her sword. Flee before Her wrath!"

Focusing for a moment, she marked her target as the focus of her divine ire. Dayna would guide her hand as surely as a valley guides a river. There was no escape for that enemy. There were no obstacles before her that could slow her approach as Shandra floated over the ground like a ghost, flowing around her enemies and those she would protect. In that same movement, her blade flashed before her, slicing deeply into the vine creature.

OOC: When Shandra rolls initiative, she rolls a perception check instead of her normal initiative and uses the results of the perception check as her initiative. Any of her allies within 10 squares that roll less than her gain a +2 racial bonus to initiative. That means that Wat, Sabynha, Rain, and Zuri are all affected if they roll less than 27 on their initiative.

[sblock=Initiative and Actions]

Initiative: When rolling initiative, Shandra can roll a perception check and use its results as her initiative. Shandra rolls a 27 for her initiative. Grants +2 racial bonus to initiative to any ally within 10 squares (includes all allies this time) that rolls less than 27 initiative.

-- Free Action: Triggered by rolling initiative, Shandra uses Divine Reaction (iaijutsu). This allows her to shift 3 squares. Because she is an elf, she ignores difficult terrain when she shifts, and as such, she moves fom C1 to F4. Also, because her initiative roll is greater than any monster's initiative roll, attacks during this first round crit on nat rolls of 18-20.

-- Minor Action: Shandra uses Oath of Enmity on the tree creature in L7.
[sblock=Oath of Enmity]
Oath of Enmity (Encounter Minor Action Close burst 10 ✦ Divine)Avenger Feature
Target: One enemy Shandra can see in the burst
Effect: When Shandra makes a melee attack against the target and the target is the only enemy adjacent to her, she makes two attack rolls and uses either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the target drops to 0 hit points, at which point she regains the use of this power.

If another effect lets her roll twice and use the higher result when making an attack roll, this power has no effect on that attack. If an effect forces her to roll twice and use the lower result when making an attack roll, this power has no effect on that attack either. If an effect lets her re-roll an attack roll and she rolled twice because of this power, she re-rolls both dice.

-- Move Action: Shandra moves from F4 to G6 -> H5 -> I6.

-- Standard Action: Shandra uses Angelic Alacrity; Before the attack, Shandra shifts 5 squares, from I6 to J7 -> K8 -> L8 -> M8 -> M7, flanking the tree creature in L7 with Rain. Shandra hits AC 22 (flanking bonus not shown in roll) for 23 damage. [/sblock]

[sblock=Shandra's Stats] Shandra - Wood Elf Avenger 2
Passive Perception 25, Passive Insight 16
AC 19, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 17
HP 30/30, Bloodied 15, Surge Value 7, Surges 7/7
Speed 7, Initiative +5 (Perception: +15)
Action Points: 1, Second Wind []
MBA - +5 vs AC, 2d4+3 damage
At-Will Powers:
Bond of Pursuit
Overwhelming Strike
Encounter Powers:
[x] Iaijutsu
[x] Oath of Enmity
[x] Angelic Alacrity
[] Divine Guidance / Abjure Undead
[] Loyal Sanction
Daily Powers:
[]Wings of Light

Items of Note:

  • When Shandra attacks a target of her Oath of Enmity with a weapon attack, she treats all rolls of 1 or 2 on the damage dice as though the result were a 3 on the die - Avenging Resolution Feat
  • If Shandra's Oath of Enmity target moves away from her willingly, she gains a +6 bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end of her next turn.

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First Post
OOC: yes, multiple checks possible. Only limited by the number of actions you have available and the need to make contact with the Barkburr.

Son of Meepo

First Post
Initiative (1d20+1+2=21)

"Concentrate on the vines first. I'll keep this tree occupied!"

Wat knew they were tough, and he'd rather not destroy them but he would have to soothe the barkburrs if he wanted to keep the rest of the group alive.

He approached one tree, but wasn't really sure how to soothe it. He mostly guessed at this sort of thing... It took a few tense seconds as he tried various things, but Wat's intuition did not fail. He managed to figure out a calming gesture at least for now.

[sblock=actions]Move: I10
Minor: Stop for 1 round Nature (1d20+5=10)
Standard: Try it again Nature (1d20+5=15)[/sblock]

OOC: Stopped adjacent barkburr from attacking for 1 round.
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First Post
GM: Ugh ... sorry, I've got it wrong [MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION] The Barkburr trees CAN be attacked also. Please feel free to edit your post accordingly. As way of apology let's ignore all of Wat's actions (even if you want to do exactly the same) and start from scratch (including re-rolling your rolls even if you just want to try the same again). Going of the combination of Zuri's perception and Wat's nature roll of 20 (DC Hard met) I will post all relevant information that Wat is aware of that I missed before.

[sblock=Wat's Additional Knowledge of Barkburrs] AC 16 F/R/W 16/10/NA Immune: Poison and all conditions Vulnerable: Fire 5
(Hehe ... Play Alanis Morisette's "Isn't it ironic?" ... Gray would have been brutal this fight)


First Post
The air explodes with a shower of sharp poisonous burrs as the gnarled old trees communicate their fury at the disturbance caused by the adventurers' close proximity. Gray's body continues to be engulfed by the living bark, his mouth frozen open in a rictus of pain. Pain also lances through each of the brave adventurers' bodies as they are struck by the burrs and the poison enters their bloodstream causing it to slow and thicken, their skin immediately beginning to crinkle and harden like Gray's. The blood vines continue to flail away mindlessly at the victim that finds themselves the closest, or in the elven avenger's case, the one that caused them the most pain. This plays right into Zuri's hands, as she deftly dodges the attack and drives her sharp blade through the core artery of the plant abomination. It doubles in half as though felled by an axe, twitches, and then lies still.

Then the air fills with a mocking voice: "Welcome Pointed Headth! Pleath thstay a while. My hunger burns and the nymph thstole my latht meal but a moment ago! What luck you have come little elfth!"

An evil and vile creature slides around from behind the northern barkburr and with mocking laughter it sends out an explosion of snapping vines that wind around all but Wat, who is too far away and Zuri, who is far too nimble. The vines begin to tighten, squeezing the life from its vicitms.

[sblock=Combat mechanics]
Barkburr Opportunity Action at end of each PCs turn
Trigger: End turn 4 squares from Barkburr

Note: The lower Nature DC soothes a barkburr for a TURN not a round (Wat's turn in this case)
Wat is the only person not attacked by either Barkburr (ending his turn more than 4 squares away from the northern barkburr

Barkburr 1 OAtks vs REF: 13 vs Rain=Miss 18 vs Sabynha=Hit 25 vs Zuri=Hit 21 vs Shandra=Hit
1d10 dmg Sabynha=6 dmg; Zuri=6 dmg; Shandra=1 dmg and are slowed and take 5 ongoing poison dmg (save ends both)

Barkburr 2 OAtks vs REF 16 vs Rain=Hit 18 vs Sabynha=Hit 23 vs Zuri=Hit 9 vs Shandra=miss
1d10dmg Rain=7 dmg; Sabynha=1 dmg; Zuri=10dmg and are slowed and take 5 ongoing poison dmg (save ends both)

Green Bloodthorn Vine 1: Impaling Strike vs FORT (Zuri) 8=Miss
Zuri replies with Riposte Strike: 25 vs AC = Hit! (+CAdv) for 21 dmg! (includes Sneak Atk)
Kills it!

Yellow Bloodthorn Vine 2: Impaling Strike vs FORT (Shandra) 12=Hit for 6 dmg and Shandra is Grabbed
Rain uses Aegis of Shielding and negates ALL dmg to Shandra

Vine Horror: Vicious Vines Close burst 3 vs REF vs Rain: 19=Hit Sabynha: 20=Hit; Zuri 10=miss; SHandra 16=Hit Hit: Rain, Sabynha & Shandra are restrained and take 10 Ongoing dmg (save ends both) [/sblock]

Rain: 26/37 HPs Conditions: Slowed & Ongoing 5 poison dmg (save ends); Restrained & Ongoing 10 dmg (save ends)
Sabynha: 18/33 HPs Conditions: Slowed & Ongoing 5 poison dmg (save ends); Restrained & Ongoing 10 dmg (save ends)
Zuri: 18/29 HPs Conditions: Slowed & Ongoing 5 poison dmg (save ends)
Shandra: 29/30 HPs Conditions: Slowed & Ongoing 5 poison dmg (save ends); Restrained & Ongoing 10 dmg (save ends); Grabbed (escape DC 13)
Wat: Unharmed

Bloodthorn Vine 1 (Green): -3/41 HPs = DEAD
Bloodthorn Vine 2 (Yellow): 8/41 HPs; Bloodied; Marked by Rain's Aegis; Grabbing Shandra
Vine Horror: ??/?? HPs: Vicious Vines USED

Barkburr 1 ??/?? HPs 0/3 successes
Barkburr 2 ??/?? HPs 0/3 successes

Bloodthorn Vines AC 18 F/R/W 15/12/14 MBA: +7 1d8+5 dmg
Barkburr trees AC 16 F/R/W 16/10/NA Immune: Poison and all conditions Vulnerable: Fire 5


  • Barkburrs Round 2.PNG
    Barkburrs Round 2.PNG
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]Ahh... nothing like some partywide ongoing damage to freeze the game... who will go first in the end I wonder...
[MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION] Your inbox is full. I tried to PM you re: treex but couldn't. If you can let me know your thoughts on the matter then I can give him a response one way or the other.

Nemesis Destiny

OOC: D'oh! Forum failed to send me an email for the update. I suspect everyone is waiting for some saving throws which are definitely forthcoming! I'll have a post up soon. Sorry guys!

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha's dance was abruptly stifled mid-pirouette as she became entangled in the stinging vines, and she felt the strength ebbing from her body as the poison did its work. Somehow she did not hit the ground - the vines held her tightly in the air.

She refused to accept defeat, however. Calling upon an inner reserve of strength, she forced herself to stand, even while straining against the piercing barbs, Scratches marked her skin and fine rivulets of blood began to flow out of her, but she gritted her teeth and focused on the peril of her friends and the fate that would befall the lovers, should the strength of her companions fail here.

What can I do? I can't move!

Looking about, Zuri at least was not snared by vines, and she would deal with her own problems when she had helped her friends first. Rain was right beside her perhaps if she could hack enough of the vines free of the tiefling, it would set her free...

...unfortunately, this didn't work as well as she'd hoped. The vines were just too strong, and she couldn't get enough leverage with her blade to cut deep enough.

She tried to tug on the vines to release the newcomer, or at least distract the tree-thing controlling them, but even that was futile.

Fighting through the poison, bubbling up from within, a deep anger was welling, and she bit her tongue against the pain as the vines continued to tear at her flesh. Despite it all, she manage to tear herself free of their grip, and began to twirl defensively, slashing this way and that, to keep the vicious vines at bay.

OOC: Sorry folks, but this turn was fail for me. Same thing happened last time I tried to grant mass-saves. I rolled a 6, 4, 9, 6, and finally a 17. Pretty cruddy on 5 dice!

[sblock=actions]Take 5 poison, 10 untyped damage. Ow.
Minor Action: Skald's Aura heal on herself. An unconscious leader is of no use to anyone! Spend healing surge plus 1d6=5.
Standard Action: Heal check to grant Rain a saving throw. 1d20+6=12 Fail. 1d20=4 Save would have failed anyway!
Minor Action: Knack For Success - grant mysterious newcomer a saving throw. 1d20=9 Fail.
Save vs. poison & slow 1d20=6 Fail.
Save vs. onging 10 & restrain 1d20=17 Pass![/sblock]
[sblock=ministats]Sabynha Half-elf Skald Bard 2+
Initiative +4
Passive Insight 21 Passive Perception 16; Senses Low-light Vision
Skald's Aura (Healing, Martial) aura 5; see below.
HP 16/33 (1 thp) Bloodied 16 Surge Value 8; Surges 7/10
AC 19 Fortitude 15 Reflex 17 Will 17
Saving Throws [+0]
Action Points 0
Speed 6


Focused Discipline - Active;
tactics - shift 1 as free action when I hit with MBA
Song of Savagery
Song of Serendipity

Skald's Aura - Active, 1 heal remaining
Knack For Success (spent)
Words of Friendship
Sly Dodge
Lesser Flash of Distraction (spent)
Cautionary Tale or Disruptive Words
Inspire Competence
Hero's Armour Daily Power[/sblock]
[sblock=extra save]1d20=7 Fail. Whaddya know! :p [/sblock]
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