[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)


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GM: I am leaving time for that conversation to continue while you level up. Please let me know when you are levelled up and ready to continue.

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Son of Meepo

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Wat sputters a cough at Sir Flibbertigibbet's conclusion. The absurdity of it from his perspective brings the irritation to the surface and he explodes out in anger.

"Unimpeachable? Anything but I'd say! His recklessness nearly bollocksed the entire thing. Not to mention how his petty little games with the witch made our job all the more difficult! Since I've arrived at this side of the Waterfall, the one thing thing that seems reliable with your people is that you all can't seem to get out of each others' ways! No wonder why Soryth hadn't had any serious opposition before we arrived!"

Wat stews in his foul mood for a moment until he calms down a little, and then adds in a more somber tone.

"But let us pray that they haven't come to their senses too late to help Orlando and Julianna."

OOC: Wat is leveled up.

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha put a gentle hand on Wat's arm in an attempt to calm him some. Though he was tempestuous at times and remains, in all likelihood, un-tameable, she could not help but notice that she seemed to have a small effect on him.

"Whether that is or is not the case has either already been determined by fate, or we are to be the agents that bring about the salvation of this place. Let us not be divided as Ragnar and Uma were. Let us rest and find what peace we may, for tomorrow brings many uncertainties, perhaps even failure and death."

"Let that not dampen your spirits; tonight we are alive."
She smiled genuinely at them, and in particular to Wat.


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"My good sir, I'll thank you to moderate your language in relation to my master," says Sir Flibbertigibbet. Though he speaks in a tone of mild outrage, he is smiling broadly. "But as Lord Ragnar's lofty thinking is clearly beyond your understanding--his mind, I can confidently assert, is quite of another order than any you have dealt with--I will forgive your outburst."

Sir Flibbertigibbet takes a moment to compose himself--not, apparently, because he is angry, but because he is trying not to laugh.

"As for the fair lady's question: it is true that I am, shall we say, from far away. Far enough, perhaps, that the curse has little effect on me; but that is uncertain."


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You wake the next morning fresh from your rest ready to head into the maze. The maze walls are thick hedges more than a dozen feet high, bristling with needle like thorns. Abundant tiny red roses, yellow roses, and white roses bloom on the hedges, filling eachcorridor with a sweet smell. Soon, the main route branches into three separate passageways.

White roses line the eastern passage, with yellow roses to the north and red roses to the south. Which path do you choose?


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Rain ponders the hedge maze, "I don't like the look of those thorns. Shall we use the magical whistle or just try our luck? I'm tempted to try the passage with the white roses."

OOC: Picking the route with the white roses has absolutely nothing to do with me being a Yorkshireman, oh no, not at all.


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"If white is your preference, lady, then let it be as you say," says Sir Flibbertigibbet. "But what is this whistle you speak of?"


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Rain produces the whistle and elaborates, "It is a magical curiosity that was gifted to us by an oracle in the caverns that we explored to reach this island. It has a charm that may show us the way, but I now realise that we may have to have already been to place for it to help guide us back, alas. Still, it may help us if we become lost in these hedgerows to return here."
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