[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Rises Again DM: Dimsdale.


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Among the ruins of the city of Daunton a strange light appears at the exact location of where the inn once stood. The light intensifies and starts to take the shape of a humanoid with a muscular build and dark black eyes. He turns its head from left to right to check it's surroundings. Satisfied, he closes his eyes and starts to chant. As he does so the ground surrounding the humanoid shakes. Soon five pillars of earth erupt from the ground, each of which start to take the form of humanoids as well. A wicked smile appears from the lips of the one with the black eyes. Yes, there is life from the ashes of this desolate place. My master said that this would be the case. Time to have a little fun..heh heh heh

OOC: Looking for four to five lvl 2 characters. Please create them and post on this page with the stats. Once this is done the adventure will begin. Let each of your characters have a magic item equal to lvl 1 and lvl 3.
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First Post
One of the mounds of earth and debris start to grow in size, over 6 feet tall. Giant muscular legs and arm so form along with a massive chest and a head, not that of a human or half-orc, but that of a bull. The beast holds a massive axe with both hands.

GM: Welcome abord Neil1889

anyone else?
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Interested! Either runepriest or some kind of non-wizard controller (maybe a witch?) ... I'll let you know...I'll make the char over the weekend.


Also, maybe it would help to call people via mentions...

What's this? Stealth recruitment without me?! :)

I would play either Drew (at second level) or my dark warlock from Eberron. If I have to create new character, then...hm...something :) I'll let you know tomorrow.


First Post
Interested! Either runepriest or some kind of non-wizard controller (maybe a witch?) ... I'll let you know...I'll make the char over the weekend.


Also, maybe it would help to call people via mentions...

What's this? Stealth recruitment without me?! :)

I would play either Drew (at second level) or my dark warlock from Eberron. If I have to create new character, then...hm...something :) I'll let you know tomorrow.

GM: LOL! I check the thread daily. What about you guys? As soon as you guys send me something I'll work it in. Let the fun begin. @Tenchuu or @FourMonos Come and join us to fill out the party.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I'll be definitely doing Hamadryad witch - protector of Dauntons park and keeper of the gate to Feywild.

Now just to make my old CB working :(

I was on a tour, just returned. Since I don't have new character I'll use one of Eberron ones, either drow dark warlock or goliath runepriest depending on what others play (runepriest if more melee is needed, obviously)

How do you prefer the characters, [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION]? Should we post them on wiki or here in some format?

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