Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

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Voda Vosa

First Post
The marshal is always ready for action.

Initiative: 30

[sblock=Marshal Hilkalas]
Initiative +11; Senses Passive Insight 16, Passive Perception 12
HP 36/36, Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 7
AC 20; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 17
Speed 6
(W)+1 Shielding Khopesh (Standard; at-will) +8 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage
(W) Javaline (Standard; at-will) Range 5/10; +7 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage
(W) Beguiling Strands (Standard; at-will) ✦ Close blast 5; each enemy in burst; +7 vs Will; 6 psychic damage, targets are pushed up to 4 squares.
(W) Commander's Strike (Standard; at-will) ✦ Effect: One of Marshal Hilkalas allies can take a free action to make a melee basic attack against the target. The ally gains +4 bonus to the damage roll
(E) Inspiring Word (Minor; Encounter) ✦ Close burst 5, allies or Marshal Hilkalas: Spend a HS and regain 1d6.
(E) Grasping Shadows (Standard; encounter) ✦ Area burst 1 within 10 squares; each creature in burst; +7 vs Will; 1d8+7 psychic damage, and target is slowed UENT. Effect: Shadows writhe in the designated area and continue until the end of Marshal Hilkalas next turn. Any creature that enters the area of the grasping shadows takes 6 psychic damage and is slowed until the end of its next turn.
(E) Battlefront Shift (N/A; encounter) ✦ Trigger: Rolls initiative. Close burst 3, Marshal Hilkalas or an ally in burst shift half speed.
(E) Devastating Offensive (Standard; encounter) ✦ One creature. +8 vs AC, 1d8+4 dmg, target is slided 2, ally adjacent is slided 4 to the vacated square. Said ally takes a basic melee attack for free against the target.
(D) Phantom chasm (Standard; daily) ✦ Area burst 1 within 10 squares, each enemy in burst. +7 vs will, 2d6+7 psychic dmg, and the target falls prone and its immobilized. Miss: Half damage and targets fall prone. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy that enters the zone falls prone.
(E) Bastion of mental clarity (Immediate interrupt; encounter) Close burst 5. Trigger: An enemy hits or misses Marshal Hilkalas with an attack against his Will. Target: Marshal Hilkalas and each ally in burst. Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of Marshal Hilkalas next turn.
(E) Knight’s move (Move; encounter) An ally within 10 squares takes a move action as a free action.

Son of Meepo

First Post
The marshal is always ready for action.

Initiative: 30

How is your initiative modifier +11? You have a 10 Dex and you don't appear to have any items or feats that contribute to init. The math section of your sheet only says +2. Did you copy that from a different character and forget to change it?

Voda Vosa

First Post
How is your initiative modifier +11? You have a 10 Dex and you don't appear to have any items or feats that contribute to init. The math section of your sheet only says +2. Did you copy that from a different character and forget to change it?

Good question. I've revised it, and it seems to be the case. I've changed it; the downside of not having it revised I guess. Would appreciate if any judge (or any non judge too) does BTW. Initiative should be 21 then


OOC: [Mention=10]Voda Vosa[/Mention], if you want to move a PC early during the init, please post at least that much early on so that we do not have to retcon.

Monsters jump out from hiding behind the bushes as Pumpkin starts barking.

Rava's init 12

43/43 Jayce
49/49 Sirrah
36/36 Hilkalas
Half Troll
Hobgoblin 1
Hobgoblin 2
55/55 Tana
37/37 Rava

Note: Rava spent a healing surge to heal herself up.

Note: It's Jayce's, Sirrah, and Hilakalas' turns. Then the monsters, then everyone.

Terrain: The entire area is wet from the rain.

The road is difficult terrain due to mud. The rest of the area is wet, but it doesn't affect movement.

Cover: Trees provide one way cover if the target is in the adjacent square behind them compared to the attacker. Trees also provide normal two way cover for both attacker and defender if neither is in the adjacent square (i.e. PC away from tree, monster away from tree, but tree between the two of them).

Concealment. Bushes provide concealment, but only if the character is purposely crouched down behind them. The monsters were hiding behind the bushes, but now are not. I will indicate if any of the monsters are trying to gain concealment.

Monsters Round One.png
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Son of Meepo

First Post
Sirrah decides to try to clear the way behind Jasper so that his employer has a place to hide.

He wheels his horse around off the road and then lowers his lance towards the bugbear.

Move: H16:I17
Minor: Vanguard Lance
Standard: Daring Charge vs Bugbear to K21:L22
Daring Charge (1d20+9+1=17, 3d10+1d8+8=25)

[sblock=Sirrah's Stats]Sirrah the Bleak Rider - Deathless Elf Berserker 4
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 18, Will 14
HP 49/49, Bloodied 24, Surge Value 12, Surges 10/11
Speed 6, Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Second Wind []
At-Will Powers: Defender Aura, Jarring Smash, Run Down, Vengeful Guardian
Encounter Powers: Batter Down [], Daring Charge [x], Long View [], Dark Reaping []
Daily Powers: Rage Drake's Frenzy [], Vanguard Lance [x]

Voda Vosa

First Post
“Pull back! Jayce, charge the troll, Tana, hold the Ogre! I’ll aid you. Rava, stop the hobgoblin behind us! Jasper, stay with Sirrah! Go!” Hilkalas organizes the group. He brandishes his wicked looking sword and calmly approaches the ogre, assessing the brute’s reaction. He dives in and takes a calculated slice at it, retreating back to a defensive stance in the blink of an eye.

I can do it, but need a map before doing so, otherwise I don't know where to move people around.
Battlefront shift: Jasper shifts to F18
Move: Hilkalas walks to –B15
Standard: Shielding Kopesh vs ogre: 23 vs AC for 9 dmg.
Hilkalas suggests Tana attacks the Ogre (so I can use some of the melee powers). Jayce could probably handle the half-troll, Sirrah has already acted, so he’s sending Jasper behind him, and Rava should stop he hobos, who I think will be using ranged weapons.

[sblock=Marshal Hilkalas]
Initiative +11; Senses Passive Insight 16, Passive Perception 12
HP 36/36, Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 7
AC 20; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 17
Speed 6
(W)+1 Shielding Khopesh (Standard; at-will) +8 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage
(W) Javaline (Standard; at-will) Range 5/10; +7 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage
(W) Beguiling Strands (Standard; at-will) ✦ Close blast 5; each enemy in burst; +7 vs Will; 6 psychic damage, targets are pushed up to 4 squares.
(W) Commander's Strike (Standard; at-will) ✦ Effect: One of Marshal Hilkalas allies can take a free action to make a melee basic attack against the target. The ally gains +4 bonus to the damage roll
(E) Inspiring Word (Minor; Encounter) ✦ Close burst 5, allies or Marshal Hilkalas: Spend a HS and regain 1d6.
(E) Grasping Shadows (Standard; encounter) ✦ Area burst 1 within 10 squares; each creature in burst; +7 vs Will; 1d8+7 psychic damage, and target is slowed UENT. Effect: Shadows writhe in the designated area and continue until the end of Marshal Hilkalas next turn. Any creature that enters the area of the grasping shadows takes 6 psychic damage and is slowed until the end of its next turn.
(E) Battlefront Shift (N/A; encounter) ✦ Trigger: Rolls initiative. Close burst 3, Marshal Hilkalas or an ally in burst shift half speed.
(E) Devastating Offensive (Standard; encounter) ✦ One creature. +8 vs AC, 1d8+4 dmg, target is slided 2, ally adjacent is slided 4 to the vacated square. Said ally takes a basic melee attack for free against the target.
(D) Phantom chasm (Standard; daily) ✦ Area burst 1 within 10 squares, each enemy in burst. +7 vs will, 2d6+7 psychic dmg, and the target falls prone and its immobilized. Miss: Half damage and targets fall prone. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy that enters the zone falls prone.
(E) Bastion of mental clarity (Immediate interrupt; encounter) Close burst 5. Trigger: An enemy hits or misses Marshal Hilkalas with an attack against his Will. Target: Marshal Hilkalas and each ally in burst. Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of Marshal Hilkalas next turn.
(E) Knight’s move (Move; encounter) An ally within 10 squares takes a move action as a free action.

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