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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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"This portal gets a fair amount of use, from what I've heard," Kaeysari says, "It shouldn't be a problem getting back. We've got a few hours of light left, so we should probably get going, if everyone's rested up by now. If we see a stream, we should refill our waterskins. We don't want to dry out."

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ooc: Ok, three (without objectors) seems good enough, let's move along. :)

The group moves up the road. The ground is clear to a distance of ten feet on either side of the stones, but thick jungle grows in a riot just beyond. It is as if an invisible fence keeps the growth from approaching too closely. The party's footsteps thud dully on the road surface, sounding oddly muffled. The road twists and turns every few hundred feet, preventing you from seeing too far ahead.

After covering about a mile, the gold-streaked mists which shroud the end of the ridgeline are visible on the cliffline above - still distant, but unmistakable.

Another mile after that, after a bend in the road, a group of people and vehicles in front of a structure comes into view.

The structure is a sturdy but worn-looking wooden wall, bound together with ropes, that stretches across the road and into the jungle on either side. It's hard to say exactly how far it extends laterally as that view is blocked by vegetation, but probably fifty feet at least. Moats or ditches have been dug in the jungle floor on either side of the road as well. From this distance and angle, you can't tell how deep they are or if they contain anything.

The wall is about a hundred and fifty feet from your position. The road can be seen stretching out and up behind it, the edge of the mists very distinct now perhaps another mile along. You can also make out at least a half dozen humanoid figures standing atop the wall. Most are facing in your direction, but a few face the other way. At distance, details are hard to make out, but sunlight glints off metal - they are armed and armored.

Rather than a gate, a large wooden ramp rises up to the top of the wall twenty-five feet above the ground. The ramp is fifteen feet wide and fifty feet long. A mule-drawn cart is drawn up on the road in front of the ramp. Another is partway up the ramp, where it appears to be stuck. Part of the ramp looks like it fell away under the cart and it tilts precariously to the side. Four men and women, wearing little more than loincloths, are using a pair of mules and ropes to right the cart. Actually, their work seems to be stalled while they argue about something. Another man, similarly clad, is crouched over something on the ground. Some sort of tool is in his hand. Yet another man, this one an armored dwarf wearing some sort of headdress, stands a bit off to the side, watching the argument, his hands on his hips.

The cart on the road is packed with barrels, sacks and large jars. The stuck cart is empty, but other barrels and crates are stacked off to one side of the ramp, possibly cargo that was unloaded.

To either side of the end of the ramp, standing and squatting in loose semi-circles, are groups of what appear to be Valley of Bone soldiers. Ten are on each side. Humans, dwarves, halflings and a couple of gnolls, they are clad in heavy hide armor splashed with brightly colored paint, armed with spears and shortbows. Most are holding waterskins.

But probably most impressive are two huge predatory cats the size of warhorses. They wear wicker barding and saddles, and whorls and diamond shapes have been shaved into their coal-black fur. One lolls about on the ground beside either group of soldiers, thick tails lashing from side to side.

Several of the soldiers spot your group. Immediately, they begin to shout and whistle. More shouts come from the top of the wall. Several at the ramp fan out protectively around the cart in the road, spears ready. Others unlimber short bows and form a firing line. Two human women wearing black helms click their tongues, and in response, the great cats lurch to their feet. The women leap into the saddles and unlimber long lances. They move out in followed by groups of soldiers on foot trotting behind.

They approach to within fifty feet of you and pull up, the cats growling loudly. One of the mounted women shouts something in your direction. [sblock=Magari->Dwarven]Halt! Halt! <something - forbidden?>![/sblock]
Krassus whimpers quietly, making himself small behind one of the mules.

[sblock=Insight DC 15 (passive)]The soldiers appear suspicious and are quite ready for a fight, but they are not actually moving to attack... yet.[/sblock]


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They are calling to us to halt. I think we should pause for a moment and see what they do. says Chaku as they call out in magari. Krassus, are any of these the other ones that raided your farm?



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Papolstaanas stops and stretches out his empty hands in what he hopes is a placating gesture. He looks helplessly around at his companions, unable to understand a word of what the strangers are saying.


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Cillani is quite impressed with the large cat creatures and the amount of muscle that seems to be clanking out to meet them. "Halting might be a good idea, looks like they've brought out their main forces to greet us. Seems we've stepped into a messy situation here." She smiles and waves to the oncoming party before turning towards her brother. "Big Br'ther I do believe it's your turn again gods know I shouldn't talk to them oh and if you could I'd love one of those cat things to take back home with me." She winks playfully at Jynxx while visualizing the fun she could have back home her giggles get a bit loud before she regains her composure.

[sblock=Insight check]
1d20+4=9 [/sblock]
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Jynxx nods at his sister, "Such beasts are noble indeed." Jynxx looks around at the soldiers, "Everyone move slow, they don't appear as though they wish for a fight, but are rather ready for one. I can only assume this is a good sign for us."

Jynxx smiles warmly at the female that yelled at them to halt, "I am sorry, I do not speak your language. If I may come closer, we need not to speak at all." Jynxx moves painfully slowly, laying his bow on the ground and smiling the entire time.

Without lifting his gaze he asks the party, "I do not speak their language, but that will not stop me from speaking with them. Telepathy does not require the same language, but does have a rather close distance. Can one of you who manages to speak their language ask them if I may approach? Alone if needed. I do not believe they wish us harm."


First Post
Krassus, are any of these the other ones that raided your farm?

The manager peeks up from behind the mule and scans the soldiers for a few seconds. "No, I don't think so," he says before crouching back down again.

Jynxx smiles warmly at the female that yelled at them to halt, "I am sorry, I do not speak your language. If I may come closer, we need not to speak at all." Jynxx moves painfully slowly, laying his bow on the ground and smiling the entire time.

Without lifting his gaze he asks the party, "I do not speak their language, but that will not stop me from speaking with them. Telepathy does not require the same language, but does have a rather close distance. Can one of you who manages to speak their language ask them if I may approach? Alone if needed. I do not believe they wish us harm."

When Jynxx addresses her, the mounted woman grimaces. It is clear that she doesn't understand a word of Allarian. She looks back over her shoulder.

The dwarf who was watching the repair work at the ramp starts coming forward. The soldiers part to let him through. As he reaches the mounted woman, he stops and they exchange some words. After the brief conversation, the woman sends another muted glare your way. Then she barks commands and whistles. Most of the soldiers and the other rider pull back towards the ramp, leaving a half dozen still arrayed on the road. The remaining rider clicks her tongue and the great cat sits back on its haunches. The rider stays mounted, continuing to stare intently at the group.

The dwarf proceeds to walk towards the group. His hands are empty, though there is a long shield on his back and a polished club hanging from his belt. His beard is extremely short for a dwarf; it's just a bit longer than a goatee.

As he gets closer, you can tell that his headdress is made of feathers. But it's quite different than the wild, dirty adornment of the plantation attackers. The plumage in this headdress features a variety of bright hues, arranged very artistically to represent an animal shape. It bears a striking resemblance to the symbol that was painted on the roadside pyramid back on the main road from Fulcrum.

He approaches to about fifteen feet and stops, raising one hand with fingers spread. "Cipactonal's servant greets fellow travelers in the name of the Great King," he says in a rolling baritone. His Allarian bears only the slightest hint of an accent. "I apologize, but the henge - and this road - are closed today."


Jynxx bows politely, sweeping off his hat as he does so. "Well met Master Dwarf. I am truly sorry we have seemingly made an uncomfortable situation, for we did not know this pass to be closed. We are very new to this region, as you might be able to tell from our lack of ability to speak your immaculate language. We were attacked and property was taken from us, zocalti to be exact. We simply seek to have our load returned, so that our own masters do not think we are inept."

Jynxx smiles deeply and his eyes shine with a soft light, "I beg of you and your powerful masters to help us on our way. We do not dare to oppose an army as fantastic as this, and to be truthful I am slightly taken aback by how masterful they appear."

"That said though Master Dwarf, I wish only to have what belongs to my master. We have trailed the group that has stolen it to this road, their tracks were fresh; mere hours ahead of us. I do not ask for your army, but for simple help in finding a road your Great King has not closed, so that we may find their trail again."


Okay.... i wrote this whole huge thing that was all graceful and full of sucking up and diplomacy..................................... and FREAKING DELETED IT ALL ON ACCIDENT. So I wrote this lol

Jynxx will use Words of Friendship

Diplomacy 1d20+15=29 [/sblock]


First Post
While Jynxx speaks, the dwarf listens intently. The dwarf grimaces slightly when Jynxx mentions stolen zocalti. When the bard mentions tracking the thieves to this road, he frowns deeply.

At the end of the bard's speech, he nods once, and puts his hand on his chin. He appears to be composing his thoughts and considering his words. After a moment, he turns his head to scan the rest of the group. Then he returns his gaze to the kalashtar.

"I am Laeleg, servant of Cipactonal, the First Man," he begins. "I am taking tribute from Faraldrumi - Newhill - back to the court of the Great King of Glad Weeping. I am very sorry to hear of this injustice. I am even more sorry that I seem to have compounded it.

"You have no doubt seen our problem ahead? We have been stuck here for oven an hour. Well, not long after the accident, a band of zocaltipapatlaca came down the road, as you have done, and they bore a heavy load of zocalti on their backs. I have little doubt, they were the thieves you were tracking.

"I spoke with them briefly. Their leader gave his name as Chikulotl. We did not converse long - zocaltipapatlaca are not much for small talk."
The dwarf shakes his head and frowns again with evident distaste. It seems that he is not particularly fond of these zocaltipapatlaca. "This Chikulotl gave the zocalti over to me as a tribute to the Great King. Then they went back the way they came."

Laeleg raises one hand to chest level, holding it palm up. "Perhaps you can still track them down and have them answer for their deeds. I will gladly answer any question, render any assistance I can that does not conflict with my duties. However..."

He pauses and looks directly at Azryah. His expression is troubled, but resolute. "Sister who sat at the side of the First Man, it pains me greatly to say this. But I cannot return the zocalti to you. We are charged to protect this caravan and see it safely to his court. Unfortunately, that charge now includes your zocalti. Given in tribute to the Great King, it is now the property of the Great King. It cannot be released except at his direct word."


First Post
It would appear we must go see the Great King then, and ask for the zocalti back. You have your charge, and we have ours. Perhaps we can obtain a different tribute for the Great King to trade for our zocalti? says Chaku with a look crossed between frustration and annoyance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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