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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)

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Whether in response to the goliath's posing, the bard's bow, or for some entirely different reason, the eye sinks back down into the fountain with a small splash. The iron gate slowly swings open.


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Cillani snickers at their tacts. " Oh Brother Dear, I believe you scared it away." Her snickering continues as she ponders what this guy is into and wondering if they've made the right decision to come here.

[sblock=Arcana check]
1d20+8=18 [/sblock]


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I'm assuming you'll go inside and I'm preparing an update... not sure if I'll be able to get to it tonight, but I'll try...


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Encounter 3: The Headman's Garden

Sorry for not moving things along a bit quicker recently... but here we go, a new encounter!

The group passes through the gate, into the pleasant-looking garden. Just after Cillani and Chaku cross the gate's threshold, it slams shut with a loud clang.

In a matter of seconds, the garden transforms before your eyes. Shadows lengthen as the trim little hedges suddenly thicken and grow, looming above head level. Their branches bristle with needle-like thorns that look very strong and very sharp. The colorful birds and insects flitting from flower to flower become bats and grey moths, and the pleasant aromas of the nearby blossoms grow sickly and faintly rotten. And the gate itself vanishes behind a wall of solid brambles which stretches creaking from the wild patches on either side of it.

It's hard to say whether the garden has actually changed, or its previous appearance was some sort of glamor. Perhaps it is a combination of the two.

But the winged figures, which previously appeared to be carvings at the top of the two tall totems, now moving and stretching leathery bat wings, opening fanged maws to screech in your direction, seem quite real. So do the vaguely humanoid shapes made of twisted vines, branches and leaves which crouch in the shelter of the hedges directly in front of the gate. So does the strange ball of roots and large seed pods writhing around in the hedges off to the right.

They all appear quite menacing, and are poised to attack.

[sblock=Perception DC 20 (passive)]Another spectral eye floats up from the fountain on the far side of the garden, close to the wall of the pyramid. It is smaller than the first one and fairly hard to see against the stone background.[sblock=Perception DC 25 (active - requires minor action)]It hovers roughly forty feet up, regarding the scene.[/sblock][/sblock]
Jynxx, Kaeysari and Azryah act before the enemies in round 1. Everyone else, wait until after the enemies take their first turn.

Azryah; Chaku; Cillani; Jynxx; Kaeysari; Papolstaanas; Bad Guys (1d20=12, 1d20+1=8, 1d20=3, 1d20=16, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+2=5, 1d20+3=11)[/sblock]
16 Jynxx - W18 - 22/24 (7/8) AP: 1
12 Kaeysari - V18 - 24/28 (6/10) AP: 0
12 Azryah - W19 - 28/28 (7/9) AP: 1
11 -- BAD GUYS --
Winged B - J9 (top of totem)
Winged X - K28 (top of totem)
Vine Thing N - R13
Vine Thing E - R18
Root Pod - R23
8 Chaku - X18 - 28/33 (9/12) AP: 0
5 Papolstaanas - V19 - 33/35 (10/13) AP: 1
3 Cillani - X19 - 21/23 (6/7) AP: 0 - firesoul (+1 Reflex / resist 5 fire)
[sblock=Enemies]Winged Things
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: Slam +8 vs AC; 1d8 + 1 damage
Weakness: Any critical hit to the winged thing reduces it to 0 hp instantly.
[sblock=Lore (Religion active check)][sblock=DC 15]The winged thing is an undead creature called a rotwing zombie. It is essentially mindless, obeying its creator's will.[sblock=DC 20]The rotwing zombie can hit harder than usual if it executes a charge while flying.[sblock=DC 25]The rotwing zombie is immune to poison and disease, resists necrotic, and is vulnerable to radiant damage.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Vine Things
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: +9 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The viney creature is a plant creature (obviously) commonly called a bloodthorn vine. They are not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The bloodthorn vine attacks by impaling its foes with a sharp, hollow thorn. It sucks its victim's blood through the thorn, healing itself. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Root Pod Thing
HP ??, bloodied ??
AC ??, Fort ??, Ref ??, Will ??
Basic Attack: +7 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage, and the target is grabbed.
[sblock=Lore (Nature active check)][sblock=DC 15]The root creature is a plant creature (obviously) known as a tainted root pod. It is not intelligent, and can be bound to service by powerful items or rituals.[sblock=DC 20]The tainted root pod attacks with lashing roots which have a long reach. It can drag foes grabbed by its roots. It is blind but can sense creatures and objects that are near it. It can move unhindered through difficult vegetation.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Terrain Notes]Needle Hedge (Green blocks): 10 feet high. Difficult terrain. Grants cover to a creature within or behind it. If a creature moves through more than one square of needle hedge during a single move action or incident of forced movement, that creature takes 5 damage.

Impassable Brambles (Brown blocks): Blocking terrain - treat as walls.

Totems: Provide cover to creatures in the 4 squares around them (the totems occupy the center point of 4 squares).

Topiaries: Difficult terrain.

Flowers (pinkish circles): They still look real pretty but smell kinda icky! (No apparent effects.)[/sblock]
[sblock=Full Map (reference)]Map showing entire garden (at start of encounter)


First Post
[sblock=No milestone]In some cases I'll count a skill challenge towards a milestone, but not that one.

Did I have Papo's action point count wrong? I had him showing 1 left, but was kind of unsure... did you use one that I didn't record?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=monster knowledge checks]
Religion, Nature, and Nature, in order of monster presentation:1d20+5=21 1d20+3=13 1d20+3=14[/sblock]

Kaeysari steps forward, weapon at the ready. "Look out for those flying things," she says. "They hit hard when they charge you."

Move:to V18
Standard: Ready Action--Reaping Strike at first enemy within range: 1d20+8=21 2d4+4=10--10 damage on a hit, or 4 on a miss, and Kaeysari will mark the foe.
[/sblock][sblock=Kaeysari stat block]Kaeysari Female Longtooth Shifter Fighter 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:17, Fort:16, Reflex:12, Will:13
HP:25/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/10
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: unused
Powers:Cleave, Reaping Strike, Covering Attack, Longtooth Shifting,
Villain's Menace, Healing Word
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First Post
[sblock=lore checks]Wingers: 1d20+10=27
Vines: 1d20+4=20
Root: 1d20+4=21[/sblock]

Azryah is startled a bit by the appearance of the strange creatures. Recognizing that the setting will be less hindering for these plant creatures than it is for her, she stays put for the moment and instead asks Merkari for guidance. Unfortunately, he seems to be turning a deaf ear at this time.

Move: stay in W19
Standard: Radiant Vengeance on Vine E: 1d20+4=12 - realized I forgot the minus 2 for cover, so that's all of 10 v. reflex. I rolled a dmg, but I assume it's useless, so I'll leave it out.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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