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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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Papolstaanas stops and stares up in amazement, obviously very impressed with the dimensions of the chamber, the skylights, and the domed ceiling. "Wow!" he says, forgetting for a moment his earlier determination to keep his mouth shut.

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"Very considerate of the Honored Ancestor," Jynxx remarks whole-heartedly. "I must ask, since I am a stranger to this land... What is the appropriate title for us to address him? I surely do not wish to offend such a gracious host."


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Azryah follows quietly, keeping her eyes on the wights as they go. At no point does she put the sword away or drop her guard. When they enter the room she notes with interest that the wights are standing guard. However, she's torn between keeping her eyes on them while she waits and scanning the rest of the room because she fears their "host" may enter through some sort of secret door or something.

The more she thinks about the whole situation, the less she likes it. We're not going to get any help or beans here. We'll be lucky to get out with our lives, she thought. Wouldn't be surprised if this guy arranged the attack on the plantation. One of us should have stayed with Krassus, or maybe we should have insisted he come with us to present his case.

She remained still and silent, like a statue guard, while they waited.

[sblock=ooc]I hope no one minds the way I'm indicating her thoughts. I thought it would be good to write them down and a lighter tint of her speaking color in italics with no quotes was the best way I could think to represent them.

Unless I say otherwise, she doesn't intend to broadcast them, but I still find it good to write them out.[/sblock]


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"Uhm, 'Honored One', I suppose," Bwarli answers Jynxx. "I think that would do fine, in Allarian. 'Honored Ancestor' wouldn't be wrong, but since he's not your ancestor and you're not Magari, it would sound a little bit strange."

When no one makes a move towards the banquet table, he shrugs and heads over to it. Grabbing a piece of flatbread, he slathers it with sauce, plops a chunk of meat onto it, folds it over, and takes a bite. This earns him another fierce glare from Urtamklatl, but he appears undisturbed by her he disapproval. Between chews, he says something to her in Magari.

[sblock=Magari->Dwarven]"What? I had a light lunch!"[/sblock]
ooc: the "flatbread" is a tortilla, but the PC's might not recognize it as such.

[sblock=LadyLaw]I think it's great to put character thoughts in your posts, I think it really helps round out the characterization. I do it for my PCs all the time.[/sblock]


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Cillani tsked at Jynxx. "Now Br'ther dear you know that respecting Her is always my concern. But you're right that did sound more threatening then I intended." She nods respectfully to Bwarli and followed the others out. Once in the room she glances around and heads straight for the large window admiring the scene below her. "This view is quite spectacular." She sighs once before tearing her eyes away from the cliffs and back into the room. She snickers softly when she notices the throne like chair. " I wish I had a chair like that back home." She smiles and winks at Jynxx


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Kaeysari eyes the scene warily, having no desire to speak to the wights, or anyone who would employ such creatures. She remains standing, watchful, satisfied to let others speak.


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After gaping at the architecture for a while, Papolstaanas walks to the banquet table and takes a piece of bread. He tries to sample a little bit of everything.


Jynxx sighs, "Yes, yes, so did I. They are heavy, and quite overkill for the life I believe I am intended to possess. I do not deny their comfort though dear sister. As for the respect you speak of... I am more concerned with those that are directly in front of me than a god I have yet to see. Perhaps one day her affairs will become my main concern, but as of now it is this group we have come to be a part of."

Jynxx pokes his sister with the tip of his bow, "Do not forsake your goddess, but do not forget that she has not directly intervened. The power you possess comes from within, whether it was placed by the Raven Queen or not."

[sblock=telepathy to Cillani]

"Do not endanger the group. Not even in the service of your goddess. I am your elder, remember that."

ooc: Sorry Charm... figured it was time for some scolding. lol [/sblock]


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Cillani sighs. "Her affairs have already effected you Br'ther perhaps one day you'll understand. But enough of that we shall discuss that subject another time I fear. Oh and remember a woman never forgets." The last is said with a laugh.

[sblock= Back at Jynxx] "Elder indeed. Brother dear where ever did you get such an idea? But the last thing I want to do is place the group in trouble. Remember She is also patient so taking care of Her wishes will happen in time. Now enough with the mock maturity."

ooc: scolding? what scolding :p [/sblock]
As she replied back to Jynxx her face got this far off look before shaking herself and returning mentally to the room. She notices Papolstaanas tasting the food. "Find anything delicious?" She walks closer to the table and lets her eyes roam over the food choices.


First Post
Papolstaanas finds a number of tasty things to eat. The meats include goat and pork, but no beef. There are several varieties of fish as well. The sauces have a noticeable kick to them, and the peppers, if he should dare them, are extremely hot. The fruits include bananas, strawberries, and avocados, all raw.

ooc: Papolstaanas may or may not be familiar with the fruits... I imagine that they are not unknown in Daunton or Bacarte, but not commonplace, either. The sauces (salsas) are pretty exotic for him.

A grinding noise comes from behind the raised chair; the stone wall parts to reveal a hidden door. Another headdress-wearing wight is barely visible lurking in the dark passage beyond, as is the top of another headdress being worn by a shorter figure mostly obscured behind the throne. After a moment the figure emerges. It is another dwarf, short and broad, wearing robes woven with gold and silk thread, golden sandals, and the most elaborate headdress yet - fully two feet high and nearly as wide, displaying two separate forms, the lower one a stylized feathered serpent, the upper one the same maize-eared face on the headgear of the other pyramid inhabitants. Heavy gold rings adorn both hands. In the right he clutches a rod made of dark wood, tipped with a big emerald.

The dwarf hops up onto the platform without apparent effort and settles in the chair, then looks down at you. He lacks any sort of facial hair, not even eyebrows, and as far as can be seen underneath the headress, his head appears shaved as well. His face and fingers are both extremely thin, nearly skeletal, the bone-white skin stretched tight. Most disturbingly, his eyes appear to be empty sockets, filled only with a faint orange glow.

[sblock=Arcana trained only]A strong arcane pressure emanates from the dwarf. You can't help but feel it, without even trying to focus your senses to detect magical auras. His very body seems permeated with magic - very powerful magic.[/sblock]
[sblock=Religion DC 15 (active, Cillani automatic)]The headman was a powerful arcane caster… while he was alive. He has preserved his body and power in a state of unlife. In fact, he is a lich![/sblock]
[sblock=History DC 15 (active) - to make this check, you must have passed previous Religion check, or have been informed about it by someone who did]It is said that in many communities in the Valley of Bone, undead live peacefully alongside the living. It is not uncommon for the noble classes to govern in life and then continue their rule in undeath.
[sblock=DC 20]To be turned into an undead as powerful as a lich, Hulgrimi must have been a fairly high status noble in life. Much higher status than you'd expect to find serving as a simple village headman. Newhill is an important colony in a distant land, so it's not exactly a simple village. Still, it seems a bit strange.[/sblock][/sblock]
Both Bwarli and Urtamklatl genuflect briefly, then cross the room to stand at the foot of the throne, facing you. "Hon'rred Anzeztorre Hulgrimi," the woman announces, then launches into a long speech in Magari.

[sblock=Magari->Dwarven]The formal and ritualized Magari is hard for you to understand, but you can tell that she is reciting titles. "The Emperor's Diamond Speartip" is one you can make out. "Conqueror of the Black Hills" is another.[/sblock]
The recitation goes on for quite a while. Bwarli stands stone-faced through it all, but as Urtamklatl enters the second minute of her speech, the headman's orange eye-lights slowly drift up in their orbits, then a bit to the right. Could he be… rolling his eyes?

Finally she winds down, looking up at the throne expectantly. Hulgrimi clears his throat - a dry, rattling sound - leans forward, and speaks. "Hi!" he says, his voice hollow and vibrating, but somehow bright. "I'm Hulgrimi. What's up?"

A small groan escapes Urtamklatl's lips before she can clamp them shut. Bwarli's solemn expression holds, barely - it looks like it's about to crack.

The headman removes his headdress and sets it casually on the arm of the chair. His skull is indeed hairless underneath. "Nice to have visitors! Where are you all from? And what brings you to the pyramid?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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