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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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Azryah is hesitant to turn her back on the lich, but cannot leave her friends alone with the undead either. She follows Jynxx and Papol out, as they trail after Bwarli. She wishes, not for the first time, that she could understand what the dwarves are saying in that other language. Whatever it is, one of them seemed quite hurt by the exchange, but there was no time to worry about that. She turned her head often, back to front, trying to watch both the wights trailing behind them and the path ahead. They didn't seem at all afraid of her exposed blade, but then again, the undead didn't really show fear in her experience anyway.

She's not sure what to make of Bwarli's speach in Allarian, so she simply continues to listen, and watch her companions' backs.


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The dwarf takes note of Azryah's guarded stance. "You know, no one will try to harm you here," he says to her. "Those creatures are here for my protection only. They will not attack, not even approach you, unless you go after me." He eyes the deva's blade and chuckles a bit nervously.


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"Enamored of the sword? I think not. Enamored of my head is more like it. Believe, I will not harm anything that does not attack myself or my companions, but I feel better with the sword in hand in such strange circumstances as we find ourselves in now."

Having said more than she intended to counter a perceived insult from Jynxx, she realizes she may have said too much indeed and shuts up again thinking, The sooner we are out of here, the better I will feel.


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Bwarli dips his staff in salute to Azryah. "Fair enough, after what happened in the garden. Hulgrimi is desperate to relieve his boredom and this increasingly leads him to excess. " He shakes his head. "I'm not supposed to say such things of an 'Honored Ancestor', but... it was wrong for him to send his creatures to fight you for his amusement. Terribly rude, too.

"You may not believe it, but you were not in true danger. If any of you had been felled, he would have commanded the creatures to stand down. And we were standing by with potions of healing just in case. In fact..."

He fumbles at a small pouch on his harness and extracts a vial. "You might as well take this. It won't be missed here." He holds out it to Jynxx.

[sblock=Loot!]one genuine potion of healing![/sblock]
The entry chamber is just ahead.


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Cillani was fit to be tied, she never took well to being ignored,then the fact that he wouldn't help and to find out that the attack had been to entertain him it was almost too much. It took all her energy to keep from shouting. "What are we to do now? It's not like we could get some of his stash while promising him some from next years crop or anything. This whole thing was a waste of time." Not expecting anyone to answer her she just went to muttering to herself trying to not blow up and cause more harm to the party, but she wouldn't forget this, she'd return. Her thoughts continued down this way for quite awhile.


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As he follows the group, the goliath continues to think about the events of the past day, and the various unusual trials they have faced.

I think I am missing something, could one of you help, he asks to the group in general. So Hedra asks us to get her beans, something that almost no one in Daunton knows about or would pay a few coppers for. A few hours away on this island though, we have a crazy band of bean thieves who torture and kill people for the beans, just to give them away. The people they gave the beans to won’t let us have the beans since they will be used for a tribute, but they will give us a magic sword that was also going to be tribute instead. Then we come to the nearest village to try and get some beans there, but instead are use in a bloodsport for a bald dwarf who likes to hang out with undead, and still we get no beans. Now we have no beans, no trail, no options, and when we come back without the goods, no gold. The only thing we will get is a good story for Jynxx to sing about and a reputation for failing.

He looks to the group with bewilderment in his eyes, hoping that one of them can poke a hole in his story and give him some clue how this hasn’t been a total loss.


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[sblock=Papolstaanas, Kaeysari]Forgot to mention this earlier but... after leaving the audience room, once whatever shock/adrenaline Hulgrimi's outburst provoked had faded, you noticed that you felt rather nice. A subtle, cheery warm glow sort of feeling. Not on the level of a hard, addictive drug, but a definite sensasion.

Perhaps the effect of the zocalti? [/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]Small point of clarification, the magic sword that the priest gave to Azryah was not part of the tribute. It was the priest's personal property. He mentioned he had intended it as a gift for someone back home, but that someone was not the Great King. I was unclear in that description; I think he said "for my master" but he meant his teacher, not the king.

Also... regarding the garden fight. I try to make the encounters and the reasons for the encounters fit into the narrative in more interesting and unexpected ways than just because the next room is full of monsters (to take it to the stereotypical extreme). So there was an IC reason for why it happened (which you now know), and your IC reactions to that are totally appropriate. At the same time, OOC, part of the reason for the fight was because this is D&D, so, you know, you have to fight stuff. ;)

But I think maybe I misjudged this one, on top of the other events, to where you as players are feeling like you've been screwed over and boxed in. Feeling like I'm trying to force you into "dungeon-mode" but against threats you cannot beat. If so, that was not my intent, and I'm sorry. I would not ask anyone to change their IC behavior. But OOC, maybe you can try to roll with it a little? Be open to other solutions, and not just stuck in a defensive crouch? (If you don't feel like that OOC, then never mind. :))

And if it helps, things should be a little more straightforward from here on out, plus explicit options are about to be presented. ;)[/sblock]
Bwarli listens to Cillani and Chaku, then speaks up. "There's still a chance you could get the zocalti here," he says. "If you could only help Hulgrimi... which is too much to ask, I know, given how you have been treated. But maybe by helping him, you could help yourselves."

He scowls. "This damned zocalti. I feel like that is at the heart of his problem. If he could only enjoy it again, or jist give it up! I have no illusions that he would be restored to his former self, but I think - I hope - he would become more managable. Still, ah, quirky, but not so close to the edge of madness."

He extends a hand to Jynxx. "I am sure the problem is not with the way the cooks we've had in have been preparing the stuff. I enjoy a bowl of zocalti myself now and then, and what he has been served has been perfectly good. But still, your offer to bring a chef from your homeland got me thinking. He craves novelty. Maybe a foreign chef could find some new way of preparing it that would satisfy him? Or perhaps introduce some other kind of food that he would enjoy so much, he'd forget about the damned zocalti?

"If it worked, if he was satisfied, I'm confident that he would release the zocalti you need. You do have the right of redress against vassals on your side, and he has plenty of the stuff socked away in our storerooms. He could easily give you a dozen bushels and still have enough left over for himself...

"What do you say?"

[sblock=Minor Quests]
Two new quests!

Steal Zocalti from the Lich's Storeroom
Perhaps unwisely, Bwarli has revealed that there is zocalti in the pyramid. It would probably not be easy, but a determined group might be able to sneak and/or fight their way in and get it the old-fashioned way.

Tickle the Lich's Withered Tastebuds
Find a way to divert or cure Hulgrimi's obsession, and he ought to give up the zocalti freely.

(These are pretty much mutually exclusive... and if anyone has an idea for a different approach, feel free to pursue that instead! I'll still give you quest XP of course. :))


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"Trying to find a new obsession for him seems the best option to me. If we were to find some new way for zocalti to be prepared to his liking, the plan may backfire and he could cleave more closely to it than before."

[sblock=ooc]Seeing as how Az just promised that she wouldn't harm anyone that doesn't attack herself or her companions, I'd prefer a non-fighting approach to this one. I'd hate for her to go back on her word.[/sblock]


"A tale of failure is but a lesson, and one that needs not be attached to a name great Chaku. But a tale I do have, that is sure."

"I do not doubt we can find a new taste to calm his senses. Where is the library he mentioned? I know enough to know that I know nothing about lich life or what they desire. Pray tell if there is someplace where I may become enlightened?"

[sblock=arzy in telepathy]

"Curious use of the word cleave my sword wielding friend. If I did not know you I might be worried."[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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