Adventure: Hey! That's Not Wayne's Basement! (DM: H.M.Gimlord, Judge: Ozymandias79)


Hey! That's Not Wayne's Basement!

An Adventure for Levels 1 - 2

Thanks for entertaining the insanity of Varquat Wayane: Master (and I use the term loosely) Brewer of Stark's Ale.


Riardon: Eladrin Warlord (Leader)
Rujah: Dragonborn Warden (Defender)
Fenwick: Orc Barbarian (Striker)
Talon: Shifter Ranger/Druid MC (Striker / Controller)
Jin: Human Ranger (Striker)

[sblock=Rules and other fine print]
OK. Sit back, get out your legal dictionary and settle in for a good cure to insomnia.... No. Seriously.


Player Info:
I encourage you to include mini stat blocks in your posts, or at least a link to your character sheet in your signature. Mini-stat blocks allow you to keep track of your own healing surges, power usages, acquired items, etc... without having to ask the DM all the time (Don't worry. I won't be a jerk if you forget).

[sblock=Example mini-stats]
Arkavas - deva artivicer 4

Initiative: +2, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15

AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 17

HP: 41, Surges: 4 AP: 1

Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Supernal

Basic Attacks:
Melee: +11 vs AC, 1d12+6
Ranged: +4 vs AC, 1d8

Thundering Armor, Magic Weapon
Scouring Weapon, Force Infusion
Caustic Rampart

Staff of Ruin +1, Vengefull Fullblate +1, Repeating Crossbow, Amulet of Protection +1

Healing Infusions 2:
Choose From:
Curative Admixture,
Resistive Formula,


Passive checks: I will roll passive checks from time to time.

If these checks result in information (i.e.: there are arrow holes in the walls of this corridor, that dragon has one eye open, etc...), I will reveal the information in a spoiler specifically addressed to one or more characters. If you are not one of the intended characters, please do not read these spoilers. The character, however, is welcome to, in character, reveal the contents of the spoiler to the others. I'm not going to police this or anything, but the story goes more like a story, when it's done this way. Please feel free to get into your character with the information you have (or don’t have).

If the passive check results in a turn of events (i.e.: a trap springing, a monster gaining surprise, failure to realize that the guy was lying all the time) the passive roll will be posted at the time that the event happens.

Combat: Malenkirk Rules! I’m taking on too much already to worry about keeping track of initiative and who got hit when. I’ll post monster stats from either the Compendium or the Adventure Tools offered by D&D Insider. Some of the bad guys have been customized for this adventure.

DM Posts during combat will include:

Status of all players, monsters, NPCs etc... indicating Name, Location, HP/MaxHP, State, Healing Surges Left, Action Points left (i.e.:: Arkavas I6 -1/41 Dying HS 0 AP 1)

Map in the form of a grid with Battleship style coordinates

Enemy Mini Stat Blocks
including HP, AC, Fort, Refl, Will, Immunities, Resistance, and Basic Attack. If there are more specialized powers, I will post them at the time of their use.

Time's Up!: I will give players 48 hours to post, at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only.

(this is rule created by Velmont, strict adherence to which ensures a good game pace)

Exceptions: If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character, or I can write in a scenario that takes you out of the picture until your return (The former is preferred).

[sblock= What are Malenkirk Rules?]

Named after their inventor Mal Malenkirk

In a nutshell:

  • Players roll initiative individually, bad guys roll on initiative roll
  • Players with higher init than bad guys go before bad guys
  • Bad guys go, good guys go, bad guys, good guys, etc...
  • Good guy turns happen in first post - first acted order.
  • Illegal post-overs will be resolved in that round
  • Legal post-overs stand even if each didn't know the other was posting.

Treasure: I would love for this to be divided up on a finder’s-keepers basis, or by the good will of the party, but doing this can get unfair. I guess we’ll just have to see how this works out. If you don’t have one already, keep a wish list on your character sheet up to date with what you would like, and I’ll try to accommodate within reason.

Die Rolling: Roll your dice on Invisible Castle. If invisible castle is down (and it is down a lot), try Dice Room using your character name and the name of this adventure (title above, punctuation and everything) as the room name. In either case highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.

Out of Character Content:
Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title.


I'm sure I missed something, but we'll handle that as it comes up.

Take some time to gab with Varquat as well as eachother. These conversations will be in the context of walking through the streets of Daunton on the way to the brewery....
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First Post
Fenwick hefts his axe over his shoulder and follows Varquat, talking cheerfully. The orc is large and fearsome looking, but friendly and cheerful. His conversation lags occasionally as he takes the time to look up a word in his little book, his lips moving visibly as he reads.

"Fenwick delighted to be going on adventure. Much better than sitting in drinking establishment. Fenwick good with axe, but also good negotiatior. Was chief negotiator for whole tribal grouping. But not much to do other than sell hides, and Fenwick nearly out of stock, so glad to be out and moving. Fenwick come from island now disappeared in mists. How about you guys?"


First Post
Rujah followed the others, hefting his hammer and readying his shield as he followed them. While walking armed may have been odd, he would rather be prepared than not, and knowing his own combat style, he had a feeling he would be leading the charge, channeling the might of the earth as he did so.

"So, your basement is not your basement, Master Varquat?" The scaled brute asked, his thick, scaled tail swaying several feet behind him as he did walked. His green scales concealed the frame as he followed closely behind the man.

"Did the other man you saw in your basement that is not your basement seem threatening?" While the idea did seem very strange, and given the fact that the man had made mention of a brew cellar, Rujah wondered if perhaps the man had had one drink too many, but was not about to offend the man, seeing as he anticipated at least some measure of reward even if all he was doing was killing a few mice.

Will attempt to work up Rujah's wishlist tomorrow, but I'm pretty darn new to 4E, so I may be sketchy on exact levels of items and when they're appropriate. I can definitely find items I think would be neat though! ;)[/sblock]
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Walking Dad

First Post
How about you guys?"

"I'm Riardon d' Caelis, from the greatest empire civilization has ever known. I'm sorry for you, having lost contact to your people. Before looking at the actual problem, we should talk about tactics in the face of trouble first. Is anyone of you good at scouting or ranged warfare?" Riardon replies. He seems determined to make them the best possible strike-force available in this combination of talents.

I'm here. I cannot post on the WE. Choosing an at-will (or a healing if needed) is fine for me.

Wishlist: Looking for a good neck-item. Prefer property over item powers.

Has still to be approved to 2nd level.

Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 17 Insight: 12 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 16 Reflex 14 Will 14
Hit Points: 34 / 34 Bloodied: 17
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Commander's Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault

Condition: -


The diverse sextuplet stroll down the street together marking Varquat's pace. Mid-day has not yet fully passed (OK Daunton doesn't have tight liquor licenses), and the sky casts a bright, overcast glow that lay's bare even the smallest of details. The city streets of Daunton's Commons district bustle with business, shoppers, travelers, rabble, and the general noise and distractions of the day-to-day.

How about you guys?"

"Oi's born an' raised roi' 'ere i' Daunton. Moi Deddie's Deddie, Ole Stok Woin starts'he ole alery ba' i' th'ole days. Been kickin' ou' kegs ev'rsince."

Varquat looks over the group and returns his gaze to the Orc.
"Now yes guyses be th'adventrus type. Me? Oi can' stands 'ventures. Nassy, disturbin' uncomforble thin's! Make'e la'e fer dinn'r!"

[sblock=OOC]OK, if you don't get the Tolkien reference, I do suggest you read The Hobbit. If this spoiler insults your intelligence, and ruins the flow of the game for you, consider it a reference citation to avoid plagiarism accusations;). I couldn't resist lifting this line.[/sblock]

"Did the other man you saw in your basement that is not your basement seem threatening?"

"…Ah. Aye. See, Oi drops moi woifiee’s necklace (Lauto res’ ‘er soul) down in th’cellar as Oi opens it. Oi looks down an’ up come this ole fa’ man loik ‘e owns th’place. Picks up moi woifee’s necklace, scratches ‘is ‘ead, puts’he thin’ in ‘is bloo’y pocket, an' looks roit thru’ me loik oi wasn’ ev’n thea’. Oi starts to go in ta’ clean ‘is clock, an’ tha’s when Oi notices tha’ i’ ain’ moi cellar no more. Oi jumps back an’ run ‘ere quick ‘s’Oi cans, Oi did."
[sblock=Translation:] "Oh. Yes. You see, I dropped my wife’s necklace (Lauto rest her soul) down in the cellar as I was opening it up again. I look down, and up comes this fat old man like he owns the place. He picks up my wife’s necklace, scratches his head, puts the thing in his pocket, and looks right through me like I’m not even there. I was temped to go in and punch him in the face, but I notice that the cellar wasn't my cellar any more. I jumped back and ran here, quick as I could."[/sblock]

You can't exactly tell weather he's hallucinating or not. In fact, you can't even tell if he is who he says he is, but the story seems fascinating.

[sblock=OOC: Theroc] If you don't have a copy of the 4E Adventurers Vault I/II, let me know. I would encourage you that if you don't have the money to buy all the books (beieve me they're expensive) to get a 1 year subscription to D&D Insider. I think it costs something like $60US, but it gets you access to almost all the published works in one form or another.

  • Character Builder: Character creation, powers, FR/EB backgrounds, class expansion books (i.e.: Arcane Power, etc...), Dungeon Magazine, Dragon Magazine
  • Adventurer's Tools: Monster Manual Stats
  • Compendium: Anything with a stat block (items, powers, monsters, etc...)
  • Dungeon Magazine (full PDF text)
  • Dragon Magazine (full PDF text)
The only thing it doesn't cover is combat mechanics, so I would recommend purchasing a copy of PHB1 as well (~$40US).

I know. That's $100.00US. It's a lot. If it still worries you, feel free to send me a PM with a 3E or 2E item. I'd be happy to look up the 4E equivalent.
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]Rules and fine print sound fine to me H.M. (Is it okay to shorten it to HM? I know some people shorten my name down to P8.) Looking forward to exploring my new character. Already got a wish list on my sheet and a stat block including link to the sheet will be in each combat post as well as here in my first post for general reference.

Note on Talon's speaking: If you see too many "R's" in his speech, don't worry because I'm not that bad of a speller and my keyboard doesn't have a held down 'r' key. Talon growls a little naturally and his 'r' sounds are a little extended as a result.[/sblock]
"How about you guys?"
"Talon and Dayna from Daunton. Not city, north part wherre things still wild. Been to otherr near isles too." the shifter responds to the Orc while following Varquat.

"Is anyone of you good at scouting or ranged warfare?"
"Talon and Dayna good at stalking. We good up close though. Got bow in case we can't rreach prey though. Better to be rripping into prey with claws and teeth and spearr though." Talon volunteers with a feral grin before listening to Varquat's description of what happened with his cellar.

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=Fine right now, thanks!
[sblock=Talon Stat block]Talon- Male Longtooth Shifter Beastmaster Ranger 1
Passive Perception: +13, Passive Insight: +18
AC: 16, Fort: 14, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 -- Speed: 6
HP: 26/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +5 vs AC - Longspear 1d10+3
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +3 vs Reflex - Savage Rend 1d8+3 and slide target 1 square
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +5 vs AC - Longbow 1d10+3
Circling Strike, Predator Strike, Wild Shape
Encounter: Longtooth Shifting, Enclose the Prey, Savage Rend
Daily: Partnered Savaging[/sblock][sblock=Dayna stat block]Dayna - Female Wolf Companion 1
Passive Perception: +17, Passive Insight: +12
AC: 15, Fort: 13, Reflex: 13, Will: 14 -- Speed: 7
HP: 22/22, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 2/2
:bmelee: Basic Attack: Bite, +5 vs. AC; 1d8+2 (Dex)
Racial Abilities: Combat Advantage- When a wolf has CA, it gets +2(Wis mod) to damage rolls.[/sblock][/sblock]
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Better to be rripping into prey with claws and teeth and spearr though."

Varquat overhears the shifters comments, "'slong 'sOi ge' moi woifee's neckace, Oi don' care wha' y'do dan th're. Oi don' loik th'man," he leans closer to the shifter and mumbles, "'e didn' look roi'."

Is it okay to shorten it to HM?

NP. I've been called worse:cool:.

Regarding the "r"s it reminds me of the intro to Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I won't go into it here, but it's a good read.

Likewise, old Varquat is a little slow on the diction himself, if you know what I mean ;). If he gets unintelligible, just shoot me a spoiler asking for a translation.


First Post
In response to the eladrin, Rujah shook his head. "I've no talent for fighting at a distance... unless my breath counts... I don't have to be directly in the fray to use that..." He listened to the others, wondering about the talents of the other combatants there, but since he was no true strategist, figured they do their shtick and he'd smash things with his hammer and try to keep their attention on him. After all, he was most probably the most apparent threat of the group, chances were.

"I'm sure we'll do our best to retrieve your wife's necklace, Master Varquat..." Rujah still wasn't entirely convinced of the story, but he couldn't tell one way or another whether anything the man was said was truth, deception, or sheer confusion. Though, as long as he got paid and no one died, chances are he wouldn't care much either.

I've access to the PHB and PHB2 (It's how I managed to make my PC) but have no other access. And as it is at the moment, I have approximately 10 USD in my wallet and no steady income. So, literally no disposable income. If I manage to find a part time job or something, I might set aside a budget for D&D books(3.5 and 4th) but I've no idea when that'll be. In anycase, I'll get working on that wishlist as best I can. My main problem is understanding level requirements for items... and when I get them.[/sblock]


"I'm sure we'll do our best to retrieve your wife's necklace, Master Varquat..."

Varquat winks to the warden, "An' i'd be a shame fer all tha' beer ta go ta was'e too."


My main problem is understanding level requirements for items... and when I get them.

I'm not up on the ENWorld rulings, but according to Page 223 of PHB1, characters aren't limited as to what level magic item they can use. They just can't create one of a level greater than their own.

The DM's Guide, however sets guidelines regarding treasure parcels that suggest not providing treasure parcels containing items more than 4 levels above the level of the players.

As for when you get them, there are two ways that come to mind. The first is the obvious one: Spoils of war. The second is the possibility of roll-playing a market environment where you buy or sell magic items.

Voidrunner's Codex

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