[Adventure] Into the King's Forest (Judge: THB)

"Nothing I do involves attacking at range, although I can deliver crippling blows to impair movement. My primary function is to keep the focus of the enemy," Unit 16 offers. "When I have its focus I can be difficult to damage effectively.

Believe me when I say: this is what I do."

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"Do you know if this creature hunts solo or if it has a pack?" Unit 16 asks as the rain continues to bounce off him. "How far will we be from your tribe?"

Noticing the rain affecting his companion, Unit 16 raises his shield above Ryda's head to block the downpour from her face.

[sblock=ooc]I don't think there are any errors in the careers page for me.

I really don't have any other questions for this NPC; so far it seems pretty straightforward to Unit 16. DM: can I roll a nature to find out more about what my character would know about this creature? (In general how do you handle knowledge checks?)[/sblock]

Sorry...missed this[/sblock]

"I think it's by itself, we haven't heard of any other owlbears besides this one, that's why we think it came through the Feywild. It wouldn't just wander in without us, or the Brelanders knowing." Luthan replies. "We keep moving, but right now are a few miles away, close enough to keep an eye on it, but far enough to be out of range of its scent." he adds

Just wanted to give you a chance to respond or see if that led to any more questions. We'll continue[/sblock]

The skycoach lands softly at the balcony of the skycoach station in Tavick's Landing. You're dropped off as the driver hurriedly ushers you out, anxious to get on with the next fare.

As you enter the Wrooan's Gate district you are nearly overwhelmed with the amount of people there. The tower you were dropped off at was a massive one, topped with a status of Queen Wroaan, holding a scepter in one hand and a sword above her head.

The massive arch that leads to the Old Road is full of people coming and going. Caravans are entering or leaving the city, noblemen and women traveling to the capital in Wroat, and the farmers bringing their goods into the city for sale.

There's a large House Vadalis outpost here that offers stabling for the many travelers of the area. Luthan gives a sour look at that building as you walk by, but doesn't elaborate.

As you make your way through the crowd, you spot a small group of loud individuals, mostly human and a few dwarves. They are brandishing signs with various phrases on them, mostly denouncing warforged and calling for their destruction. They see Unit 16 and begin tossing insults at you "Turn that thing to scrap metal! Those warforged took my pa's job!" a few of them shout.



You are just entering the city of Sharn, traveling through the wondrous Wroann's Gate, feeling at the moment more like cattle with the press of the many people coming into the city. You suddenly feel a pull, faint, but enough to know that somehow the spirits are drawing you to something. Turning to see what it is, you see a warforged, a half-orc, and an elf being yelled at by a group of humans and dwarves shouting insults at them. The protesters appear to be quite angry! [/sblock]

Unit 16 continues walking, unperturbed.
[sblock=ooc]Two things:

What do we know about House Vadalis, especially re: elves?

Unit 16 will not respond to the protesters unless physically assaulted, and even then, it will likely depend on the magnitude of the assault.[/sblock]

Ryda turns to the protesters when they begin their insults, but continues to walk while she speaks. Woah woah woah! There is no need for anger, it does nothing but cloud the mind from the truth. I’ll have you know that I AM leading this warforged to almost assured destruction. She continues to attempt to lead Unit 16 away from the potential rioters. Just you wait, you’ll never see this warforged again, she’s as good as gone!

Please roll a bluff check with a +2 circumstance modifier for good RP[/sblock]

[sblock=House Vadalis General Knowledge]
House Vadalis bear the Mark of Handling, giving them a bond to natural creatures. Their most significant work lies in the breeding and sale of animals. They developed the art of magebreeding - weaving magic into natural bloodlines, binding new strength into mundane creatures. They have domesticated previously untrainable creatures, such as the griffons. [/sblock]

[sblock=Nature DC 12 or Streetwise DC 14]
You've heard that the Ashbound Druids have many times attacked the House's ranches in the Eldeen Reaches.

A small but dangerous sect of fanatical druids that roam the forests of the Eldeen Reaches, the Ashbound believe that civilation is a corrupting force that must be stopped or destroyed before it repparably damages the natural world. Members of the sect daub their faces with ashes from trees destroyed by the spread of civilization and raid the farms and communities of the plains.

The Ashbound believe it is their duty to protect the world from all things that violate the natural order and as such despise wizards and arcane magic, which they see as an attempt to twist nature. The sect holds no more love for cleric than it does for wizards. They believe that any nondruidic faith involves trafficing with otherworldly and thus unnatural forces.

While the Ashbound are infamous for their use of violence, more moderate members of the sect avoind killing; preferring to encourage their targets to abandon their misdeeds and change their ways. The Ashbound shun armor but are willing to use forged weapons.

The Ashbound is primarily composed of humans and shifters; the later often feel that they are closer to nature than most humans[/sblock]

Unit 16 leans in close to whisper to Ryda.

"Ignorance breeds anger. Your deception, while serving us, does not serve a greater purpose." Unit 16's words are not scolding or scornful, but merely matter-of-fact... as if he were explaining the definition of a word. "I said nothing because nothing I could say would heal their wounds. Their fear is born of lies, and only truth can heal them. More deceptions simply postpone this healing."

[sblock=ooc]If the protesters are so close that they might hear then 16 will wait until they are out of earshot to whisper.[/sblock]

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