[Adventure] Into the King's Forest (Judge: THB)

"Don't think it's too smart, but it's a predator of the feywild, so it's quite vicious and dangerous. Not sure if it's nocturnal or not" the elf replies, himself seeming to have no issue while the rain drips off him.

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All character careers have been updated for each character in this adventure.

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(LEB Archivist)

"Do you know if this creature hunts solo or if it has a pack?" Unit 16 asks as the rain continues to bounce off him. "How far will we be from your tribe?"

Noticing the rain affecting his companion, Unit 16 raises his shield above Ryda's head to block the downpour from her face.

[sblock=ooc]I don't think there are any errors in the careers page for me.

I really don't have any other questions for this NPC; so far it seems pretty straightforward to Unit 16. DM: can I roll a nature to find out more about what my character would know about this creature? (In general how do you handle knowledge checks?)[/sblock]

[sblock=Skills Checks]
I'd prefer all the skill checks to be conducted by the PC's so you roll, I'll let you know what you happens[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]In addition to the above questions to the NPC, 16's nature roll was a massive 9. Anything that tell him? :hmm:)[/sblock]

As Unit 16 raises his shield to ward her from the rain, she offers a slight smile, Protecting me already, eh? Turning her thoughts back to the hunt, she comments, Well, I don't really have the gear to make too much in the way of traps anyway. About it's hunting habits... hmm.. let me think.

[sblock=Nature check]1d20+11=28 trying to dreg up some info on owlbears, my dungeoneering is +4 so it would be a 21 if that is a more appropriate skill.[/sblock]

[sblock=Unit 16]
You realize you should have studied harder in school ;), or at least asked teh Cannith makers for a better memory system[/sblock]

You recall a few pieces of info

Their huntind methods are heavy handed at best. If they catch sight of a creature larger than a mouse they attack using their claws and deadly beak to great effect.

The creatures claw at selected trees with their front paws. This not only keeps their claws sharp, but marks off an owlbear’s territory.

the owlbear’s hearing is so finely developed that it can attack normally in total darkness, and similarly can attack invisible creatures without penalty. Of course, this can be nullified with a silence spell

the owlbear’s eyes are fixed in its head, looking straight ahead. It compensates
for this by being able to turn its head a full 270 degrees, as compared to a human’s 180. The owlbear has twice as many neck bones as does a human (fourteen to our seven) which allows for this flexibility. In addition, an owlbear can snap its neck from one position to another almost instantaneously.

Like owls, owlbears tear their food into chunks and swallow the chunks whole. Inside the stomach, much of the prey is digested, but bones, fur, feathers, and insect shells are churned into pellets, and regurgitated by the beast. These pellets are usually found near an owlbear’s lair, and are thus a good indicator of an owlbear’s presence nearby

once an owlbear gets a victim into a hug, it cannot use its claws to attack, relying on its
crushing strength and sharp beak to kill its prey. [/sblock]

If I remember correctly, it will attack nearly everything that moves with it's claws and beak. It likes to use trees to sharpen it's claws and to mark it's territory along with the pellets it regurgitates up after eating. It's head is a lot like an owl in that it can pivot it all over the place and snap it around nearly instantaneously. It can see and fight in total darkness, so I'm thinking we hunt during the day, and it feeds by hugging you close and using it's beak to rip off huge chunks of your body.

I don't believe it has much in the way of ranged abilities other than rushing in and clawing, so I think our best bet is to focus on keeping it at range and kiting it along. Her analysis done, she looks to Unit 16 to see if he can add anything to the tactics, as well as over the side to see how much farther it is till she can put her feet back on the ground.

"I remember... that they are called owlbears for some reason," Unit 16 offers.

After Ryda's lengthy explanation, Unit 16 is clearly impressed. "Then our plan is straightforward: I will get it close to me and then keep it next to me while you attack at range. Much like our bottles before, yes?"

OOC: Did the NPC know about whether or not it has a pack or if it's alone?

I don't know if you'd want to keep it too close to you Susan. I know you are tough, but if it uses trees as scratching posts, it's probably best to keep it as far away from us for as long as we can. Do you have any abilities to slow it down or tangle up it's feet from far away? One of my training buddies got real good at shooting someone in the tender join of the knee which really slowed them down a lot, but alas, I favor more a more brute force approach. What can I say, it's the orcish in me.

She then does a bit of mock flexing, but quickly regrets it as she knocks Unit 16's shield and a bit of rain splashes off into her face. These things really could use a roof... she mutters.

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