[sblock=Unit 16]
You realize you should have studied harder in school

, or at least asked teh Cannith makers for a better memory system[/sblock]
You recall a few pieces of info
Their huntind methods are heavy handed at best. If they catch sight of a creature larger than a mouse they attack using their claws and deadly beak to great effect.
The creatures claw at selected trees with their front paws. This not only keeps their claws sharp, but marks off an owlbear’s territory.
the owlbear’s hearing is so finely developed that it can attack normally in total darkness, and similarly can attack invisible creatures without penalty. Of course, this can be nullified with a silence spell
the owlbear’s eyes are fixed in its head, looking straight ahead. It compensates
for this by being able to turn its head a full 270 degrees, as compared to a human’s 180. The owlbear has twice as many neck bones as does a human (fourteen to our seven) which allows for this flexibility. In addition, an owlbear can snap its neck from one position to another almost instantaneously.
Like owls, owlbears tear their food into chunks and swallow the chunks whole. Inside the stomach, much of the prey is digested, but bones, fur, feathers, and insect shells are churned into pellets, and regurgitated by the beast. These pellets are usually found near an owlbear’s lair, and are thus a good indicator of an owlbear’s presence nearby
once an owlbear gets a victim into a hug, it cannot use its claws to attack, relying on its
crushing strength and sharp beak to kill its prey. [/sblock]