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[Adventure] Invasion of the Einherjar (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder, Judge: Covaithe )

OOC: Clarification: It is not meant at all to be "punishment". Boomer's running was actually a pre-determined action triggered by anyone shouting at boomer, or aggressively moving in his direction. Leather shoving his way through the crowd and shouting in the process triggered Boomer's running.

However, on the note of your latest set of actions, please make a bluff check (if you're lying) or diplomacy check (if not lying). Add a +2 bonus to this check, as it directly counteracts his reason for wanting to run...and the "blowing stuff up" part piques his interest!

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Boomer, too frantic to pay attention to Leather's well intentioned, but perhaps ill-timed words of diplomacy runs into a side alley after spotting a cluster of...Owl bears!? Then, from the rooftops, the dwarf spots a Gnoll dashing from rooftop to rooftop, always in line of sight of himself, a worrisome prospect indeed!

"I durn't know who ye be workin' fer, but iffn yer not wit' Gurkin th'n be off. I aint gots a thing fer ya t'takes ferm me!" He yells at his unknown pursuers.

Little did he know that he was falling right into the groups trap until Haaku popped out of a side ally, blocking his forward path. Skidding to a halt, planting his hands on his knees and hunched over, wheezing in an out of breath pant, he stares daggers at those who are quickly surrounding him.

"All righ'a'ready! All righ'! Be tellin' m'whatcher wantin' ferm Boomer! I aint got Gurkin's coin, so iffn' yer here t'bust me head...th'n just be bustin' me head a'ready!"

Son of Meepo

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Fhangrim reaches the ally just after the rest of the group. Towering over the others he unleashes that wide grin.

"Oh, my ESTEEEEEEEEMED Mister Boomer. We only want your talents. As you may be aware, there are currently a few ship en route to this very port. Ships full of warriors with bad intentions. We have been tasked with stopping this incursion and it is YOU who might be able to give our uninvited guests an... EXPLOSIVE surprise? I should mention, there is coin in it, enough coin to repay your debts and perhaps get you back on your feet?"

Diplomacy (1d20+5=24)

When the Gnoll joins the group and towers over the owl bears and others, the dwarf begins backing up...until he backs into Haaku. He hops forward a bit to get away from the desert warrior, eyes darting everywhere for a means of escape...at least until the Gnoll opens its mouth and begins speaking...eloquently!?

Realizing that his sprint had left him too tired to do much of anything (let alone escaping), Boomer let himself fall to his duff and absorbed the Gnolls words.

"Been a'bit busy t'keep up'n curr'nt 'ffairs, so I be not hearin' bout no warrior ship a'comin' in. How're th'lottayas even knowin' bout Boomer? Explosive surprise ye say? That do be soundin' like fun...and iffn' there be coin t'go'long wi' it.... hrmmmm..." the dwarf sits and thinks for a moment, piecing it all together...

"I be likin' what yer be sayin', iffn' what yer be sayin' be true... but how be I knowin' fer sure that ye be tellin' me th' truth?"


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Leather makes his way into the alley at last, just in time to catch Boomer's query.

"If you don't believe us, and not believing is understandable, why don't you ask the man who is paying us to find you? Lieutenant Proudman is his name. He's expecting us to report back to him real soon. All you have to do is take a walk and ask him yourself. And while you're taking that walk we can cover your back from whoever it was that you were running from. But whatever you decide, decide it quick. Barbarians are about to invade the city and we need to be ready with or without you."

"Ermm...well...that do be a'un'erstan'able means a ver'fyin' whatcher sayin'. An' ye would keep th'scum suckin' basterds 'way ferm me awhile we be goin' t'see this 'tentant guy? You be knowin' how he be knowin' who Boomer be?"



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Leather shrugs. "Apparently you are famous."

He rests one hand on his sword and the other on his hand axe. "I got your back. We all got it."

Boomer waits to look at the rest of the group (well...the intelligent portion of it anyway) to see if their sentiments match that of Leather's, and when he gets an agreement from them, he stands, albeit slowly, and allows the group to escort him to Lieutenant Proudman.

OOC: Congrats! You have succeeded in completing the skill challenge! I will update the first post with the XP you will earn from this skill challenge and your total results of it. Thanks for the good RP and not making it feel like your standard "oh it's a skill challenge, let's all roll a bunch of dice" kind of skill challenge.

I will be posting again soon...after some much needed sleep! (it's nearly 2am here!) Please feel free to get in some more RP with eachother and with Boomer.



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As they walk, Haaku breaks his silence, extending a gauntleted hand to Boomer. In Dwarven he says, <My name is Haaku. I'm sorry we had to trap you like that.>

Voidrunner's Codex

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