Adventure: Just Before Nightfall (DM:johnmeier1, Judge:Ozymandias79)


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Janus listens intently to the couple, nodding as they relate their tale, he raises and eyebrow at the mention of the boy having only been seen at the edge of the forest. “Curious that, mayhap he is tied to the place somehow, figuratively speaking of course.” He continues to listen to the exchange, absorbing the details for later recall and classification. “A few pieces of the puzzle seem to be missing, let us examine the site of the disappearance first before I try to formulate a hypothesis as to the relation of the persons in question."
Janus turns to the Father. "My good man, please provide accurate descriptions as best you can, as to the appearance of your daughter and this person of interest. Height, weight, hair, eyes, facial markings, tattoos, piercings, superfluous nipples. That sort of thing. If you would be so kind.”

He pauses looking around quizically, “Oh and yes, I am Janus Reinhardt, Ice Wizard Journeyman, at your service, some of you know me, some will come to. Well met.”

[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 18, Fort: 13, Reflex: 16, Will: 17 -- Speed: 6
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 7/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Available
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain (Used), Color Spray (Used), Freezing Cloud(Not Memorized/Used), Sleep (Memorized/Used),
Expeditious Retreat (Memorized/Used), Feather Fall (Not Memorized/Used),

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"I do agree that whoever is in possession of your daughter is in the region. It would seem too unlikely that she is the target of a threat from a distant land. Unless you have any family secrets which would garner such attention?" Shorrin continues walking, taking care to note their direction of travel.

Shorrin had several ideas floating through his mind, although many of them would be easily ruled out once they actually arrived at the town. Time would tell, as it always does.


You first arrive at the home of the couple after a few hours walk towards the inner forests of Daunton. It is, as expected, a small farm with few amentities. They show you about the simple home then explain The villagers who have seen the boy and Isabelle together are waiting just in town in the Inn. We have told them of our journey to seek help, so they will be ready to answer your questions there.

[sblock=OOC] Okay, tomorrow will start the first challenge in town. I will post the mechanics along with the story. See you tomorrow.[/sblock]

[sblock=Any PCs trained in Thievery] Any common criminal could have broken into the farmhouse, but it would take someone trained to do so without damaging anything (but not TOO much training)[/sblock]


First Post
Tonk shadowing the party in the brush alongside the road, sneaks over to the farmhouse and breaks in. He walks out the front door. (Stealth: 1d20+11=29. Thievery: 1d20+12=25.)

"No need magic for to get in and out of farmhouse without trace. See? Is easy! It not even little difficult like office of priest in temple of Lauto. And you guy is all crazy for to walk down middle of road to get anywhere! I only be in Daunton for two day, and I is attack bunch of time while walk on road! Yes! Attack by bandit, attack by hobgoblin, attack by spectre, attack by elemental! Is crazy! I even attack by lizard when I leave road for to poop! And I no too proud to say that scare pants off of me! Hee-hee! Get joke? Is funny!"

Tonk waves at Larinza. "Oh, and hello pretty human lady! Is you single? Because I is look for good wife for to make the strong half-orc baby! I think you is got enough steel in bone for to not die in childbirth and no leave me sad widower who always cry for lost wife. Is no need for you to say no or yes to marry now, but is something for to think about!"

Tonk turns back to the couple. "Oh, and please no think I no interest in daughter of you. Is just hard for to find good wife with way adventurer dating scene work nowaday. You know, find nice girl, then nice girl squish by monster, eat by monster, and poop by monster. Now no more nice girl! No that I say girl of you is eat by monster and now poop of the monster. I just try for to keep option open, yes?"


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Larinza looks the half-orc over worried at first about his proposal but decides to turn it around, "I don't think that is such a good idea Tonk, I'd be worried I may hurt you. I'm stronger than I look."

She then moves toward Murphy and whispers "Don't ever leave me alone with that half-orc, ok? He worries me."
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Murphy simply nods to Larinza at her request, himself surprised at the half-orc's ability to move so quietly, especially when he spoke so loudly.

So in combat time we have what amounts to 2 super-stealthy characters in Tonk and Murphy. It shouldn't be difficult for Tonk to gain CA with two other melee party members besides himself and Murphy as well. Murphy would be great at sneaking ahead (preferably with Tonk with him) and throwing 4 shrouds on a target from hiding. They're not aware of it because of his hidden insight feat. If the others wait for 30 seconds or so then Murphy and Tonk can launch an assault from hiding as our allies engage them from the front.


It is late afternoon, approaching the time of the evening meal when you arrive in the small village. The inn is the first building you see and one of few, such as a blacksmith and a cooper. There seems to be some activity inside already. When you enter, you see what can only be described a the quintissential adventuring party. A stout dwarf woman is talking to a few villagers, while behind her sit a dragonborn wearing armor, a human wearing arcane robes, a small halfling female, and an elven archer quietly listening. They turn to look at you as one when the door opens and keep their eye on you, while the dwarven woman only glances before continuing her questions. So, where d'ya say you saw him last again?

[sblock=Skill Challenge]
So there is another band of adventurers here. They're motiviations are complex, complexity 2!
You need 6 successes before 3 failures to figure them out.
Primary Skills (DC 15) Insight, Knowledge (History), Streetwise
Secondary Skills (DC 20) anything you can roleplay as relevant
I gave you the DCs so you can roleplay success or failure in talking with them. Each PC should try one skill first, before they use another skill (you can only use a skill once)
I will try to respond to each post, but I will at least post a summary when all 6 of you have gone once (or you get all your successes or failures)


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[sblock=skill challange tactics..]
OK it may sound funny, but lets figure out what our tactics should be for this skill challenge. I have read too many skill challenges that end up failing because the wrong people use the wrong skills. So let's figure out who should use what. Dextyr is good at Bluff (11), Diplomacy (15), and Streetwise (12). He's OK at History (9) and Insight (8).
What does everyone else bring to the table?
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Ah.... Murphy's good at a lot o' things, if ya be needin' the wool pulled over some fella's eyes he can do that, he ain't too bad at drummin' up information, or smoothing discussions, he's not bad at that.

i.e. Murphy's good at Bluff, not bad at streetwise and diplomacy, and terrible at Knowledges. Stealth, Thievery and Acrobatics are all good though :p

If Murphy tries Bluff, Tonk is decent at Insight, Dextyr is awesome sauce at diplomacy, Larinza & Shorrin can maybe Intimidate? (both have +9, if one aids the other, ir jumps to +11), and Janus can try History (he's +10) or Insight (+10).


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Upon entering the Inn Dextyr immediately realizes the presence of another group af 'adventurers'. Not knowing their intentions he decides to use a little magic to add some 'honey' to his words.

"Greeting one and all. My companions and I have traveled here to aid your village in it's moment of need. We are not here in the name of fortune or fame, but only to aid these kind people in the recovery of their daughter".

He turns and looks at the other group of adventures.
"Ah, I see we are not the only ones who have heard the plea for help".

He takes a step towards the dwarven woman, extending his hand in friendship towards her. "Greeting miss. The names Dextyr. Your friends and yourself look to be a very capable crew. If you would be so inclined perhaps we could combine our resources and hasten the efforts to find the missing child. Perhaps we can discuss the details over a fine pint of ale?", and with that he gives a warm and inviting smile, hoping the mention of ale will seal the deal.

[sblock=Dice roller]
John I do not have access to Invisible Castle during the day as the web filter here at work blocks that site (and I do 95% of my posting during the day while at work). I can access the RPGA Dice room as well as the CoCo Dice Roller from WotC. I used the CoCo roller for the roll below, but if you do not want me to use that tool I can re-roll in dice room, or wait until tonight and roll using IC.
Minor Action = Activate Words of Friendship (gaining +5 to my next diplomacy roll
Standard Action = Diplomacy check = 38; 1d20+15+5=38

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