Adventure: Just Before Nightfall (DM:johnmeier1, Judge:Ozymandias79)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Well, I've got a 9 in diplomacy, but there is literally no reason for me to open my mouth as long as dextyr is around, silver tongued son of a ...

A 9 in intimidate isn't to shabby, but it's probably best if I simply assist Shorrins as a 20 is hard to hit and we don't want to waste the skill.

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With a smile and a wink to Larinza, Shorrin marches over to the group of adventurers. He pulls a chair directly behind the apparent magic user. "You are here to find the one that took the girl aren't you?"

Shorrin let small drips of his acid breath fall from his mouth, making a sizzling sound on the floor. "You should tell us what you know, so that we don't have to start things off all unpleasant like." Shorrin pauses for a moment, allowing more acid to drip from his mouth, this time on the chair of the other human. "Acid is such a messy thing. Dissolves anything it touches. Why, I would imagine it would eat right through those robes of yours." Shorrin pats the dragonborn on the back roughly, "Heck, it would probably dissolve that armor of yours. I wouldn't want that, it's such nice armor."

Shorrin lightly touches the halfling on the shoulder with his warhammer, mentally commanding it to unleash it's icy nature. He moves the warhammer as the halfling reacts, a toothy grin etched on Shorrin's face. "We sure do want to know what you know so far, to save us time you understand. I think you all should help us... so we can help you."

[sblock=Roll + ooc]

I didn't add the +2 from Larinza's assist.... which I kinda need :) 1d20+9=18

Intimidate 18 + 2 from Larinza's aid... so a 20 lol. Yay me! I helped!



When Dextyr begins talking, everyone in the room seems to because at ease. The dwarven woman holds up a hand to the villagers and turns to welcome everyone. Greetings and well met, I'm Hausk and this is my band. He introduces them: Zheis, the mage; Trotaiale, the halfing; Ackurno, the dragonborn; Alefel, the elf. We are looking for that lad for there's a bounty that's on his head. The girl's no concern of ours so you can easily complete your quest.

Each of the three react instantly to Shorrin with an angry expression and threat. The magic user grabs a wand from his waist and begins to raise it. The dragonborn shifts forward and turns, seeming ready to stand. The halfling makes a motion with her hands almost too quickly to see. With a stern look, though, the dwarven woman stills them. She turns away from the villagers and smiles jovily at Shorrin. We have learned from the locals that they've been seen together in the wood. They're not sure where 'bouts, so we're about to head out and look ourselves. She nods to her companions who begin to get up and move towards the door.

[sblock=OOC] Two success! You see they are ready for a fight and seem aggressive. You have some more information about the quest also. Sorry for missing Dextyr's.

2 successes, 0 failures (Dextyr, Shorrin and Larinza have gone, 3 more to go)
If you are assisting, that is your turn in the round.

Using CoCo is fine, but how do I have to look at the main page for the rolls? Are they all linked together?
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First Post
Murphy sees that the others have approached the dwarf, the magic-user and the dragonborn, leaving himself with his choice of the elf or the halfling. Considering his recent luck with elven archers back in Daunton, Murphy decided on the halfling. The human gave himself a quick lookover in either a mirror (or other reflective surface to make sure he looked presentable.

He went to the barkeep, "Two a yer top shelf drinks, none of that watered down ale that ya'd be passin' on folks who don't be knowin' better" Murphy whispers with a wink as he slides five gold pieces across the bar.

Carrying his drinks, he confidently walks to the halfling with a wide grin on his face. "Oi! By all the luck of the gods, what a fine sight indeed. I haven't seen neither hide nor hair of you since that night we spent in Bacarte a few years back" Murphy says to the halfling as he slides a drink to her, "You were pretty inta tha drink that night, but don't be worryin' ol' Murphy took carea ya. I didn't let any of those scallywags near ya and even helped ya get over that headache ya be havin' the next morn'." he adds, lifting a glass and gesturing for the halfling to do the same.

"Ta ol' friends and good times." as he takes a decent drink and then sets his glass down "So, what brings you and yer new friends all tha way out here" Murphy asks

IC just went back down. I tried that CoCo roller Dan mentioned (again as long as you're ok with it John)

1d20+13=24 - Bluff


First Post
1 success, 0 failures (Shorrin and Larinza have gone, 4 more to go)
If you are assisting, that is your turn in the round

Um, I think you missed Dextyr's actions, which was 2 posts before Shorin's

[sblock=Stat Block]
Dextyr M’rgan- Male Half-Elf Bard 2
Current Conditions: none
Passive Insight: 18 Passive Perception: 12; Senses: Low-light
Temp Hit Points: 0
HP [33]: 33 Bloodied: 16 Surge Value: 8; Surges Per-Day [10]: 10
AC: 18 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Speed: 5 (w/ heavy armor) Size: Medium
Action Points: [2]
Second Wind: available
Virtue of Valor (1/round, ally within 5 squares bloodies or kills enemy, grant 4 temp hit points)
War Song Strike
Vicious Mockery
Majestic Word [2]
Words of Friendship - used
Shout of Triumph
Eldritch Blast
Stirring Shout
Inspiring Word
Song of Courage
*Cloak of Distortion: Ranged attacks over 5 squares (-1 attack).*
Group Diplomacy: All allies within 10 squares of Dextyr gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks.

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Before they head out the door, the halfling smiles slyly at Murphy's words and quickly shoots the offered drink. I drank so much because the desert heat was getting to me. Perhaps you do remember my acrobatic skills from our past meeting. If you tag along you may get to see it again. She winks at the roguish man as the group heads out the door.

[sblock=OOC] She has obviously never been to Bacarte! You have never heard any of their names before, among adventurers.

3 successes so far! (Dextyr, Shorrin, Larinza and Murphy have gone) waiting on Tonk and Janus. Continued outside of the tavern.

Read back, I edited my previous post. Sorry, but I am not getting thread subscription notifications anymore for some reason.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
[sblock="OOC"] I'd post my assist but I can't get to invisible castle, feel free to roll for me Intimidate to assist, 1d20+9 [/sblock]


First Post
Janus unobtrusivley stands at the back watching the body language of the party, observing the subtle nuances of a facial twitch here a shift of the eyes there. He hears what is said but listens to what is not.


Insight 1d20+10=
Hmmm IC is down, still. Please feel free to roll for me. Or you can just assume I rolled a Natural 20 ;)
[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 18, Fort: 13, Reflex: 16, Will: 17 -- Speed: 6
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 7/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Available
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain (Used), Color Spray (Used), Freezing Cloud(Not Memorized/Used), Sleep (Memorized/Used),
Expeditious Retreat (Memorized/Used), Feather Fall (Not Memorized/Used),


First Post
[sblock=About CoCo]
Using CoCo is fine, but how do I have to look at the main page for the rolls? Are they all linked together?

Well I am not an expert at it, but I think that if everyone logs into the same session, then it can track each characters rolls per round and keeps a history that is nicely visible.

I made a test session to show what it can do. Here is a link;1d20+8=24.
The link is to the last roll made, but when you click on it you can see the previous rolls for everyone who took their turns.

If everyone used the same session then it would be easy for a DM or player to see what has happened from a mechanical veiwpoint. A new session could be created for each encounter/challange.

It's just an idea. I like the simplicity of it anyway.
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