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[Adventure]: Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


Rhagast hooves the rocky, island ground and prepares to charge. The fury that fills him surpasses the pain inflicted by Phoenix's arcane fire, though it burns through his hide.

"Aye'll tear ye 'part, one piece atta..."

Max doesn't even let the pirate finish the sentence, A magical bolt of force leaves the wizard's hand and strikes Rhagast dead in the chest, sending him sprawling over the edge of the island rocks, and into the churning deep below.

The group rushes to the cliffside to see what's become of the pirate, and they quickly find him treading water in the foaming current, "Ye'll notta seen th' last o' ole Rhagast! Ye mark me wards!"

The current swells around Rhagast, drawing him further out to sea. Though he struggles mightily, the waters are too strong. Disappearing from view, Rhagast utters one last oath and is gone, leaving only the symphony of shing waves to break the silence.

With the threat of Rhagast no longer occupying their time, the party quickly sets about to determine what to do next. Hankel has been captured andl likely taken to Rioc Parvel. Riardon has a map, but according to its vague directions, the dwarven fortress is many leagues inland along the river that serves as a tributary to the bay in which thier island resides.

On a positive note, Rhagast's return has been a mixed blessing. His boat is still moored to the iron ladder. In returning, he provided a viable means for the group to escape the island.

Travelling down to inspect the boat, the group is surprised to find TikChik curled up in the bottom clutching a sack of gold and magic items.[sblock=Rhagast's Actions]Free: Takes 18 damage from Flaming Sphere

Readied Action: Max's Magic Missile
Target: Rhaagast
Effect: Rhagast takes 9 damage and is pushed to -A36-A37

Free: Save vs. Fall

RHAGAST FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rhagast takes 2d10=12 fall damage

Save vs. Fire: 1d20+5=20
Save vs. Poison: 1d20+5=14

[/sblock][sblock=XP and Rewards] @Ozymandias79 : Submitted for your approval.

Time XP
Riardon: 1,000 X 3 +7,000/5X2 = 5,800
Gensai: 1,000 X 3 +7,000/5X2 = 5,800
Sheng: 1,000 X 3 +7,000/5X2 = 5,800
Phoneix: 667 X 3 +7,000/5X2 = 4,801
Max: 500 X 3 +7,000/5X2 = 3,300

Time Gold:
Max: 894 gp.
Phoenix: 1,746 gp.
Riardon, Gensai, and Sheng: 3,134 gp each.

I know it's not much, but I'll have more for you in the future.

Max: Bracers of Escape (Level 7)
Phoenix: Shimmering Cloth Armor (Level 14)
Sheng: Crown of Whispers (Level 10)
Gensai: Circlet of Mental Onslaught (Level 11)
Riardon: @Walking Dad : PM me with your wishlist updated. [/sblock]
GM: If you have other ideas of what you wanted, but didn't get around to updating your wishlist, be sure and let me know. I'm flexible ;).
[sblock=Stang's Stats]
[/sblock][sblock=The grand History of Land Ho!...Unabridged]
[sblock=Story Outline]
If you want to do this quickly, just click on the links below and read ALL spoilers. New stuff is in yellow.

Original Party enters a bewitched cellar door that
  • Talon (Shifter Druid/Ranger) (Phoenix8008)
  • Rujah (Dragonborn Warden) (Theroc)
  • Riardon (Eladrin Warlord) (Walking Dad)
  • Jin (Human Swordmage) (Tenchuu)
  • Fenwick (Orc Barbarian) (BenBrown)
  1. Bewitched cellar where party finds a secret entrance to a thieves' den
  2. Back at The Hanged Man
    • Talon deciphers the dwarven docuements and discovers that a man named Hankel Mast Gimlord is heir to the throne of Rioc Parvel, a dwarven mine and stronghold.
    • He is overheard by a sailor dwarf named Fargo who recalls the legends of Rioc Parvel and offers you sea passage to Avenroc
    • The lightning weapons found by the group have a dwarven inscription that reads "When it's my turn, I'll show you my power."
    • Unscrewing the pommels of their weapons they discover a small blue crystal in each that appears to encapsulate a small storm.
  3. The ocean voyage
    • Fargo's ship is attacked by a flotilla of drowned ones
    • A storm portal opens and swallows the ship
    • Talon challenges a crewmember to a sparring match
    • Fargo drops the group off in the harbor of a city called Rioc Alair
  4. The Crystal Mug inn
    • The group meets Firebyrne an apprentice blacksmith to a dwarf named Hankel Mast who has been missing for some time
    • The group discovers that the bewitched cellar of their prior experience is the cellar of the Crystal Mug
    • The group is ambushed when they attempt to expose the thieves' ring
    • Mervin (Human Wizard) (evilbob) materializes in a barrel
    • The group reveals the thieves' den to authorities
    • Mervin discovers a dagger of lightning power
    • Riardon finds several rituals
    • Jin learns that Hankel has, in fact, been kidnapped by a man named Lars Hallmaster, whom Firebyrne had described as a "Friend". A wizard named Shear seems to be directing Lars' actions.
    • Jin opens up a cursed chest and is mortally wounded by flaming skulls
    • Jin's body is resurrected (using one of the rituals found by Riardon), but is possessed by an ancestor of Jin's named Gensai
  5. The city of Rioc Alair
    • The group meets a university professor named Amatalystan Shea Aramista who fills the group in on the history of Rioc Parvel
    • The group gears up at a black market shop in the cellar of a gear store
    • The group uses another ritual found by Riardon to generate a portal that leads to a remote, wooded location
  6. Iguyo Di Wer Grovisv
    • The group chooses to join sides with a green dragon to defeat a band of blue-dragonkin kobolds
    • The group learns of the existance of a blue dragon named Wer Vhisar who Iguyo Di Wer Grovisv blames for driving her mother aunt from their lair, and charges the group with destroying Wer Vhisar
  7. The entrance to Wer Vhisar's lair
    • The group navigates a pit trap
    • and disables a glyph of warding powered by an electric crystal
    • that guards a library containing some curious items
  8. The hall
    • The group is met by a kobold welcoming party that temporarily separates the group. Gensai and Fenwick fall into a prison cell. Rujah falls into the river below and is swept out to sea. Mervin stays behind to cover Riardon's retreat.
  9. The prison
    • The group meets Tikchik (Thri-Kreen Ranger) (renau1g) and Sheng (Human Mage) (Voda Vosa)
    • The group discovers a dwarven prisoner and a kobold prisoner
    • The group decides to look for Rujah and Mervin
  10. The hall part deaux
    • The group learns the fate of Rujah and Mervin
    • The group realizes that Iguyo De Wer Grovisv has lied to them
    • They find a hiding kobold who grants them an audience with Wer Vhisar
  11. Wer Vhisar's Lair
    • Wer Vhisar reveals to them his version of the feud story between himself and the three green dragons
    • Wer Vhisar offers the group an opportunity to seat Hankel Mast Gimlord on his rightful throne in return for three tasks
      • Transplant the diffusion of Wer Vhisar's father
      • Turn over a large gem called the Moonstone
      • Destroy Iguyo Di Wer Grovisv's mother and aunt
  12. The Library Again
    • The party finally meets Hankel Mast, but, though he's aware and eager for the quest, he doesn't seem to know that he is the heir to Rioc Parvel
    • Hankel provides several documents, in particular, a map shoing the location and nature of their first task.
    • TikChik returns Hankel's knife
    • Sheng finds a source of arcane magic.
    • The party is given a boat and provisions
  13. Rioc Stang
    • The party is set upon by undead guardians of the lighthouse
    • Their captain bestows upon Gensai the knowledge that they are a remnant from Rioc Parvel tasked with keeping safe a beacon encouraging other dwarves to return to their long-lost home
    • The captain gives Gensai Arkus Gimlord's famed weapon, Stang, charging him with returning it to Arkus' heir
    • Gensai informs the others of the guardians' origins, and reveal Hankel Mast Gimlord to be the true heir of Rioc Parvel
    • Gensai gives Stang to Hankel
    • The adventurers proceed to relight the beacon, and in doing so are rewarded with magic items given by the captain's ghost.
    • As the captain takes his leave for the etherial realms, A minotaur named Rhagast materializes in a well on the first floor. He has evidently been here before and wants no part in undead guardians. He quickly finds the party's boat, and before Hankel can stop him, proceeds to unmoor it and row it east toward the shore.
    • As he is rowing away, Phoenix (Tiefling Sorcerer) (Iron Sky) materializes at the bottom of the well, and climbs out too late to catch Rhagast, but just in time to meet the rest of the group.
    • As they are getting to know each other, three green dragons approach from the east. When they land, they destroy the beacon and grab Hankel.
    • One of the green dragons is Iguyo Di Wer Gorvisv, a dragon that Gensai, Riardon, and Fenwick bargained with a while ago. Under duress, they promised to destroy Walryn (Wer Vhisar) , but the party soon learned that Iguyo Di Wer Grovisv is the daughter of Sylvantrix, one of the other two green dragons, who lair at Rioc Parvel.
    • In either a laps of judgement or an act of fate, Gensai activates Phoenix's ring and disappears, replaced by Max, who arrives to menacing dragons and falling megaliths.
[/sblock][sblock=Important things to remember]
  • Rituals in Riardon's Pack:
    • Raise Dead Used to raise Jin from the dead (got Gensai instead)
    • Knock Used to open the chest that killed Jin
    • Linked Portal Used to get to the green dragon encounter
    • Object Reading
    • Vistani Passkey
    • Precise Forgery
    • Decipher Script
    • Wizard Sight
    • Arcane Lock
    • Diffusion Transplantation (illegible at the moment)
    [*]Those of you who found lightning weapons still have them.
    [*]Mervin still has the dagger (but he's still on the floor of Wer Vhisar's lair)
    [*]Quick Plot summary
    • Setting: An interior island on the continent of Avenroc
    • Old blue dragon destroys a dwarven mine and dwarven king dies
    • Dwarven heir exiles himself and dies leaving a son who is clueless as to his heritage
    • Old blue dragon is killed by two sister green dragons, who now have a daughter (that's three green dragons on the loose).
    • The old blue dragon's son wants to avenge his father's death, but doesn't want to take the risk, so he offers the job to the adventurers.
    • Hankel (the clueless dwarven heir) is being held in the prisons below the blue dragon's lair
    • Wer Vhisar has pressed you into his service to light the dwarven lighthouse, kill the green dragons, re-seat Hankel on the throne at Rioc Parel, and transplant Wer Vhisar's father's diffusion.
    • Hankel has been freed and the party meets him in the trashed library that apparently was used by Shear on his visits to Wer Vhisar.
    • Hankel has only recently discovered that he is heir to the throne of Rioc Parvel
    • While extracting herself from the well on Rioc Stang, Phoenix finds (and still has in her possession), a strange, gold, coin struck with dwarven runes and the emblem of a greataxe.
    • The lighthouse was lit for a small time, but was destroyed irreparably.

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First Post
Travelling down to inspect the boat, the group is surprised to find TikChik curled up in the bottom clutching a sack of gold and magic items.

The three-armed thri-kreen is sitting with one boot off, the other sitting next to him, his hands stained with dirt, the same as covering his worn boots and he looks down at the sack in his hand. He drops it and scuttles back from the bag, his head tilting sideways and his mandibles clicking audibly. At the appearance of some former allies, Tikchik calms down, but when they look to pick-up the bag he calls out.

"You be careful, I think there's bad magicks there. or maybe ghosts haunt the bag, I have something drop this on my head when I was trying to get sleep. Hey, where are we?" Tikchik asks.


"You be careful, I think there's bad magicks there. or maybe ghosts haunt the bag, I have something drop this on my head when I was trying to get sleep. Hey, where are we?" Tikchik asks.

OOC: I leveled just with the XP fom Rhagast and time. Tell me when I can update the character sheet. Edit: since I had some free time, I updated the sheet for level 8. Ministats below.

"Holy cr...! er, In the name of mammals I salute an eloquent and distinguished member of the arthropod family" says Max, proud of having thrown the mighty minotaur down the cliff. "I wish I knew our location too, or the names of my comrades in arms. Except radiant Phoenix, who you can see here, we haven't had the chance to introduce ourselves, or if we did, I forgot with all the dragons, falling towers and menacing horned pirates."

"Myself, I'm called Max, conjuror of cheap tricks and traveller."
finishes with a bow and a flourish of his huge hat. "and by the way, one of you may have dropped an axe I found in the ruins. I think it kind of... talks?"

[sblock=mini-stats] Max, human mage 8
Initiative: +8, Passive perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
Defenses: AC: 24, Fort: 18, Ref: 23, Will: 22
HP: 50/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge value: 13, Surges/day: 6/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Elven
AP: 0
Magic missile, Beguiling Strands, Hypnotism, Phantom Cage
Grasping Shadows, Maze of Mirrors, Phantom Foes, Shield, Noble Presence
Phantom Chasm, Visions of Avarice, Wizard's Escape, Majestic Word, Repulsion armor, Bracers of Escape[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
[sblock=xp and rewards] @ozymandias79 : Submitted for your approval.

Time xp
riardon: 1,000 x 3 +7,000/5x2 = 5,800
gensai: 1,000 x 3 +7,000/5x2 = 5,800
sheng: 1,000 x 3 +7,000/5x2 = 5,800
phoneix: 667 x 3 +7,000/5x2 = 4,801
max: 500 x 3 +7,000/5x2 = 3,300

time gold:
Max: 894 gp.
Phoenix: 1,746 gp.
Riardon, gensai, and sheng: 3,134 gp each.

I know it's not much, but i'll have more for you in the future.

Max: Bracers of escape (level 7)
phoenix: Shimmering cloth armor (level 14)
sheng: Crown of whispers (level 10)
gensai: Circlet of mental onslaught (level 11)
riardon: @walking dad : Pm me with your wishlist updated. [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: as many got new headdresses, I would like to take a Helm of Battle (lev 10)
Also I got enough XP for level 12. Will update my character and add a wishlist ASAP.


First Post
OOC: I leveled just with the XP fom Rhagast and time. Tell me when I can update the character sheet

"Holy cr...! er, In the name of mammals I salute an eloquent and distinguished member of the arthropod family" says Max, proud of having thrown the mighty minotaur down the cliff. "I wish I knew our location too, or the names of my comrades in arms. Except radiant Phoenix, who you can see here, we haven't had the chance to introduce ourselves, or if we did, I forgot with all the dragons, falling towers and menacing horned pirates."

"Myself, I'm called Max, conjuror of cheap tricks and traveller."
finishes with a bow and a flourish of his huge hat. "and by the way, one of you may have dropped an axe I found in the ruins. I think it kind of... talks?"

Tikchik's mandibles click excitedly at the appearance of a human, although he has to close his eyes at the garish outfit of the mage.

"Uh, hi. Well I guess we're all the same, I've never met any of you either. My name is Tikchik Tiktikchik. So you're not going to eat me right?" the thri-kreen says. You note that he is clearly a warrior of some kind, a pair of blade are strapped across his back, he wears heavy scale armour, and even a custom helmet sits next to his boot.



"So you're not going to eat me right?".

"Good heavens, no! It's customary in all the lands I have notice to not eat fellow sentient beings barring extreme and extraordinary circumstances, and even then it's said that whoever does so may be cursed with undeath. Even if it's aceptable in these lands -I presume there's a small possibility- I would only do so with great reluctance and only if every other possibility has been exhausted and my very survival depended on it, a situation I very much want to avoid. Were those the intentions of the minotaur that piloted this boat? If so, you need not to worry, as his ultimate fate will be, ironically enough, to be eaten by crustaceans" answers Max.


First Post
"Good heavens, no! It's customary in all the lands I have notice to not eat fellow sentient beings barring extreme and extraordinary circumstances, and even then it's said that whoever does so may be cursed with undeath. Even if it's aceptable in these lands -I presume there's a small possibility- I would only do so with great reluctance and only if every other possibility has been exhausted and my very survival depended on it, a situation I very much want to avoid. Were those the intentions of the minotaur that piloted this boat? If so, you need not to worry, as his ultimate fate will be, ironically enough, to be eaten by crustaceans" answers Max.

Tikchik visibly exhales "Oh good. Someone tried to eat me once, some bad men. They knocked me out and took my arm off and boiled it in a big pot. Then they took big hammers and cracked the shell, eating the insides and dipping that in butter. That's how I lost this arm. I had to kill them all, they didn't taste so good. I'm glad you're not like that." the thri-kreen states, holding up his stump.

"What, what's a minotaur?" Tikchik adds

[sblock=Insight DC8]
The thri-kreen is clearly lying about his arm, although the last statement is genuine[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Shut up Tikchik, thank whatever gods you worship that you are still alive." Sheng said, coming to view from between the others. He had teleported on top of the ruined tower, and coming down was not easy. "I'm sick of your lies about how you lost your arm, now move aside." with his usual tender personality, Sheng moves sharply and grabs the bag, inspecting it's contents. as he was there he looks at the insct sideways, as if he was about to answer his question, then sighs and rolls his eyes before getting back to the bag and its contents.

Voidrunner's Codex

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