[Adventure] Lost Love (DM: Velmont - Judge: Renau1g)

[sblock=money]If I find the ritual and components, that will come to 80 gp, so there will still be 220 gp of our advance left over. It would certainly be enough to buy healing potions.[/sblock]

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[sblock=tactics]Yea, Tal's definitely not ranged at all. Anything she can hit an enemy with is a straight melee attack. All the close bursts effect only herself and allies.[/sblock]

[sblock=Tactics]So that's 3 melee and 3 ranged, plus Jarren's Spirit Companion which can be used as a melee blocker to a reasonable extent (although with the nerf to Sudden Call, leading to me dropping the feat, it has lost some of its old manoeuvrability). Quite a nice balance![/sblock]

If I find the ritual and components, that will come to 80 gp, so there will still be 220 gp of our advance left over. It would certainly be enough to buy healing potions.
My understanding - and please correct me if I am wrong, judge or DM, is that while you're in Sharn, you can pretty much find anything in the book.

Are there other rituals that would be useful? Knock, perhaps? That's 175g and takes 35g's worth of reagents, so that would burn up another 210g. Should we do that as well, all? I'm cool with spending the last 10g on more reagents as well, if we want to go that way. Or we could get 4 healing pots and 20g's worth of reagent, which is also fine. What do folks think?[/sblock]
[sblock=tactics]Ah, ok! I'm sorry I didn't realize how ardents played - good to know![/sblock]

[sblock=rituals] I'm down with knock, though it can ruin a good riddle for a DM.[/sblock]

[sblock=shopping]As I didn't spend any of my gold that's sitting in the bank. I can retcon buying some items as well. I've always found use for a few of the consumables, namely Nails of Sealing.[/sblock]
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"I am hunting deers, boars, pheasants... all the usual game you can find in this forest." answers Jasper.

"If that girl is there, but cannot be seen and cannot do anything, it is just like she wasn't there, so why bother to be so superstitious."

Someone knock at door of the cabin. A staff member arrive with fresh drink. "Thanks."

The group travel on the lightning rail and as the arrive in Wroat, coaches wait for them. It is noon when they arrive at the estate. They descend in front of the manor. This manor seems to be over a century old, and looks like to have around fifty rooms in it. A few sign of degradation can be seen on the western part of the building, but the eastern seems to have been refresh during the last few months.

A valet is waiting with a few horses. "The location of the cottage is two to three hours of ride from here. If you want, we can take a break here and eat before going, or we can ride immediately."

[sblock=ooc]Just wanted to let you all know that I won't be around this weekend (July 3-5) or next (8-11), or two weekends after that (22-26). Feel free to NPC my character as needed during those absences.[/sblock]

Unit 16 starts to move toward the horses, but then remembers that others may need to rest or eat.

[sblock=ooc]16 doesn't care about the house at all. :) But if anyone else wants to explore it, he's not in a hurry, either.

Velmont, would you mind if we ret-con a few purchases (like a knock spell) before we go? Everyone else: ok to spend on a spell if that's cool?[/sblock]

Talkrai eyed the horses. They were beautiful animals, but she supposed that someone who did a lot of hunting would have quality animals. She was about to suggest they start right away when her stomach rumbled a bit and she blushed, hoping no one else heard it.

"Food would be great. Breakfast seems to be stretching a little thin," she said sheepishly.

[sblock=ooc]Fine with spending money on a knock spell.[/sblock]

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